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How to Get Motivated Starting Right Now

How to Get Motivated Starting Right Now

September 23, 2022 in Business | 16 comments

We’ve all experienced the dreaded “slump” – that slow-moving period of time when we just don’t have the motivation to do the things we need to do. Sometimes, simply getting motivated can be the hardest part of completing a task or reaching a goal. In this article,...

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How to Be Confident in Life and Business

How to Be Confident in Life and Business

December 28, 2018 in Business | 16 comments

For some of us, appearing confident is a challenge. Walking into a crowded room, meeting new people, or having to lead others are much more difficult when you listen to the little voice in your head that likes to put you down. To make matters worse, low self-confidence could prevent you from...

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How to Start a Business in 13 Steps

How to Start a Business in 13 Steps

September 16, 2022 in Business | 13 comments

Many of us dream of starting our own business. When looking around, it’s tempting to think, “Hey, anyone can do this!” But it’s important to remember that there’s a difference between merely starting a business on paper and setting yourself up for success. Done...

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How to Find Purpose in Your Work & Life

How to Find Purpose in Your Work & Life

December 13, 2018 in Business | 7 comments

When people talk about having a purpose in your professional or personal life, they often sound like a self-help book. However, having a purpose in your work and life can help you become more motivated and push you to go above and beyond. In this article, we’ll talk about why we need goals to...

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How to Get More Energy Starting Today

How to Get More Energy Starting Today

September 15, 2022 in Business | 12 comments

It’s the middle of the day and you already feel like you’re not going to make it without a nap or a shot of caffeine. We’ve all been there, and it’s a bummer. If you find yourself in this situation often, chances are there’s something about your lifestyle that’s...

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How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

September 15, 2022 in Business | 15 comments

Sometimes, we fall into the trap of being jealous of someone else’s success instead of celebrating it. This doesn’t make us bad people, but does mean we could put too much stock in comparing ourselves with others. Quite frankly, this is a surefire way to make yourself feel...

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How to Finish What You Start

How to Finish What You Start

September 19, 2022 in Business | 14 comments

Sometimes, you’ll start a project you’re passionate about, only to drop it halfway through. It’s always sad, but it happens to a lot of people, and it’s often due to compelling reasons. However, in other cases, the roadblocks are solely in our own heads, which can keep us...

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