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Divi Builder PHP Hooks

Learn about the PHP hooks that are available in Divi Builder features.

Conditional Display


Filters every rendered module output for processing “Display Conditions” option group.

Type: Filter
Since: 4.13.1

Param Type Description
$output string HTML output of the rendered module.
$render_method string The render method used to render the module.
$this ET_Builder_Element The current instance of ET_Builder_Element.


Filters “Display Conditions” option visibility to determine whether to add its field to the Visual Builder or not. Useful for displaying/hiding the option on the Visual Builder.

Type: Filter
Since: 4.13.1

Param Type Description
$default_status boolean True to make the option visible on VB, False to make it hidden.


Filters “Display Conditions” functionality to determine whether to enable or disable the functionality or not. Useful for disabling/enabling “Display Condition” feature site-wide.

Type: Filter
Since: 4.13.1

Param Type Description
$default_status boolean True to enable the functionality, False to disable it.
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