Elegant Themes Gets A New Look!

Posted on June 18, 2012 by 197 Comments

Elegant Themes Gets A New Look!
Blog / General News / Elegant Themes Gets A New Look!

It has been a long time coming, but I am excited toΒ announceΒ that we have finally finished a new version of the site today! It has been almost three years since we last modified the design of ElegantThemes.com. During those years we have grown signficantly as a company and I have grown significantly as a designer as well. Β I am pleased to release a design that better represents who we are and what we do. The new look represents a shift towards simplicity andΒ subtletyΒ that has been evolving in our products over the years. I hope that browsing the website is now much more clear and intuitive.

I would love to hear what you think of the new look! Let us know in the comments πŸ™‚

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  1. i liked the old design.. But this isn’t bad either πŸ™‚

    • I kinda liked the old design too…however, the new design is definitely “more u” – the main site reminds me of your themes, which I guess is good for branding.

      Hopefully new design = more sales πŸ˜‰

    • I can understand the need to update a website but I do think the other site was really strong, it showed the strength of your coding and design. This one seems to be a bit wishy washy…. sorry Nick

    • Wow awesome design i like the new design


  2. To be honest? I feel some loss of identity here. Now it looks like yet another Web 2.0 fluffy round website. I see so many strong ideas in your themes, where are they on this site?

    • The new design is about showcasing our products and not making a statement that will compete with the themes themselves. In my opinion, a good gallery design takes a back seat to the designs that are being showcased within it (in the sense that overpowering design elements should be toned done).

      • I love the ET design aesthetic. The new site reflects that very well, and is a great backdrop to the themes. More responsive themes, ET! Love those.

      • I disagree here Nick, your own website *is a showcase for people to see what you can do, so having it ‘disappear into the background’ is missing a trick.

        its a great start, just needs some of your stylish touches IMO


      • Agreed Nick. Love the new look.

        • me too the new look really nice!

      • I totally agree, your site does a great job of showcasing the themes without competing.

        I’m liking the look and feel of your new site very much.

        for me it’s a winner

    • Alex, your constructive criticism crosses over into something that is rude and useless to read. It’s never a good idea to criticize another’s work because YOU don’t like it. You’re visions are not necessarily their visions, and only bring them down. Simply congratulate them if you feel that way and then go away.
      Nick, you do beautiful work. This is a great template. I’ve done the same with my business (in white) because it allows my products to be the focal point. Smart move! Know anyone reading things on this site like you for the eye you have in design. Never second doubt yourself and your visions for each project! Keep up the good work.

      • Thanks Robert for this comment! There are always guys around who just criticize another ones work for no reason just because THEY are unhappy with that.
        Nick, you do a great job. I like your themes and I always use them whenever I can! πŸ™‚

  3. It’s really awesome and good looking. Loved it… Typography is good too..

  4. I like it! I love all your themes, I am so glad I found you! SO MUCH BANG FOR MY BUCK!

  5. Great job Nick! Love the new logo and how clean the new design is. I found a few bugs in the affiliate section, hopefully those can get cleaned up.

    Overall, looks great!

    • Sorry about the bugs. If you can send us an email with the problems you are experiencing then I can fix them asap.

  6. Hey guys, I really liked the new look! Very nice job. The members area is also looking great and very user-friendly.
    Great as always!

  7. Looks like elegant πŸ™‚

  8. I like it. For three years i’ve seen only new themes, but now is brand new.


  9. Looks great and the colors are perfect!

  10. Very nice! One small thing – it would be nice if the coloured “news and updates” in the sub header were clickable category filters..

  11. Very clean! I like it!

    • Your review was spot on Kyle. Of course you understand my goals with the new design πŸ™‚

  12. I like the new look and I agree it makes the site come up to reflect your nicely evolved ideas of design, format and color. Nice job. πŸ™‚

  13. I like it though I feel like the logo under the nav on the homepage just wastes space and should be moved up into the nav like it is on all other pages.

    • That’s my favorite part!

  14. Wow so bright!!! Nice work Nick. Oh and I like that you’ve categorized the themes, especially “responsive”.
    2 things:
    Can’t seem to find a search link in Members forum.
    And how do I add a gaviton of myself to this blog?

