I had some free time yesterday, so I decided to make some fresh new icons! Throughout my years as a web designer, I have always had trouble finding beautiful icons with no licensing restrictions to use in my templates. It’s especially difficult to find GPL-licensed (open source) graphics that can be used in WordPress Themes such as Divi. Today I am pleased to release our second open-source social media icon set, for free! This set includes thirty-five 32×32 icons in PNG and PSD format. You can use these icons however you like. There are absolutely no restrictions. I hope that you resell and redistribute them in your themes and plugins. If you post these icons for free on your site, it would be great if you could link back to this post!
This social media icon set includes icons for the following applications:
Facebook, RSS, Twitter, Dribbble, Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr, Evernote, LinkedIn, Vimeo, Digg, DeviantArt, Bebo, Flickr, Posterous, Blogger, WordPress, Delicious, SoundCloud, Yahoo, eMail, StumbleUpon, YouTube, MySpace, Last.fm, DesignFloat, Orkut, Behance, Netvibes, Reddit, Forrst, Grooveshark, Path, Google Plus and Picasa.

Thanks guys these are some amazing icons. keep up the good work, hope to see more very soon.
Great icon set. Thanks for sharing
Thanks for that. Works as expected. Beautiful icons
How can I download
I have created the set of new social icons last week and i used few of this icon set amazing concepts in it. Thanks for the inspiration.
All the icons look amazing and beautiful. Thanks for sharing the post!
Those are beautiful icons. Thank you for the share.
Thank you for sharing!
Thanks for that. Works as expected. Beautiful icons
Elegant themes have really come a long way. Your themes are awesome with a ton of great options. Very user friendly.
I have all of your Icon sets listed on one of my sites for free download of course, with several links to your site.
I just saw three of my visitors come here already just today and it is not even lunch time yet. I think they really like your icons! That’s great, and if I can send some people your way than I am happy for you, and my visitors!.
Have a great day,
These icons are beautiful 😀 I hope to see more in the future!
These are beautiful but no Google+ so I will not be able to use 🙁
Oh …. wait, I downloaded a different set. Couldn’t see what they looked like before downloading. I see the G+ in this set so I will download this one… love these Thanks!!
Hi Nick, thank you for your work. Great job.
nice collection…have another collection of social media icons http://graphicloads.com/product/rounded-flat-social-media-icons-free/
those icons are so awesome, i really love it 🙂
Hi Nick!
I loved your icons so much that I couldn’t help but download them. I will make sure to link back to this post once they’re up on my blog 🙂
Thank you so much for taking the time to create all of these wonderful icons and for sharing them with the blogosphere ♥
Best regards,
I totally love these icons! Using some at my site. I added a link back to this post on my “About” page, and I hope that’s OK! 🙂 Thank you!
Thanx for your help…:)
I really love these icons, any plans on making a new set ? That would be exquisite.
These icons are really great, I’ll be adding them to my collection, though now I don’t think I need anything else anymore! Thanks
Thank You! This set contains all of the social icons I need at this time!
Thanks again! 🙂
this looks really great!
Maybe in case you have another free time somewhen: would it be possible to get an icon for 500px.com? 🙂
Or is there already one?
Thank you 🙂
Thanks, really like these icons. Used them on my website. I will link back here from my blog at some point.
Great icons. I am going to have those on my blog. I am expecting more to come.
great icon..two thumbs up for you..
i really like it
great social media icon .. i really like it..two thumb for designer
I would love to use these on my WP blog, but when I go to Plugins> Add New> Upload and try to upload the .zip file, I get “The package could not be installed. No valid plugins were found.” Am I missing a trick!?
These icons are my favorite out in the interwebs right now! Thanks so much !
Looked at the various icon sets, but there are really elegant. Needed something for my author big. Seems my search ends here 😀
Great it’s very nice and I like it.thank you!
Thanks fpr the very nice icon set. (I prefer the first version) although both sets are very nice.
I miss a Xing icon. It might not be very popular outside Europe but here it’s more popular than LinkedIn.
I tried to create one myself based on the one below and your .psd but have given up 😉
very satisfactory, the web interface I am getting better
Love this new theme! I had scrolled through all the 40+ you have offered and was ready to set on elegant when somehow I found this new post. So glad I did. Thanks for a great site and blog!
How about making them in simple B&W format,
THANK YOU SO MUCH! This are great looking. Really appreciate you taking the time to share them 🙂
Thank you. Awesome work and made my life so much easier. Thanks again!
Good and nice
I like it!
Thank you so much for your icons! 🙂
Wow these are awesome! Any chance you will ever make icons for mobile OSes like android and iOS?
