Elegant Themes Blog

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The 3 Keys to Creating Viral Content

The 3 Keys to Creating Viral Content

April 26, 2015 in Tips & Tricks | 13 comments

Ever since the word “viral” (in relation to content) entered the general lexicon of the internet, achieving it has been the ultimate goal of every person publishing content online. As coveted as this goal has become however, actually “going viral” in any kind of consistent...

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How To Post By Email With WordPress

How To Post By Email With WordPress

May 16, 2024 in Tips & Tricks | 17 comments

What if you wanted to post something to your WordPress site, but you didn’t have the time, or you didn’t want to take the time, to go to your site? Easy! Write a blog post in your email and send it to your site. WordPress will post it for you! Being able to post from email means you can post...

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How to Use the WordPress Twitter Embed Block

How to Use the WordPress Twitter Embed Block

September 22, 2022 in WordPress | 2 comments

The WordPress Twitter embed block lets you embed Twitter posts (i.e., tweets) in your WordPress posts and pages. While this only works for public tweets, it’s helpful to know that you don’t need a Twitter account to use this feature. There are a number of reasons to want to embed a tweet in...

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A Simple Guide to Bulk Editing in WordPress

A Simple Guide to Bulk Editing in WordPress

March 7, 2023 in Tips & Tricks | 7 comments

If you’ve ever had to make changes to a number of published posts on your WordPress website, you probably know the tedium of editing post after post. Fortunately, there is an easier way! WordPress bulk editing allows you to make many changes to your site at once – whether that’s updating the...

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