    • I added a search bar to the top of the forum, so it should be easy to find now.

  15. I really like how the themes are now sorted by category. Great job !

    • Thanks! Yea, this was a much needed feature πŸ™‚

  16. I would like to see all the themes on the same page rather than having to scroll through 7 pages.

    Also, the login seems to timeout very quickly if there is no activity – this is cumbersome when searching through the support forums and then trying to try different things.

    • A solution is to go to any theme live preview then use the theme-picker dropdown menu where you can hover over all of the themes and get a mini-preview. Quick and easy.

      • Um, no: “quick and easy” is to have things work like they should in the first place!

        The previously look was rather amateurish, to be sure, but all-white reminds me of what Apple’d already done back in the Early Aughts…finally solving the bizarre time-out issues would have been much, much better!

  17. This new look is really nice, keep it up!

    • You should make your favicon transparent πŸ˜‰

      • Done πŸ™‚

        • Not working with Google Chrome, working fine with Firefox!

  18. Nice look for the website, more clear, more positive, better for the eyes… But I don’t like your new logo (specialist talking here haha), too many used in many companies, not original, no idea, no spirit in it… Too bad cause the rest if the site is really nice. Well done !

  19. Gorgeous – why can’t all web sites look as gorgeous as your themes!!??

  20. I think the new design looks great and fits your style.

    Not that your old design was hideous or anything, but I always wondered why your themes looked so great and elegant and why elegantthemes.com… well didn’t.

    Really like it and looking forward to your next theme!


  21. Well i agree with Alex almost all themes look great but this? Its way to simple, the contact form inputs is huge, to big for my taste! I don’t like it very much. The old one is better.
    I don’t thinks it represents who you are, its looking not unique at all to me. Almost every theme represents more who you are then this in my opinion. And btw i am not one who looks at this site for years and who just dislikes change.

  22. Site looks nice. Member forums look awful though. Please tell me you are going to clean up the CSS on it?

    Change is good!!!!

  23. I agree with with Alex. You went SO clean it’s void of personality (or color).

  24. Excellent new design. I felt the old one was very dated, having the look and feel of your earlier very early themes, it didn’t match the way your themes have evolved, which happily the new design does.

  25. a little too white perhaps

  26. Love it! Easier to navigate and nice and clean. Great work!

    • Nick I love the functionality of your FAQs section. Is that something you may make available to us in the future? Cheers.

  27. Looks Great!
    And the best: u have theme-categorys now =D

    Great work dude πŸ˜‰

  28. Looks nice and smooth.

  29. Generally an improvement…nice work. However, why wouldn’t you make your own site responsive?

    • I think you’ll find it is. I’m viewing on my Xoom and the pages resize when I go from landscape to portrait mode, pretty sure it’s not my browser doing it.

      • I wouldn’t call that responsive. The phone just adapts to the full width of the main container, that’s it.

        I was also disappointed that the main site is not responsive. Most of the time, I view elegantthemes blog from my phone, so not having something that is friendly for a mobile device is discouraging.

        Also the font is a bit too big for me. I would have taken it down 2pt.

  30. looks amazing and much better new look!

  31. And I simply loved it, very pleasing to eye and clearly shows the elegant, subtle & clean brand identity of Nick and his themes, all Elegant! πŸ™‚

  32. Nice job, Nick. Very clean and inviting!

  33. How very elegant. Beautiful! This truly reflects how gorgeous your products are – would love to know if your sales go up after this change Nick:) Like a comment above I always wondered why the ET site wasn’t as beautiful as the themes you produce – I suppose as they say, “A builder never finishes their own house”. In your case, you’ve been too busy ‘building’ themes for all of your fans instead of spending time on your site. So congratulations. You must be pleased. It looks great!

  34. Love the new design, Nick. Looks very elegant and clean.

    Good job.

  35. spare. elegant. Very nice. When can we use nice type like this on your themes?? Almost looks like a straight edged version of Goudy?

  36. I hold nothing against it, everything looks fresh and new – xcept maybe for the homepage that pales a bit to the one it replaced.

  37. Nice design, more barrier-free

  38. Wonderful new look which represents well your themes and the essence of “Elegance”. I love the clean and clear graphics in addition to its easy to find categories.

