Save To The Cloud

Save Your Favorite Layouts, Headers, Footers, Content Blocks & Theme Builder Templates To Divi Cloud

Divi Layouts, sections, rows, modules and Theme Builder templates can all be saved to Divi Cloud. You can save content directly from pages you are building, sync items from your local Divi Library, and bulk upload Divi layout exports directly into your Divi Cloud. It’s easy to build and manage your Divi Cloud library while you work.

Divi Cloud

Access Anywhere

When You Start A New Website, All Of Your Cloud Items Are Waiting For You Inside The Visual Builder

Every layout and content element you save to Divi Cloud becomes instantly available on all of the websites you build, right inside the Visual Builder. You can create new websites more quickly than ever using your library of premade elements. No need to export and import Divi layouts from one website to another. No need to organize .JSON files on your computer and share them over email or chat. Now your layouts are organized and available when you need, where you need them.

Divi Cloud Interface

Organize Your Library

Organize Your Divi Cloud Items Into Categories, Folders, And Favorites, And Manage Everything Inside The Visual Builder

Your entire Divi Cloud library can be managed inside the Visual Builder. You can save, edit, delete, restore, rename, copy, preview, categorize, tag and favorite layouts without leaving the builder. With your favorite layouts categorized and organized into folders, it’s easy to locate layouts and import them directly onto the page you are currently building.

Divi Cloud Organization

Browse Visually

Items Saved To The Cloud Are Easier To Browse Because Divi Generates Screenshots For Each Layout

When you save layouts to Divi Cloud, we automatically generate thumbnail images and full-size screenshots for each. Divi's cloud service does all the work for you. Now you can browse through your Divi Library visually, instead of relying on file names and post titles to find the design you are looking for. This makes things so much easier!

Divi Cloud Screenshots

Unlimited Cloud Storage For Your Entire Team

Let Everyone On Your Divi Team Manage Their Own Cloud Library

If you are a Divi Cloud subscriber, every person on your Divi Team gets unlimited Divi Cloud storage for free!

Divi Cloud

Collaborate With Your Team In The Cloud

Share Libraries With Team Members And Control The Permissions Granted To Each

Divi Cloud and Divi Teams work seamlessly together. Team members can share their libraries with each other and control the permissions granted to each person. This allows your team to work together on the same collection of assets. You can even share libraries with your clients to add extra value to your web design package.

Divi Cloud Sharing

Build Websites Faster

Divi Cloud is a no-brainer and instant time-saver for freelancers and agencies building multiple Divi websites. Divi Cloud pays for itself on day one!

Jump-start Your Next Divi Website With Your Favorite Divi Layouts, Modules, Rows and Sections

Divi Cloud is a no-brainer and instant time-saver for freelancers and agencies building multiple Divi websites. Every time you start a new website, all of your saved Divi layouts and content elements are waiting for you inside the builder.

Divi Coud Login

Save Theme Builder Template Sets To The Cloud And Get New Websites Off The Ground In No-Time

Theme Builder Templates and Templates Sets (bundles of templates) can be saved to Divi Cloud and accessed on every new website you build. Save your favorite template sets to the cloud and then use them to spin up new client websites faster than ever!

Theme Builder Divi Cloud

Save Your Favorite CSS, JavaScript, And HTML Snippets And Access Your Code Library From Any Website

You can save all of your favorite code snippets to Divi Cloud for easy access inside the Divi code editors. Whenever you start a new website, all of your favorite customization can be quickly applied within the Divi code editors.

Code Snippet Divi Cloud

No More Time Wasted Exporting, Importing And Sharing JSON Files Over Email Or Chat

Divi Cloud takes the headache out of managing your favorite Divi layouts and content blocks. Now there is no need to export your favorite layouts from one website to another, no need to archive your favorite layouts on your computer and no need to share .JSON files to your team over email or chat. Your favorite layouts and content are now available inside the Visual Builder on every website you build.

Divi Coud Connectivity

Stop Searching For Layouts On Your Computer Or Localhost Without Any Live Previews And Screenshots

Curating a library of premade Divi layouts and content blocks can be a major hassle. One option is to create a central library on a local WordPress installation to house all of your layouts as posts, and then export them and import them as necessary. Another option is to save all of your favorite Divi exports as .JSON files on your computer. Both of these options lack proper organization and visualization, making it hard to find the layout you are looking for and cumbersome to actually use the layout. Divi Cloud solves those problems and speeds up your workflow.

Divi Cloud Storage

Divi Cloud Features

Unlimited Storage

Unlimited Layout Storage

The Divi Cloud membership comes with unlimited storage and unlimited usage. Save as many items to the cloud as you like for a small monthly fee and use them on any website. No limits!


Safe & Secure

Divi Cloud is authenticated in your browser using your Elegant Themes username and password. You can use Divi cloud on any website without giving your clients or their website access.


Automatic Screenshots

When you save a layout to Divi Cloud, Divi takes a screenshot automatically and saves it to the cloud so that you can find your layouts more easily while browsing the list.


