Elegant Themes Blog

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5 Divi Child Themes for Veterinarians

5 Divi Child Themes for Veterinarians

January 4, 2023 in Divi Resources | 0 comments

Divi is a great choice to build high-quality websites for any type of animal care. Divi makes it easy to show your services, products, testimonials, contact information, and lots more. Fortunately, you don’t have to build the website from scratch. There are lots of layouts and child themes to...

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How to Use the WordPress Latest Comments Block

How to Use the WordPress Latest Comments Block

January 25, 2023 in WordPress | 3 comments

Most blogs that have comments sections place them beneath each post. With this placement, visitors are encouraged to express their opinions and questions right after reading articles. However, WordPress enables you to display these discussions anywhere you want using the Latest Comment block. We...

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Divi Plugin Highlight: Battle Suit for Divi

Divi Plugin Highlight: Battle Suit for Divi

March 21, 2023 in Divi Resources | 10 comments

Battle Suit for Divi is a third-party plugin that provides a collection of Divi Builder Modules, Divi Extensions, Tweaks, WordPress Widgets, and more, that add new features to Divi. It’s a modular system that’s highly expandable. The plugin itself is free and it can be expanded with lots of...

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How To Customize The WordPress Login Page

How To Customize The WordPress Login Page

September 22, 2022 in Tips & Tricks | 51 comments

The WordPress login is one of the most used pages in the WordPress admin. Though simple and clean, it is heavily branded WordPress. However, most new users and clients do not need to know about the underlying software your site runs on. If you are handing off the site to a client, or if you are...

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