    Impressive front page IMO.

    Keep it up ! :]

  39. I like it. The number of customers & 76 look like clickable buttons. It’s confusing with a quick glance.

    I’d like to see a summary of which themes have mobile conversions.


  40. What a shocker when I came to the site today. Not sure what I think yet. It’s hard to assess after being so familiar with the old site. I’m sure in time I’ll warm to the new design. It certainly isn’t bad … the question is whether it’s better.

    Of course the ultimate decider will be whether it sells better for you. Hope it does!

  41. Greaaaat Shot !

  42. Looks a bit hmmm plain…. also “Inccorect Username or Pass” could do with a little spelling correction πŸ™‚

    • Actually was only commenting having only seen this page – which somehow I visited first – maybe from email link – without actually seeing the main site – having looked at it properly I like it πŸ™‚

  43. I am a huge fan of your themes. I use several of them on my various sites. However, this one is not working for me in comparison to the old one. There’s just too much white going on. Maybe if you interspersed some more color?

  44. I really like the new look! Clean, up-to-date, professional look. A change was much needed to reflect how your themes and the quality of your products have evolved over the years. Love the clean look. But I agree with the comments that the logo takes way too much space. But overall a fantastic job!

  45. Congratulations, very elegant … love it!

  46. Looks very stylish and iconic display is adding charm to it.

    Great job done.

  47. This beautiful, congratulations!

  48. Love the new design. You’ve got a bug in your affiliate login though. If you tab from username it jumps down to the retrieve password instead of the password field. Great new look though.

  49. Congratulations on the new design, Nick.

  50. As an expected for this awesome look……….

  51. Lovely look! Great color combination is highly attract me,
    Your team always do fantastic job. Just awesome Go on ET πŸ™‚

  52. This is so beautiful look, I like it
    congratulate for new design
    good change.

  53. You are right, Nick. A good gallery design needs to take a backseat to the products you are showcasing!

  54. Excellent new design I like it

  55. love the old more than this πŸ™ any way good luck

  56. Hey Nick it sounds great, a change should happen once in few years. Looks awesome.

  57. The new design looks awesome, espcecially the pink color πŸ™‚ It’s abnormal, but it’s very interesting

  58. Really like the new look. Nice work!

  59. Looks hot!

  60. Nice, Simple and Elegant – just like ElegantThemes πŸ™‚

  61. I do love ET Themes . . . Enjoyed previous design & forum format – I’m sure I’ll get use to the new one πŸ™‚

    In the mean time, the icon you have in the new support area to get to your posts/pm messages goes to ET home page not to my posts or message center.

    I didn’t find the new search function very intuitive since I had to go to the theme, then search for my question, then realized that then I also had to type in the theme name in a second search box to get to the answers for that particular theme – whew seems like more steps than needed. Only to get logged out shortly there after . . .

    Just picked up my first website client to build for & want to use ET themes for clients but with the login time out issues & not being able to get to posts/messages & the extra steps in new search function just seems like more steps than needed – I can’t very well charge a client hourly for the extra time it takes to figure out how to get what I need from the forum.

    I know there are always issues when changes are made, heck I’ve married 4 ET themes together to get my site to be what I wanted it to be, I just hope this gets ironed out & smoother over the next few days . . .
    Thank You Nick

  62. Hey Nick,

    The description for LightBright is not accurate. It has the same description as ElegantEstate.


    “LightBright turns your WordPress blog into a full-feature real estate website. The theme makes browsing your listings easy, and adds special integration features for property info, photos, Google Maps and more. Help increase sales by establishing an elegant and professional online presence today.”

    Cool new look BTW.

    • Thanks, I fixed it.

      • News design is quite attractive and professional, I loved the new look.

      • I love this design. Light and creative. This is style of Elegant πŸ™‚

  63. Congratulations Nick. Very clean look. I am especially happy with the ability to filter the themes by category. Your ever expanding theme collection definitely justifies such a nifty tool. Keep up the great work!

  64. You guys just get better and better. Look out for a hostile bid from Copyblogger !

  65. Great look, but the main benefit is the new members area. The Docs-section is a life changer. And to have everything a mouse flick away is really great.

