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6 Best Dropbox Plugins for WordPress

6 Best Dropbox Plugins for WordPress

May 16, 2024 in WordPress | 2 comments

There are a lot of services you can use to back up critical files to the cloud, and Dropbox is one of the most popular options. On top of being a great platform for personal and business file storage, it can also integrate with your website via various Dropbox WordPress plugins. That integration...

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Divi Plugin Highlight – Divi Commerce

Divi Plugin Highlight – Divi Commerce

September 16, 2022 in Divi Resources | 23 comments

WooCommerce and Divi play well together. Divi’s Shop module displays WooCommerce products within your Divi layouts and you can style them to match your site nicely. However, Divi doesn’t style the individual product pages, forms, or login screen. This can make it difficult to style the product...

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Divi Plugin Highlight: WC Product Builder

Divi Plugin Highlight: WC Product Builder

September 21, 2022 in Divi Resources | 30 comments

There’s no question as to the popularity of WooCommerce for WordPress. Even with its popularity, WooCommerce product page design is limited. Even with themes such as Divi and Extra, there isn’t much that can be done to change the layout. Fortunately there are several third-party plugins made...

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WordPress vs Weebly (2024) — Which Is Better?

WordPress vs Weebly (2024) — Which Is Better?

February 13, 2024 in WordPress | 3 comments

Website builders are everywhere these days. WordPress is the dominant platform with well over 1/3 of the internet having been built with it. A slew of other site builders has popped up to demand their fair share of the market though. One of the big players is Weebly, a free service that made a name...

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