Elegant Themes Blog

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12 Best Divi Child Themes in 2024 (Reviewed)

12 Best Divi Child Themes in 2024 (Reviewed)

January 24, 2024 in Divi Resources | 1 comment

Divi child themes are collections of fully-designed layouts for Divi that you can implement on your website to kickstart your design process. You can use many child themes right out of the box, and you can have a fully designed website ready to launch by simply replacing the content with your own....

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Converting HTML Sites to WordPress Sites

Converting HTML Sites to WordPress Sites

April 26, 2023 in Tips & Tricks | 64 comments

In the beginning (of the web) all websites were made with nothing but text and static HTML. Now though, over 20 years later, the web is a much different place. Websites are much more complex. They provide richer and more enjoyable experiences for site creators and visitors alike. This is in large...

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How to Fix a Missing Sidebar in WordPress

How to Fix a Missing Sidebar in WordPress

September 20, 2022 in Tips & Tricks | 14 comments

Every now and then crazy things happen within WordPress that cause your site’s layout to delete your sidebar, or do something else strange like move it under your content or to the footer. The WordPress missing sidebar is usually just the result of misplaced code. Sometimes it’s caused by a...

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WordPress vs Weebly (2024) — Which Is Better?

WordPress vs Weebly (2024) — Which Is Better?

February 13, 2024 in WordPress | 3 comments

Website builders are everywhere these days. WordPress is the dominant platform with well over 1/3 of the internet having been built with it. A slew of other site builders has popped up to demand their fair share of the market though. One of the big players is Weebly, a free service that made a name...

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