  66. Love it, the make over really gives us more schooling in designing for maximum impact on the goal at hand, showcasing themes.
    I think it gives you so much scope as each vibrant theme will stand out and never fight for attention with the website.

    Brava and thanks for the design lesson.

  67. It’s a fine valance between using a theme that demonstrates your service and products… or using a theme that supports the demonstrating of your themes without getting in the way.

    I think that the simplicity of your new website theme suitably doesn’t get in the way of demonstrating your other themes(ie via the images and demo) – good job.

    Still needs more focus on mobile/tablet-compatible themes, though. Few of them work 100% with tablets/mobile browsers (take a look at the new jQuery for mobile).

    Dean Richardson
    Elegant Themes developer licence.

  68. Terrific! Themes take the main stage (love the categories). This is why all our clients are so happy. Sleek, simple, sophisticated…a breath of fresh air in all the on line noise.

  69. Excellent idea and to view the themes in categories is much easier. The design is excellent due to the great theme. I like it. Every website has to get a redesign after a few years, cause we cannot stand them anymore. This is where Elegantthemes comes into play. Congratulations.

  70. Looks like the layered photoshop files are no longer included with the standard account. Guess I should have downloaded them as the themes were released, but assumed I would have always have access to them.

  71. I think a little bit too much whitespace in every element causes that I need to scroll around like a mad men. Pages become loooonnnggg.

  72. The new design is awesome! Specially the gallery showcase gives fantastic look and feel for new visitors. The categories are well formatted according to the theme!

    Best of Luck! πŸ™‚

  73. Cool Nick! Elegantthemes always shocking me πŸ™‚

  74. love the new design πŸ˜€
    congratulation …

  75. I am not liking this very much. I LOVE white space…but this is TOO white. Also the fonts are WAY too big. Just my opinion.

  76. Cool Nick!!! :)))

    Congratulations !

  77. Pleasantly surprised by the new look Elegant Themes. Looks amazing as always!

  78. Totally in love with the new design!

  79. I like the new design but is not better than the old. I also noticed standard suscription will not incude layered PSD files and I really dislike it. Why not give a better service for developers instead of reduce the standar plans?

    • PSD files have been separated from the Personal Subscription for almost a year now. This did not affect legacy customers.

  80. Much as I love your themes, I must agree with many of those who posted before me, saying this is too minimal. First of all, with all your themes going responsive, this one is not…
    Second, now it looks like all the other sites and doesn’t stand out anymore like the actual themes you are offering. I’d hate to put you down as I am sure there is a massive work behind the new look, but it’s just my opinion. I love the affiliate page look though, that one is 100% great!

  81. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

    When are the rest of the themes going to be made responsive?

    The new look is more ‘purchase friendly’, and reveals itself easier and quicker.
    I think change is necessary despite my moan above.
    I would like to see the full range of themes made responsive thus becoming more relevant for use in todays web environment, desktops are getting a run for their money – we/you will need to design to suit this new environment.

  82. Very Nice Nick!!

    ps – you cannot download themes using Windows 8 consumer preview – just letting you know.


  83. I really prefered the old one !
    For example now in the forum I can’t find the “view your posts” which was very convenient. and I still haven’t found tonight yet the “new topic” button which I need to ask a new question πŸ™

    • There is a “view your posts” icon on the top of the forum. When you browser any forum, there is a big green “new topic” button that you can press to create a new topic.

      • Thanks Nick.
        I could see the NEW TOPIC button now,
        but still couldn’t see any “view my post icon at the Top of the forum.
        I use Chrome.

  84. The novelty that gives you wings!

  85. Thank you so much for putting the themes in categories. Just the other day I was thinking of starting a spreadsheet to help me remember which are responsive, and now you’ve made it so much easier!

    One additional category you could add would be those with widgetized homepages. That’s a feature I’m often searching for…

    • I agree that putting themes in categories is really of great help ! Thanks ! ! ! !

  86. I really like the new design! Clean and Modern – Looks Great!

  87. Overall I think the redesign works well. It’s spacious, clear and to the point. I’ve followed Nick’s work pretty much since the beginning and it’s been great watching things evolve, particularly over the past few months.

    Inspired by this new look and in response to Nick’s call for feedback, I decided to put together a video blog offering some candid and personal thoughts on the new design.

