20 Stunning Background Images To Use In Your WordPress Website, For Free!

Last Updated on September 14, 2022 by 164 Comments

20 Stunning Background Images To Use In Your WordPress Website, For Free!
Blog / Freebie Of The Week / 20 Stunning Background Images To Use In Your WordPress Website, For Free!

Ever stuck without the right photo for a blog post or a parallax background, but don’t want to use a flat color? It’s common for our users to struggle with finding great imagery to use in our themes, so we’ve designed a set of 1920px by 1080px images that will solve that very problem. Take a look at how they can be used in our themes, download them below, and use them anywhere for anything. These images are released as Open Source under the GPL (GNU General Public License) 2.0. Enjoy!

Download The Package

Preview The Complete Set

This set of background images includes 12 different background textures and multiple color variations for a total of 20 unique looks. Below is a small preview of each design. Click the thumbnails to see complete image.


Examples Of Backgrounds In Our Themes

Almost all of our themes incorporate a possible background image of some kind. Whether it be the main background image of the website, the background image of a slider on the homepage, or just a nice texture for a post thumbnail, these images can be incorporate for wonderful results. Here are some examples of how these images might be used in our themes:


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  1. Awesome patterns!
    Can these be used in a commercial android app? Does the license need to be included with the images?

  2. Great backgorunds! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Thank you sooo much for the images.

  4. thanks >..!

  5. Awesome sets of backgrounds! Very stylish and elegant colors!
    They are just what I needed. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. These background images are so stylish and elegant indeed, they would put the finishing touch to my wordpress posts! Feel inspired to use them!

  7. Hey! Thanks for this awesome gift.Just downloaded them and will be applying them in my projects very soon. Thanks

  8. These are awesome! Cheers.

  9. Awesome sets of backgrounds! Very stylish and elegant colors! Would love to try out the themes!

  10. Thanks You so much…

    I was searching for backgrounds and got it here … <3

  11. I LOVE YOU!

    Thank you so much!

  12. Thanks a bunch! They are just what I needed. ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. Thank you Nick Roach for keeping it free, These images are really stunning.

  14. Thanks for sharing, you are the open source spirit! ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. Nice backgrounds! I can’t wait to try them out..

  16. Just amazing!!!!!!!! Thank you very much.

  17. Can I use an image as a background for my commercial product?

    • Yep, you can use them for any purpose.

  18. Amazing backgrounds. Just applied the first one of the package. Looks stunning. Thanks a lot for sharing ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. Thank you, they’re stunning!

  20. Hi Nick!

    I downloaded these images earlier this evening and after I installed one, it has now overwritten my home page button and is taking my readers to some Cialis link. Is it possible that your images have been hacked and have code written into them? If you need to see what I am taling about, you can go to my site. I have deleted the image but it is still there and if you click the home button you will get the cialis link

  21. Thank you, these are great! We appreciate all the free goodies. I agree with Sonia, this is the best investment ever!

  22. Awesome! Where i can find the single tile? So i can use it in repeat mode in less bytes.

    • On September 19, 2013 the author said this about the images:

      September 19, 2013

      These images are intended to be used as Featured Images in WordPress, which do not support repeating backgrounds. They are also re-sized and cropped, so the initial size of the image doesnโ€™t matter so much. Furthermore, even though some have patterns, the images itself is not repeatable due to the varying values throughout the image.
      If you plan on using the image as a background for the entire website, then you can simply size down the images in Photoshop before you use them. I think itโ€™s better to provide the largest resolution in the package so that they can be sized down to whatever size you find necessary. You canโ€™t size things up ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. As usual, your products are marvelous!

  24. Thanks for this great package!

  25. Awesome backgrouund image. Thanks you

  26. Thanks guys!

  27. Very Nice looking set of backgrounds! Iโ€™m not a huge fan of many patterns but these are nice! thank you

  28. Dude, many thanks for these LOVELY web backgrounds! I’m about to put them to gooood use. You rock!!

  29. for the noob designer … could you help explain how to use divi and get the example you list above, where the image goes to the top of the page and goes behind the menu and logo. thanks

  30. Wow, thank you. Awesome backgrouund image.

  31. wow* I like all backgrounds images and themes. Thanks Admin.. ๐Ÿ™‚

  32. Thanks for sharing this great background images!

  33. Thanks For Sharing..

  34. bg3 is awesome

  35. What is the name of the social media slider on the left side of this page and how do I get something like this on my site?

  36. finally i got backgroun images from a wonderful website infoforever

  37. Finally, some free to use backgrounds. Very much appreciated. Thanks so much ๐Ÿ™‚ [Sharing Is Caring] {SPREAD THE WORD}

  38. Sweet Backgrounds. Thanks.

  39. Lovely!! Thank you so much!

  40. Nice pack of backgrounds, I’m going to use this for my themes background. Thank you for sharing.

  41. Thank you!

  42. Awesome.
    Thanks a lot.

  43. This is such a public service. Thank you!

  44. I am loving them all. Keep ’em coming.

  45. great designs! thanks!

