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How to Use the WordPress Reddit Embed Block

How to Use the WordPress Reddit Embed Block

September 15, 2022 in WordPress | 1 comment

Reddit is the place to be if you’re interested in…well, anything really. This user-created social news aggregator is, in layman’s terms, a website that has forums on any topic, subtopic and sub-subtopic you can think of. Whether it’s smart, silly, spooky or SMH-worthy, Reddit’s got a...

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How To Manage The WordPress Sidebar

How To Manage The WordPress Sidebar

September 16, 2022 in Tips & Tricks | 27 comments

Sidebars can be a confusing term in WordPress. This is mostly because in the context of themes and web design, the sidebar is a component of a website’s layout. But in WordPress, sidebar can also refer to dynamic sidebars, or widgetized areas. These are blocks of space where you can drag and...

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Divi Plugin Highlight: Divi Ajax Filter

Divi Plugin Highlight: Divi Ajax Filter

December 25, 2022 in Divi Resources | 0 comments

Divi Ajax Filter is a third-party plugin that adds several new modules to the Divi Builder. These modules work together to create simple or complex filters. Divi Ajax Filter works with pages, posts, projects, and custom post types such as WooCommerce products and Advanced Custom Fields. In this...

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How to Fix a Missing Sidebar in WordPress

How to Fix a Missing Sidebar in WordPress

September 20, 2022 in Tips & Tricks | 14 comments

Every now and then crazy things happen within WordPress that cause your site’s layout to delete your sidebar, or do something else strange like move it under your content or to the footer. The WordPress missing sidebar is usually just the result of misplaced code. Sometimes it’s caused by a...

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How to Get More Followers on Instagram

How to Get More Followers on Instagram

May 29, 2023 in Tips & Tricks | 20 comments

Love it or hate it, Instagram is a major force in marketing these days. It’s no longer a social network for just the cool kids. Instagram has hit the mainstream, and that’s excellent news for you. Like anything else going mainstream, coming in late can feel impossible. Playing catch-up...

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How to Use the WordPress Spotify Embed Block

How to Use the WordPress Spotify Embed Block

September 15, 2022 in WordPress | 3 comments

The WordPress Spotify embed block lets you add all sorts of musical goodies to your WordPress posts and pages. You can embed albums, playlists, podcasts or tracks, and anyone will be able to listen to them when visiting your site. They’ll hear a 30-second preview before being prompted to take the...

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