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How to Use the Newest Products WooCommerce Block

How to Use the Newest Products WooCommerce Block

September 12, 2023 in WordPress | 1 comment

If you’re constantly adding new products to your online store, you’ll need to find an effective way to promote them. This can help keep your site fresh and active, and may also lead to more sales. Fortunately, the Newest Products WooCommerce block enables you to easily display your latest items...

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LaterPay WordPress Plugin Overview & Review

LaterPay WordPress Plugin Overview & Review

March 23, 2023 in WordPress | 7 comments

Getting paid for your work can be hard. If you’re a content creator, there’s a high chance you’ve been low-balled on a number of projects. Or worse, you’ve been asked to write for exposure. Two of the more successful ways of monetizing your content creation are Patreon or...

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Divi Plugin Highlight: Divi Monk

Divi Plugin Highlight: Divi Monk

September 16, 2022 in Divi Resources | 21 comments

Divi Monk is a third-party plugin that connects to a cloud-based template library for Divi. It provides access to professionally designed layouts, sections, and modules that are designed with lead-generation in mind. Choose the layouts you want from the selection screen and import them into your...

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What Is Google Lighthouse and How to Use It?

What Is Google Lighthouse and How to Use It?

September 2, 2022 in WordPress | 5 comments

As a website owner, maximizing your site’s Search Engine Optimization (SEO), accessibility, and performance is of utmost importance. However, to tackle these factors as efficiently as possible, it’s crucial to adopt the right tools and techniques. One of the most innovative solutions...

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