  46. What a beautiful gift to share! Love โ€˜em

  47. Can i use this with my wordpress custombackground?

  48. Amazing, thanks!!

  49. Thank you!!!

  50. beautiful ๐Ÿ™‚

  51. Excellent. Just what I needed for a quick coming soon job I am doing. Thanks man.

  52. this is really amazing ,Thanks

  53. Thanks for posting these background images. Downloaded and hope to use these images in my next project very soon.

  54. Thx a ton… I am a noob designing my own site and this was really helpful!!

  55. really nice collection keep it up thanks for sharing

  56. Sweet collection, this would look nice on any site background.

  57. A good background for my website!

  58. Awesome ๐Ÿ™‚

  59. Awesome! Thank you very much, is very useful

  60. Wow, pure quality! Beautiful work. Thank you!!

  61. Love em, thanks so much… completely love your comment look, such as the soft buttons and the whole theme of the site! ๐Ÿ™‚

  62. I have to say only one thing….Thanks..!!

  63. Thank you so much! It’s amazing ๐Ÿ™‚

  64. Super! Thanks

  65. Thnx elegant for this nice backgrounds! ๐Ÿ™‚

  66. Thank you Very much …..these all the Background are just awesome………..
    I download all the package..

  67. Thank you for the beautiful images

  68. this is just…I even have no premium resources to be this good like your backgrounds here. Thank you for sharing this for free. Instead of having 9999999999+ average backgrounds I can really rely on those – look beautifull, good job !

  69. Thank you so much for this. I am so thankful that this is available.

  70. Man, these are some awesome backgrounds … thanks so much ๐Ÿ˜‰

  71. This is really amazing. I have download the all package. Thanks for share.

    • finally i got backgroun images from a wonderful website WordPresskb

  72. Lovely! Thanks for sharing.

  73. hi
    very good!
    i like ๐Ÿ˜‰

  74. Amazing! Thank you!

  75. I just found this while doing a search for backgrounds. I missed it when it was originally posted. I was happy to find it here at my favorite theme developer’s blog!

  76. Woowww, it’s amazing… i’m very like it…

  77. Only one word “Awesome”


  79. wow! fantastic i really like these .

  80. These are fantastic – thank you!

  81. Hi,

    What I should write in my site if I use an image of these? Furthermore should I upload a GPL V2 License together? I am a bit confused. Thanks!

  82. Awesome background. Already downloaded it one for my beloved blog. Thanks so much.

  83. Oh my god these are gorgeous! Nice collection you found there, love the one with the violet touch ๐Ÿ™‚ instant download ๐Ÿ˜€

  84. Awesome, recently EE posted many design-related stuffs, and I love them all. Keep them coming.

  85. Thank you very much!

  86. Really useful!!! Keep them coming!

  87. Absolutely phantastic, thanks

  88. Hi
    very excellent
    Good luck

  89. Really useful. Thanks a lot.

  90. Gorgeous work with great colors and attention to detail. Thank you very much!

  91. Cool backgrounds thanks for sharing! But Im also gonna use them as me pc backgrounds also! Some of them are really awesome!

  92. Great! I was just looking for some backgroungs! Just in time! Thank you.

  93. Woo! Free backgrounds! Thanks Nick!

  94. These are beautiful backgrounds, Thanks for sharing!

  95. Really nice work, I might think about using one of these on my new website.


  96. Very Nice looking set of backgrounds! I’m not a huge fan of many patterns but these are nice! thank you!

  97. I actually just used one of these backgrounds on a new website I’m building right now. Great timing! Thanks for giving so much.

  98. Great WALLPAPERS for me, thanks! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  99. Beautiful – thanks so much!

  100. Thanks, ET. These’ll come in handy!

  101. Awesome design…

    Download it…fabulous…

  102. I’m loving it but have a suggestion that would help with the large file size problem that all the images with textures have:

    Why not break the images up into two (or maybe three) layers? The under layer would be the illuminated gradient (like #4) which is <50Kb. The over layer would be the texture pattern which is small (a few Kb in a .png file) if you allow it to simply be a repeating pattern.

    You can then leverage CSS's ability to have multiple background images as described here: http://css-tricks.com/stacking-order-of-multiple-backgrounds/

    That would get most of these images down under 50 or 60Kb and even add to the flexibility of the package.

    All in all, though, THANKS!

    • These images are intended to be used as Featured Images in WordPress, which do not support repeating backgrounds. They are also re-sized and cropped, so the initial size of the image doesn’t matter so much. Furthermore, even though some have patterns, the images itself is not repeatable due to the varying values throughout the image.