  88. Hi Nick,

    This is not about liking or not liking the new look but I noticed that on every page, in every heading (h1 and h2), the lower case “s” character is missing for some mysterious reason in Chrome 20.0… (beta). Here is a screenshot

  89. Very impressive and very professional looking

  90. Bring back the old site ….

  91. Hi Nick,
    The new look was a bit of a shock, but having something light and fast loading site lets people get to your themes more quickly, and makes the themes for sale look better. [The law of contrast]
    This was always one of my peeves. Your site looked better than the themes you were releasing. It also seemed to have better functionality.
    Maybe you should offer your old theme as a theme to download?
    Just my opinion.

    Rick Adlam

  92. I think it looks great now. In fact only last week I was thinking about the template that you had used.I now have a tendency to check to see if I can find the theme that is in use for websites that I like.

    As you can see I am using The Professional theme for my site which I totally love. I have added some fancy plugins to it for scrolling bits on sidebar. As much as I am using them for our own commercial purpose, I like the pics too and have decided to get the developer’s licence. So fingers crossed soon I will be in a position to put that into practice.

  93. Congratulations on the new theme design! This design is much brighter and it seems to be much easier to get from anywhere on the site – to anywhere on the site. In other words, you can “see where you’re going” much easier. While the old design was very nice, I think the layout you’re using now will be much more intuitive for new people just joining.

  94. I love the new site. It is fast, clear and beautiful. I hate clutter, and this eliminates that. Of course, I have been used to you old site, but I believe this is far easier to navigate. Well done. Love it.

  95. Congratulations, your new website is really great. Clean, fast and easy for navigation.

    Great job !

  96. I am glad I am on board. I especially like that the templates are sorted by theme categories. Much easier to select and that really saves time! The selection is now is incred-i-able!

  97. As a recent person to join the dance, I wasn’t attached to any one thing and am still getting to know you. Your themes speak and sell themselves. This new look does a better job showing your sense as a business. The little details are included and thought through. This look reassures me that this business has vision and is here for the long run.

  98. I love Clean and Beautiful Design. Super like. Elegant Themes ROCKS !

  99. The new design rocks!

  100. Absolutely love the new storefront πŸ™‚
    Great jobs for Nick & team!

  101. Very nice πŸ˜‰ I move in the right direction in my opinion.

  102. Good news πŸ™‚ New look is brilliant πŸ˜‰

  103. I really love the ElegantThemes’s new interface, clean and very cool

  104. This new look is much better. Your previous site felt too old school and had some ‘flow’ issues.

  105. LOVE LOVE LOVE it!
    Looks fantastic! Nicely done.

  106. Looks good, nice and minimal! I have been enjoying the themes (I signed up ~6months ago). The transition from a .Net developer to php/wordpress has been a breeze using your simple installs and fantastic control panel! Looking forward to seeing what the future brings for ET!!

    Shameless plug – have just created a site based on your DeepFocus theme -> http://www.coupleofmugs.co.uk πŸ™‚

  107. Very nice new website.
    One or 2 questions : seems not responsive ? seems using wordpress theme pages and html pages ?

    But anyway, excellent !!!

  108. I like your new design, Nick. I think it’s a bit more intuitive and I like the openness. Well done!

  109. the old design were elegant but this one are elegalicious!!!
    very nice typography choice..grats:)

  110. Your previous design was way too good especially how on the home page, it showed about addition of new themes . This is missing now and was a great thing to look for new additions on your website. Atleast have that feature back where last 2-3 new template releases were shown.

  111. Love the new look! The theme category nav is especially helpful, I do wish the themes themselves had more individual features listed though. Overall, the new look is fantastic!

  112. Nice job, Nick. The old version of the site was superb and i liked it a lot, but it has some deficiencies and that was navigation through all the different themes. It is great that in the theme section you have sorted them by designation.
    Of course, it will take time to get used to new design, but that’s just peanuts.

  113. The new site is intuitive and clean. Nicely done. When are you going to make it responsive? πŸ˜‰

  114. On the website itself, I love the new design (although I wish it were responsive). It’s clean, sleek and the accent colours are bold without being in-your-face.
    On the forum, though, I wish you’d do something about the tons of space with nothing in it. Whenever someone posts something, the post’s… bounding box, for lack of a better word, has far too much white with no content on the bottom, which leads to a lot more scrolling than what I’d otherwise do.
    Just my two cents.