Never Leave The Builder

Divi Cloud lives right inside the Visual Builder. You can manage your Divi Cloud items and access them while you are building a page. Your layouts are always right where you need them.


Simple To Browse

Browsing Divi Cloud is so much easier than browse a list of posts in the WordPress dashboard or a list of files on your computer. Search, filter, switch view modes and re-order the list. It's easy!


Better Layout Organization

Divi Cloud makes it easy to organize your layouts. You can create folders and organize items into categories. You can easily search and filter your entire collection inside the builder.


Easy Layout Upload

It's easy to get your layouts onto the cloud. You can sync items from any website, save layouts directly from the page, or you can export and upload you entire collection of hundreds of layouts at once.


Layout Favorites

Keep track of your favorite premade Divi layouts. When you are logged in to Divi Cloud, Divi will remember you favorites so that you can fine them more easily.

Feature Roadmap

We Are Just Getting Started With Divi Cloud. Soon, You Will Be Able To Save Much More Than Layouts!

Subscribe for Product Updates
Coming Soon Theme Cloud Libraries
Coming Soon

Divi Cloud Libraries

Divi Cloud power user? Take productivity to the next level by grouping your cloud assets into organized libraries.

Coming Soon Customizer Cloud
Coming Soon

Theme Customizer Settings

Save and store Theme Customizer configurations right to your cloud for easy reuse across all of your sites.

Coming Soon Presets Cloud
Coming Soon

Divi Builder Presets

Take the magic of design presets and power them up by storing them on your cloud to be used while building any Divi website.

Coming Soon Theme Options Cloud
Coming Soon

Theme Options

Take Divi’s array of theme options and export custom configurations to your Divi cloud.

Coming Soon Integrations Cloud
Coming Soon

3rd-Party Integrations

Take the content you build on 3rd party plugins and save it to your cloud for easy reuse. Think saving contact forms built with a contact form plugin, or events built with a calendar plugin.

Coming Soon Sites Cloud
Coming Soon

Website Exports

Export entire websites to the cloud for the ultimate quick start experience when building new websites.

Coming Soon Themes and Plugins Cloud
Coming Soon

Child Themes & Plugins

Use Divi Cloud as a central storage hub for all of your favorite Divi Child Themes, and Plugins.

Coming Soon Colors and Fonts Cloud
Coming Soon

Fonts and Colors

Save custom fonts and pre-made color palettes to the Cloud so you don’t have to go searching for those font files and hex values over and over again.

Coming Soon Builder Settings Cloud
Coming Soon

Divi Builder Settings

Take your preferred Divi Builder settings on the go and import them at the start of every new site build.

Get 40% Off Today

It's the Divi Anniversary Sale! Save Big Before The Sale Ends.

Divi Cloud pricing is simple. A small monthly fee grants you and your team members unlimited storage and use on unlimited websites. You can save unlimited items to the cloud and access them from any website. You also get all future Divi Cloud updates for free. We have a lot planned for Divi Cloud!

This Sale Ends In...

New To Divi?

Get Divi Pro, which comes with Divi and all our Pro Services, including unlimited Divi Cloud storage.

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Save 78%
Divi Pro
If you purchase Divi Pro today, you get access to Divi plus its extended ecosystem of pro services at a significant discount. The bundle saves you $689 per year when compared to purchasing each service individually. If you don't use a particular service, you can cancel it and reduce your Divi Pro price.

$16.58 / Month

Billed Yearly At $199 Per Year
Normally $888 Per Year
Save $689 Sign Up Today!
Who is this for?

Web professionals who want to build unlimited Divi websites for their clients faster with powerful AI tools, cloud storage and VIP support.

