Elegant Themes Blog

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8 Divi Child Themes for Life Coaches

8 Divi Child Themes for Life Coaches

January 4, 2023 in Divi Resources | 1 comment

Many life coaches have turned to Divi to build their online platform. Of course, it makes sense why they would use Divi- it includes everything needed to show your services, testimonials, blog about your field, and communicate with potential clients. Fortunately, you don’t have to build your life...

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9 Divi Child Themes for Events and Meetups

9 Divi Child Themes for Events and Meetups

January 23, 2023 in Divi Resources | 5 comments

Divi is a great choice to create websites for events and meetups. There are lots of ways to create your design and you can add the specific features your website needs. There are even several Divi child themes for events and meetups to help you get started. In this article, we’ll take a look at 9...

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The Elegant Themes 2017 Year In Review

The Elegant Themes 2017 Year In Review

September 16, 2022 in Community | 23 comments

Sometimes it’s hard to recall or understand the scope of what you’ve done in a year unless you document it. I know in the past when I’ve written year in review posts (mostly focused on the content side of things and Divi releases) that it always surprised me just how much we were...

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5 Best Printing Plugins for WordPress

5 Best Printing Plugins for WordPress

January 17, 2023 in WordPress | 7 comments

Creating a printer-friendly version of your site can help make your content more shareable. However, choosing the best plugin for printing can be a little challenging. The key is to select a tool that contains the features you’re looking for and is available at a price you can afford. In this...

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