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How To Build A Coupon Site With WordPress

How To Build A Coupon Site With WordPress

January 20, 2023 in Resources | 28 comments

Who doesn’t love saving money? We live in a time where pinching pennies isn’t just for frugal moms anymore. Not only do we want to save money, but most of us have to for one reason or another. But what’s even better than saving money? What about making money from helping others save it?...

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My Wonderful WordPress Life

My Wonderful WordPress Life

September 16, 2022 in Customer Spotlight | 71 comments

My name is Babs and I love my WordPress life. I run my own business developing websites for small business clients, but the route that got me here hasn’t always been smooth or easy, and certainly doesn’t follow any career path that you can imagine! Geeky Beginnings I have always been a geek. In...

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What to Expect in WordPress 4.7

What to Expect in WordPress 4.7

September 21, 2022 in General News | 18 comments

As the expected WordPress 4.7 release draws nearer, we thought it would be helpful to give you a quick rundown of everything you can expect in the upcoming WordPress 4.7 release. From a new default theme, to video headers and starter content, WordPress 4.7 will bring some great new features to this...

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