  115. Nick,,, its called elegant theme website !!
    yeh.. very attractive design than old one.

  116. I like the overall design— but it’s the size that I don’t like at all. I find myself scrolling a lot to get anything done or get my answers quickly. Also, forget it if you are on a netbook! If you could make everything SMALLER, it would be perfect. White space is great…too much is not.

  117. the new one looks much better. congrats!

  118. My biggest complaint about your themes is that they were working until the new theme updates and the new WordPress 3.4 updates not working right together. They were a lot of bugs. The updates caused my websites to go out whack not working right. I hoped that Elegant will move quickly to resolve these issues.

  119. I love it, new its always nice!

  120. Good design and fantastic. This new look makes me as though this was not in Elegant Theme. Really really new design. I like it.

  121. Nick, love the new design! Great job bud.

  122. Although I loved old ET I like this one as well, especially the possibility to sort themes by designation. I hope it will give push to creating new magazine style themes.

  123. Maybe I’m missing something, but the support section doesn’t seem to work as well as it did. If I’m searching under a specific theme, I get results for all the themes. I have to type in the name of the theme to get theme-specific results.

    The new site design is very attractive. I like the colors, and it’s nice to have all the member-specific options under one menu item.

  124. Hi Nick,
    Fresh new look! Very *elegant* (stylish) indeed!
    Good work!

  125. I think it looks GREAT! Looks very smooth and appealing. I like it! Well done!

  126. Nick, don’t listen for a moment to naysayers on the new design. The new design is absolutely beautiful. I really admire the simplicity, the way the elements come together, and the way you’ve presented everything you need to so intuitively. It’s just so hard to achieve this. It’s also a dramatic improvement over the old site, which was fine and good for it’s day, but was starting to look dated.

    As soon as I landed (after I double checked to make sure I’d typed the right domain) and the redesign registered, I thought, “Finally, they redesigned it. I was wondering when they’d get to it. Wow, that’s beautiful.”

    Personally, I’m stunned that feedback is anything but positive. I also have to assume, despite the fact you’ve been doing this for a long time, it’s still painful to put such a well thought design out there and have it receive criticism, or even picking on small details rather than reveling in the overall design quality.

    But I think this is just one of those cases where your own design sense is just better than others giving feedback. You’ve been around and doing beautiful design work long enough to know great designs when you see them (or produce them), and to know there are lots of opinions on design, not all of which are as consistently ‘on’ as yours.

    This is definitely a beautiful design. Great work.

  127. Great design! I like it. Good luck for sale, guys!

  128. The new design is clean and all that but I find the support forums an absolute cluster. Previous comment about the Search field (have to type in the theme name as clicking on the category of that theme doesn’t necessarily render the right results). Also, way more scrolling to read. It also seems like some of the database was cleaned out, I’m not getting the amount of results on topics I’ve found information on before. πŸ™

  129. I like the new look Nick πŸ™‚

  130. I think the site looks great Nick, very simple and elegant, easy to navigate around and lovely colours, very impressed.

    Can’t wait for the lucid theme to arrive!

    Have you got any more e-commerce themes in the pipleine?

  131. Really cool new looks, I think is one of the best designed websites I’ve seen in a while, along with Smashing Mag.

    Congrats on the new, truly inspiring design πŸ™‚

  132. I warmly congratulate the new design. Design is great. At first I was attached to the old template Elegant Themes. Now I got used to the new layout.

  133. The design looks really great and is very clear.


  134. I was shocked when I went to your website. But Im so glad you got rid of that old theme. I LOVE the new one a lot. You did an amazing job!

  135. I like the look of the new theme but navigating this theme in the support section is awful.

    The text is way too big in there.

  136. I’ve been a customer for 4 years now and counting – I really enjoyed the visual elements of your last site though I can understand a more simplified gallery approach. I would say that I quite liked the area that indicated the latest theme on the front page, and would not only welcome that back but also think a showcase/snapshot of what’s in the works (i.e. Lucid). You may only get one hit from a visitor and you never know if your next project is the answer they were looking for…they may not click on the blog. Else, thanks for the wonderful ongoing service. Outstanding quality at affordable price.

