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The 11 Best Code Editors Ranked

The 11 Best Code Editors Ranked

September 22, 2022 in Resources | 73 comments

Whether you’re a new web developer or a veteran code junkie, you need a code editor robust enough to handle everything you can throw at it. In fact, that might just be the most important part of your toolset. Since this is an ongoing search for most everyone the field, we wanted to give lay...

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Just How Big is WordPress Exactly?

Just How Big is WordPress Exactly?

May 16, 2024 in Editorial | 21 comments

WordPress is aiming for 50% market share, in Matt Mullenweg’s own words from an interview with Kitchen Sink WordPress: The next goal is the majority of websites. We want to get to 50%+ and there’s a lot of work between now and then. As the percentage increases, it gets harder and harder to...

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