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5 UX Design Trends You Should Be Aware Of

5 UX Design Trends You Should Be Aware Of

September 19, 2022 in Resources | 28 comments

A good UX design is essential to increasing the effectiveness of the emotion, intuition and delight a visitor feels when navigating a website. Statistics on UX design reveal: Only 55 percent of companies conduct any online UX testing. (source) 88 percent of visitors informed they are less likely...

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How and Why You Should Market to Generation Z

How and Why You Should Market to Generation Z

January 3, 2023 in Marketing | 0 comments

Generation Z is defined by those born between 1995 or ’98 and 2010, but to simplify, let’s just say that Gen Z was born between the mid-90s and 2010. That means Gen Z is made up of guys and girls between the ages of 9 and 24. According to this study from WP Engine, 55% of Gen Z is dying to get...

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What Is Lighttpd Web Server?

What Is Lighttpd Web Server?

April 20, 2023 in WordPress | 3 comments

Lighttpd (pronounced “Lighty”) is high-performance web server software designed for speed, security, and flexibility. It can be an excellent option for environments with minimal resources, dynamic websites, or diverse applications. However, you might be wondering what makes it different...

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A Forecast of 2016 Web Design Trends

A Forecast of 2016 Web Design Trends

September 22, 2022 in Resources | 37 comments

Web design trends change rapidly. They come and go. Websites today follow very different trends than they did just a year ago. As web designers, it’s helpful to know what the current and upcoming trends are. It can help you stay ahead of the competition and it can help you meet your client’s...

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