Learn More
  • Divi Theme & Builder You get full access to Divi, the ultimate WordPress theme and page builder , including use on unlimited websites.
  • Includes All Divi Features All of Divi's features are included. You get access to every design setting, module and layout. Divi AI and Divi Cloud are subject to freemium limits.
  • Divi Quick Sites With AI With AI Generate unlimitd Divi websites using Quick Sites. Spin up new sites in less than 2 minutes using hand-crafted starter sites. Generate entire websites using Divi AI
  • 300+ Website Packs Divi comes with hundreds of beautifully designed layout packs that you can use to jump-start just about any type of website.
  • Unlimited Website Usage Unlimited Website Usage Build without limits! Use Divi to build unlimited websites for you and your clients without ever needing to purchase an additional license.
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Divi Dash
  • Manage Unlimited Sites Add unlimited sites to the Divi Dash site manager. Manage updates, themes, plugins, users and other maintenance tasks across all your websites in one convenient location.
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Divi AI
  • Unlimited Layout, Text, Image, & Code Generation Enhance your WordPress workflow with a suite of powerful AI tools. Generate stunning images, write fantastic content and customize your website with AI-generate code fine-tuned on the Divi module codebase.
  • AI Website Builder Generate unlimited Divi websites using Divi Quick Sites, including fully automated website setup and AI-powered page, content and image creation.
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Divi Cloud
  • Unlimited Cloud Storage Divi Cloud is like Dropbox for Divi. Store your most-used Divi assets, such as layouts, theme builder templates and code snippets in the cloud so that you can access them on every new website you build!
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Divi VIP
  • 24/7 Premium Support in 30min or less Get the white glove treatment. VIP members get all of their support questions answered within 30 minutes around the clock, and typically much faster than that!
  • 10% Off in the Divi Marketplace Divi VIP pays for itself in savings! Get an additional 10% off every purchase you make in the Divi Marketplace.
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Divi Teams
  • Invite 4 Team Members Grant your team members and clients access to your full range of Divi services for a fraction of the cost of a normal membership. Collaborate and share assets in Divi Cloud.
Signup Bonus
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Divi Marketplace
  • $50 Divi Marketplace Credit Your first Divi Marketplace purchase is on us! Get this one-time signup bonus and spend $50 in the Divi Marketplace for free. You can unlock hundreds of new Divi modules and thousands of layouts in the Divi Marketplace.
Learn More
DonDivi Collection
  • $170 Worth Of Divi Extensions Get the entire DonDivi collection, including the top-selling family of DiviMenus modules, and the DonDivi Builder, including eight unique modules.
  • 24/7 VIP Support Divi VIP members get their questions answered in 30 minutes or less around the clock! Put us in your corner and let us help you run a successful web design business.
  • Extra, Bloom & Monarch The Extra Magazine Theme, Monarch social sharing plugin and Bloom email optin plugin are included at no additional cost.
  • Risk Free Guarantee Risk-Free Guarantee We offer a 30-day money back guarantee on all purchases. If you are not happy with your membership, we will refund your purchase. No questions asked.
Save 78% With Divi Pro

Already A Divi User?

You can add Divi Cloud to your membership. You can also bundle additional services during checkout to unlock significant discounts!

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Divi Cloud Unlimited

Save 40%

$ 4.83 / Month

Billed Yearly At $58 Per Year
Normally $96 Per Year
Sign Up Today! Save $38
Who is this for?

If you are already a Divi customer and want to unlock unlimited Divi Cloud storage for you and your entire team. Enjoy unlimited usage on unlimited websites.

Divi Cloud
  • Unlimited Cloud Storage Unlock unlimited Divi Cloud usage. Store unlimited items and access Divi Cloud on unlimited websites!
Signup Bonus
Learn More
DonDivi Collection
  • $170 Worth Of Divi Extensions Get the entire DonDivi collection, including the top-selling family of DiviMenus modules, and the DonDivi Builder, including eight unique modules for free with your purchase!.
  • Divi Cloud For All Team Members All of your team members get to use Divi Cloud to store unlimited items for free!
  • Risk Free Guarantee Risk-Free Guarantee We offer a 30-day money back guarantee on all purchases. If you are not happy with your membership, we will refund your purchase. No questions asked.
Want Divi Cloud + everything else? Upgrade to
Divi Pro
When you upgrade to Divi Pro, your existing services are re-bundled into a single subscription along with Divi AI, Divi VIP, Divi Cloud and 4 Divi Teams seats at a significant discount. It's the best way to save, and the best way to experience everything Divi has to offer. In some cases, upgrading to Divi Pro will reduce your subscription cost!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does the Elegant Themes membership come with Divi Cloud?

    All Elegant Themes members can use Divi Cloud for free to store up to 50 items. To unlock unlimited storage for you and your team, you can sign up for a Divi Cloud membership.

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  • Can I use Divi Cloud without an Elegant Themes membership?

    No, Divi Cloud is part of the Divi Theme and you must be an Elegant Themes customer to use both Divi and Divi Cloud. Sign Up Today!

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  • What types of things can I save to Divi Cloud?

    You can store Divi Layouts, Sections, Rows, Modules, Theme Builder Templates, Theme Builder Template Sets and Code Snippets to your Divi Cloud. But that's just the beginning! We are expanding Divi Cloud to work with all aspects of your WordPress website. Check out the roadmap below for more info.

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  • Can I try Divi Cloud for free before I buy a membership?

    Sure! Divi Cloud can be used for free by all Elegant Themes customers to store up to 50 items. If you enjoy Divi Cloud, you can sign up for a membership to unlock unlimited storage.

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  • What is the difference between monthly and annual billing?

    Monthly subscriptions are billed monthly and can be canceled at any time. Annual subscriptions are billed annually. With the annual membership, you pay up front for 12 months of Divi Cloud and in exchange you get 25% off your membership forever.

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  • What happens to my Divi Cloud items if my membership expires?

    If your Divi Cloud membership is canceled, we will hold on to your Divi Cloud items for 6 months in case you change your mind and want to use Divi Cloud again. You can also export your items from Divi Cloud and save them locally before you cancel your membership.

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  • Who is Divi Cloud for?

    Divi Cloud is a no-brainer for anyone who builds and manages multiple Divi websites. Divi Cloud was built for web design professionals, such as Divi freelancers and agencies, who want to improve their workflow and make building new websites for their clients easier.

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Get Divi Cloud Today