      If you plan on using the image as a background for the entire website, then you can simply size down the images in Photoshop before you use them. I think it’s better to provide the largest resolution in the package so that they can be sized down to whatever size you find necessary. You can’t size things up ๐Ÿ™‚

      • What I should write in my site if I use an image of these?

  103. There is a reason I gladly pay to stay in subscription. Even though this is free, this should be an indication of what this company can do. Worth every cent!


  104. Wow, this is such a wonderful assortment to be giving away.

    When did you start having weekly giveaways?

  105. Thanks guys. They really look great.
    Will let you know where I used them…

  106. wow, this was so very nice of you guys. I didn’t even know you had a weekly giveaway and I’ve been getting your stuff for over a year now.

    Thank you very much!!
    blessed be,
    ~elaine ossipov.

  107. Thank you! You guys are awesome!

  108. Awesome tricks Nick!!! Thanks for share, such excellent designs.

  109. Great! Thanks!

  110. Awesome!! Appreciate your thoughtfulness very much…
    Keep up the good work!

  111. Great stuff Nick! You’re making it a whole lot easier for me to decide to renew my subscription. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

  112. Fantastic..and Thank you so much for sharing such fabulous backgrounds for free! Keep Rocking Team..You are the best!!!

  113. Thanks for offering these! They are awesome!

  114. great thank you for these! very useful ๐Ÿ™‚

  115. Nice backgrounds, thanks. Hey, the 3 sample home pages you show – one is Chameleon, what are the other 2?

    • Harmony and Fusion ๐Ÿ™‚

  116. Great, very pretty design.

    Thanks a lot.

  117. Elegant Themes is the best investment I’ve made in WordPress themes and I’ve bought a lot of “developer” theme packages from other vendors.

    Bonuses like these backgounds are more icing on the cake.

    Thank you so much.

  118. Thanks, excellent pack

  119. Elegant Themes is the best premium theme service out there. I’ve been saying it for years, but I’ll be saying it louder!

  120. As always ET, you keep delivering excellent, top notch work. Bravo!!!

  121. These are so awesome. Can’t wait to use some of these! Thanks for the great templates and resources.

  122. Already using one. Gorgeous.

  123. Nice of you to provide them open source. Maybe members could get access to original PSD files? ๐Ÿ™‚

  124. Thanks a lot. The backgrounds are lovely!

    Love your themes.

  125. Very nice! It is nice to be spoiled.

  126. ET, you’re becoming really really good !

  127. I really like and appreciate the direction you guys are heading. Between the design contest , PSD and background downloads, you are inspiring some great ideas on this end. Thanks.

  128. Great! Thanks!

  129. These are awesome! Thank you so much, y’all are my favorite!

  130. These are great! Thanks for making them available.

  131. These are great, thanks!

  132. Awesome! I’m sure these can come in handy for something. You guys rock!

  133. Some of these backgrounds have huge filesizes. Won’t these really slow our website’s down โ€” especially for mobile users?

    • Just reduce the image using a tool such as Photoshop or the free Microsoft image resizer. All you need for display is 72 dpi and reducing a file to this will greatly reduce the file size. All that would be negatively affected would be print quality and you aren’t printing thd background.

  134. Thanks, Guys! I’m always on the prowl for different bg images to add to my collection! Love the patterns and colors and can’t wait to play with these!

  135. You are wonderful people!

  136. This is why I love Elegant Themes! Thanks!

  137. As always, you’re the best!!! Thanks!

  138. Just in time for my re-design!

  139. Thanks – they’re awesome!

  140. Awwww nice! This will come in handy. Thank you guys.

  141. Thanks alot. These will be great to use and adapt as well.

  142. Those are gorgeous! I love your themes, but it’s these small “how can we make it easier to make your site look gorgeous?” touches that really make you stand out. You guys are so thoughtful!

  143. Awesome, Thanks for variety. I appreciate it, and I know my customers will too.

  144. REALLY great! Thanks!

  145. What a beautiful gift to share! Love ’em

  146. Thank you, these are great! We appreciate all the free goodies. I agree with Sonia, this is the best investment ever!

  147. Very nice ! Thank’s !

  148. I’m so happy I found you! Best investment ever!

  149. They are looking great ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Thanks for sharing…

  150. These are really nice. Thanks!

  151. Thanks guys. The second one will be perfect for a website I am doing right now. Love your work.

  152. Wow, theyยดre great – thanks for providing these and thanks for this license – much appreciated!

  153. You guys deliver once again. – Thanks!

  154. Fantastic!! Thank you

  155. You guys are the best. That is all.

  156. Cool backgrounds, i will try to use it in one of my themes.
    thank you

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