Introducing the Brand New Divi Nation Meetup Network

Last Updated on September 16, 2022 by 42 Comments

Introducing the Brand New Divi Nation Meetup Network
Blog / Divi Resources / Introducing the Brand New Divi Nation Meetup Network

We are proud to announce the next evolution of Divi Community: the Divi Nation Meetup Network. This network is designed to provide a touch of central organization to an otherwise globally distributed community of web designers, developers, and DIYers using Divi.

Before today we’ve attempted to organize all of our Meetups around the world via our standard Meetup account. Unfortunately, this has some serious limitations. The biggest one being that because our current standard account has its location in San Francisco, California all meetups organized in different cities (by us or community members) are listed in Pacific Standard Time. This has definitely caused its share of confusion for us and meetup attendees in the past–but no more!

And that’s just the beginning of how this will improve the Divi Meetup experience. But before I dive into that, let’s make sure we’re all on the same page.

What Is the Divi Nation Meetup Network?

The Divi Nation Meetup Network is a Meetup Pro account that allows us to link local meetup groups about Divi from all over the world into one, digitally centralized, network. By linking existing Meetup groups to our Pro account we’re able to track global growth and engagement, communicate with all event hosts from one place, and more easily share resources we’ve created for local organizers to use. And best of all, the local group account functions exactly as it’s supposed to 🙂

How to Join the Network

If you already have a Meetup Group for local Divi Meetups or want to start one, the first step is simply to email me at nathan[at] I will share our Meetup Event Host Handbook with you and we will work together to get your local Divi Meetup Group both launched and linked to our new network. Easy as that!

Note: if you’ve already reach out to me in the past about this, don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about you! Until we set up this Pro account there wasn’t much we could do globally with our single San Francisco group. Now that this exists, I’ll be reaching out to all of our past event host volunteers and linking your local groups with our new network. Thank you in advance for your patience!

What to Expect Moving Forward

In the coming months you can expect:

  • Ongoing updates on the growth and engagement of our new global network of local Meetup groups.
  • New resources for local Meetup organizers.
  • A lot more local meetup events (hopefully) near you!

See You Out There!

For some of you this has been a long time coming. Thank you so much for your continued interest in hosting local Divi Meetups. Its definitely unfortunate that until now our lack of experience with Meetup resulted in some confusion and false starts. We learn new things all the time too!

Now that the technical hurdle of trying to use one local group to organize Meetups all over the world is behind us, I’m excited to see the next chapter in Divi Community unfold. See you out there!

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  1. Almost a month later, and there’s still no groups listed on the site other than the one in San Francisco. Bummer. :-/

  2. This is great news. I hope to see something near Lakeland, FL, maybe Tampa or Orlando. Thanks!

  3. Anyone for Sydney, Australia? Jo.

  4. Hello. this sounds great. Anyone in north Jersey?

  5. Anyone around Denver, Colorado?

  6. In South Africa. Non-Profit with 50,000 students (we find them paid part-time work experience and they get money towards fees and family etc). Love to start a Divi Group and give them some tools!

    Anyone in need to tech savvy students. Contact me.

    ps – apologies our site is not in Divi, needed a member theme. Open to suggestions / offers to redo in Divi though!

    • Hey John, please send me an email and let’s work on getting a group going for your students.

    • Hi John, I’m in Cape Town! Would love to make use of those students to help scale my Divi Web Design Agency! Please contact me via my website: and we’ll take it from there. Looking forward to hear from you.

  7. This is some of the best news I’ve heard lately! As co-host for the Milwaukee Divi Nation Meet-up (we call ourselves “Divi Society”), we have been longing for just this kind of support from Divi/Elegant Themes. I’m going to mention the network (and add a link to this post, of course) in our upcoming newsletter.

    Thanks for listening!!

    • Got the newsletter. Love what you’re doing!

  8. Looking forward to this! Let’s get on of these going in Northern VA!

    • Feel free to send me an email and get that started!

  9. Hi Nathan,

    i would like to host a Divi Meetup in Malaysia. How i do that? Im base in Kuala Lumpur.
    I will sent you an email tomorrow.

    Thanks in advance.

    Best Regards.

    • Email received!

  10. Anyone around the North Alabama area a Divi’er?

    I know some folks in Huntsville and Birmingham who do general WP meetups, but I haven’t run into any Divi Nation peeps.

    Give me a yell if you are. I’d love to get one together, myself, probably in Florence or the Shoals. ?

  11. For people who want to join a Divi group but don’t have facebook, I wonder if I create a Divi group site would people be interested? It could be a site where the divi community could chat and give tips etc.

    • We’ve considered opening up an official Divi Slack channel. Is that something you’d be interested in?

    • I would, I don’t have any networking available where I live!

    • That would be awesome !

  12. Anyone in the Toronto, Canada area that wants to do a meetup?

  13. Hey!! Anyone in Barcelona, Spain?? 🙂

    • hi, Ivan, I´m in Barcelona too.

  14. We have just started one in Milwaukee Wi! If you are in the area, we would love to have you! We are on meetup #2… in April 🙂 Tracy & Kim

    • Big fan of your enthusiasm and I’m looking forward to working with you and Kim moving forward 🙂

  15. So how does it work? How will I know if there is a meetup near me?

    • If there is a Divi Nation Meetup near you, for now the best thing to do is search your local meetup groups. However, we do have some ideas as to how we can boost awareness of local meetups.

  16. Anyone in Southwest Florida?

    • I am in South Florida, West Palm Beach…

  17. That is a fantastic idea and I would be interested to start a group here in the UK!

    • Awesome! Shoot me an email and we can get the ball rolling.

  18. This is exciting and I’m looking forward to meet & greets with other DIVIcionados in Florida (Tampa | Orlando | Central FL)

    • Hi Meredith, I share your excitement and live in Tampa. Perhaps, we can get the ball rolling with other DIVIcionados in the area.

      • If you’re interested, shoot me an email and I’ll provide all the essential information to get this going 🙂

  19. Awesome! I’m definitely interested in meeting some other Divi developers in the Los Angeles, CA area! Would love to expand my network and collaborate on some bigger projects.

  20. If anyone wants to set up one in the DFW area, let’s!

    • Feel free to email me and we can set it up!

    • I am in!

  21. Is there a DIVI user group that is not on Facebook? I’d love to find one.
    Thank you

  22. Thank you. I like it when good things come together. Bravo.

  23. It’s good

  24. You have not provided a link or way to join any meetups. When I search for Divi, there is nothing.

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