8 FREE Nexus 7 PSD Mockup Templates

Posted on February 12, 2014 by 26 Comments

8 FREE Nexus 7 PSD Mockup Templates
Blog / Freebie Of The Week / 8 FREE Nexus 7 PSD Mockup Templates

Our Nexus 5 mockups finally get some friends with these 8 Nexus 7 tablet mockups. These are fully scalable, vectored PSD templates that are perfectly sized for the latest Nexus 7 screen resolution. All you have to do is place your image into the smart objects, and the sizing and perspective warping is done for you. Check out the template previews and examples below and download the package for free!

Download The PSDs


The Templates

These Templates are released as Open Source under the GPL (GNU General Public License) 2.0. Enjoy them and use them for whatever you’d like!


Using The Templates In Our Themes

There are many great ways that these templates can be used in your WordPress website. Here are some examples of how these tablets might be integrated into the image areas of our Divi and Fusion Themes.



How to Use the Templates

  • Inside each template there is a Smart Object for each device screen in which you can input your own artwork (just double click the smart object layer icon and place your artwork).
  • Once you have added your artwork, save and close the Smart Object. The artwork you placed will automatically be added/skewed to the perfect size and perspective.

If you like these templates, take a stroll around the blog for more of our free resources and please let us know what our next device template should be!

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  1. Beautiful, thanks, its perfect

    • Thanks! 🙂

  2. Thank you Kenny!!!!

  3. Hi Kenny!

    Thanks for these wonderful templates and for the Smart Object addition which is really handy.


    • You’re welcome, Timur

      glad you’re finding the templates useful

  4. Nice! Thank you for these. So when is Divi 2.0 coming out?!!! I check every day drooling, frothing at the mouth in anticipation.

  5. Just what we were looking for 🙂

  6. Beautifull! 😀

  7. Nice gfx, looks good.


  8. Just was I was looking, nice timing guys…

  9. Merci bien pour les ressources.


  10. Hey Kenny, Thank you for the always excellent designs. Can I suggest an ‘Apple website’ inspired divi theme template? 🙂 🙂 🙂 That would be so cool to see how we can work the layouts better.

  11. Thanks a lot for these. I was searching them for my next wordpress premium theme.

  12. Excellent – Thanks Kenny!

  13. Thanks from Ireland too !

  14. Thanks Kenny. This will be great for mock ups and it nice to see something so good not based on an iPad.

  15. Tan buenas como siempre… ¡muchas gracias!

  16. Thank you!

  17. oh that nice temple for nesus Thanks from Ireland too !

  18. Thanks for creating and sharing it.

  19. You give great Templates to your membership. Thanks for this. Can you make a present like the Ink Video on your site under the GPL? It is so amazing! If you can’t, how can I create an amazing video like yours?

    Best Regards

  20. The use of the Smart Object really makes this designer friendly. Thank you!

  21. Thanks for taking the time, they look very professional. Will be adding one to my site soon.

  22. Mockup Mockup Mockup good¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

  23. Great Thanks!

  24. These are gorgeous. Thank you so much!

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