  137. I LOVE the new design, Nick! I think both designs are wonderful, but this new design gives it a more up-to-date and cleaner feel.

    Great job, as usual! Keep up the wonderful work. πŸ˜€

  138. love the new look!

  139. Nick,
    Love the new design. It is clean and refreshing. It showcases your design strengths and the love of typography. It also puts the themes front and center.

    Kudo’s on a job well done. Look forward to other things that you have in store for your users.

    May you have much success and many more sales.

  140. Nick, I think you’ve created an aesthetic-with-integrity and that is what really counts (IMHO). There is congruence between your site and the themes you sell. Personally, I really like it. It’s clean with white and white space. You ht the mark for me because it’s a cross between the Apple aesthetic I so enjoy and admire, and your sites, which are always pieces of website-design-art.

    But I’m not complimenting you on creating something I happen to like! As I say: I’ll go for an even further stripped back Apple-like look than you instinctively do; my point is that what you’ve created here is characteristically ‘you’; artistic, elegant and different from all the other ‘kids’ on the block!

  141. I like your new theme. The design looks really great and is very clear.

  142. great degisn, i love it β™₯β™₯β™₯ !!!

  143. Nick, there are quite a few users who suggest to make your site responsive. I, personally had always wanted this. If in case, you think it will understate the elegance of your themes when showcased on a mobile device screen, how about making at least the blog section responsive. I visit your blog often to check for updates from my mobile browser and I am sure many others will also do the same. Possible?

  144. Hi,
    have read about some comments because forum here.

    I wonder if nobody else has seen that the function to watch or subscribe to a post directly in the thread is completely missing??!!

    I am not informed about new blog posts anymore, and if no one else also isnt informed about post updates, then this forum should lead to chaos and isnt working anymore, as it should.

    So, I cant watch or subscribe and am not automatically subscribed, when I open up a thread.
    Why is this so?
    Will You change it?


  145. A comment from one of your affiliates:

    Previous look used to convert better πŸ™‚


  146. I like the new look! But wasn’t there a gallery of examples of pages using the different themes? Where did that go?

  147. nise design!

  148. Hi
    love your site, am searching for the “search” button though.
    have i missed it somehow? looking for a good video template theme.
    thanks, kris

  149. I love the new design! As always looking forward to what you do next. Keep up the good work.

  150. please i will like toknow if your themes are customezable i.e. having my own header image and site name

  151. Anyone else having a weird issue with the header text not rendering “S”es correctly in Chrome? REALLY weird!

  152. Love it! Looks fantastic. There are a few display issues with Chrome, though (login boxes for example)

  153. The new look is great but I just had a weird problem in Chrome when loading the front page of your site, all the lowercase “s” characters in your titles were appearing as a character that looked a little like a comma but with a bit of space to the right of them, Im thinking that the “s” was only being partially rendered and I was must seeing the bottom left edge of the character.

    I reloaded the page and it worked fine so not sure how easy it is to reproduce the problem at your end or whether its possibly a video memory error on my own machine. Just thought you might like to know though in case anyone else has pointed it out.

  154. Great design! I like it. Good luck for sale, guys!

  155. looking for a good video template theme.

  156. Revised look is clean and attractive.

  157. Great design ! We really like it… waiting for next theme release πŸ™‚

  158. Wow, ET!

    I haven’t been around these parts in a while and am happy to see a new look — though to be honest, all-white is so last decade! Plus, what really needs changing is the extremely aggravating login time-out issues that frequently kicks off many of your logged-in users after a very short period of time!

  159. why my transaction declined ?? please advise.

  160. I havent visited the site for a while! Love what I see now! congrats for the upgrade and keep the good themes coming! πŸ™‚

  161. Nice look, I like it, especially the star…

  162. Nice theme! I just have this problem with Chrome. Under the TG Services, I edited the paragraph code to justify. It works before with other browsers but when I updated your theme, it works with Mozilla but does not work in Chrome. The text on the services is justified in Mozilla, but still centered in Chrome. I tried checking all of the .css and .php codes but it still doesn’t seem to work. Hope you can check it out right away. Thanks!

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