Looks great! Been having a heck of a time trying to open the PSD in CS6, though. It takes about 3 minutes, and then Ps just freezes up. :'(
Really great icons, they look amazing on my website! Thank you!
Super I will use them for sure.
wow , thankyou !!! great post!
Can I use the icons in a commercial website?
Yes you can.
I love these. One question: have you ever considered making a social media icon for a Facebook page? I have both a page and a personal profile, and I’d love to be able to have icons for both on my website – not have to have the same icon twice, or choose whether I want to link to my profile or the page. Any thoughts?
thanks for such an awesome social media icons
Check out my collection of Latest social icons of 2013 > http://www.designbolts.com/2013/03/24/100-free-white-social-media-icons-256-px-pngs-vector-file/
These are really beautiful icons, BUT, I really wish you could include soundcloud and reverbnation!! Musicians would really appreciate it.
Beautiful icons. Thanks so much for making them available for free use. I’m going to use a couple of them on my site and link back to you.
Thank you for sharing, Beautiful!
Very cool! 😀
Very nice set of icons. Thank you for sharing.
Fantastic icons, maybe the best set.
Love this set! Is it possible to make a quora icon?
I absolutely LOVE this set and have used it in a number of applications, but I do have a request; Can you make an Etsy and a Yelp Icon? Or even just provide a psd file that can be modified? I’ve tried to make icons for the two that match this set, but it just doesn’t work as well!
Just perfect, thanks a lot!
Would like to add a slide share icon to our webpage to match all the other ones which we are already using. Do you have one? Greetings from Munich, Patricia
Beautiful! Thanks! <3
gorgeous. thank you!
Skype icon would be great! can’t use icons without skype
Very beautiful icons.Thank you for share!
I’m going to use them on my site.
These are fantastic – and great to see a Pinterest icon, which a lot of free sets don’t include. Thank you for your generosity in making these freely available – I’ll be using them on my blog. I’ll pop a link back to your site as a thank-you. 🙂
Love the set, second on the Etsy icon needed 🙂 Would love that!
Very nice. 🙂
Those icons are wonderful! Can you do an “Etsy” icon?
this look absolutely great. but how to add them into a GMAIL signature??
would need them to be hosted as url??
can someone help me??
many thanks
Just a quick note to say good work, thanks very much indeed
I love these icons! Thanks for sharing!
Really nice looking icons. thank you for sharing! give me an inspiration..
It’s so difficult to find a simple, icon set with all the components I need so I was thrilled to have found yours – Thx so much!
These icons look great, thanks!
WOW! Amazing!
Cool! I downloaded 🙂
Thanks! These are beautiful.
Thanks so much Nick! You are appreciated : )
Wow, I just discovered these, beautiful! Like you said, it’s actually pretty hard to find free icons that look halfway decent, but these I like very very much, thanx!
really beautiful and i m very happy by getting these
maza aa gya
Thanks so much! These are gorgeous!
Thanks for sharing these great looking icons.
I used a few of these on my blog. I’ll be sure to credit them in my about page. Thank you.
I am new to this… Where am I supposed to paste that code?
you rock, thanks
Smashing collection. Well put together. I will be back soon to check out for updates. Thanks for sharing. Cheers!
Vlw por compartilhar estes icones, estava procurando para colocar no meu
site uns icones legais. grato
That very beautiful icons. Thank you very much.
I like them so much! Thank you for share!
Thank you so much for sharing this awsome set..
Awesome … they are really good thanks for help and sharing the code.
Stunning! Thank you for this, Nick. Thank you a lot! I’m gonna make good use of your icons.
Hi, I am also asking for a Skype icon? 🙂
Hello, I’m using your buttons too 🙂 good job! Thanks
Great set! I loved it. I have an ask: Skype icon, in same style, please! Your icons are clean and worderful.Thank you for sharing these work!
wow (y)
Thanks for creating these icons. They are wonderful.
Thanks so much!
great icons, thanks for share
I don’t know how I missed this post, but I did. I have your original set, but it doesn’t have Pinterest, so I went a’Googlin’…and bam! There you were with this new set and they’re even more gorgeous than the first!
You so totally rock, Nick. Thanks for sharing these with us.
Thank you so much for this!
Cheers and appreciate all the effort that you have obviously put into this.
loving this set! Going to be a great addition to the site
Hi Nick! Great job, as usual.
Question: Is it OK to use the images provided with the sample data of the themes in my blog? They are lovely and would like to publish them adorning my content.
I mean are they free for use as the Icon set is?
Great icons! thank you
Great icons! I’ve put together a blueprint plugin to expedite implementing them during site design. The plugin details can be seen at: http://www.fgsd.com.au/projects/socialsprite-a-css-sprite-blueprint-plugin/ – I’ve credited your site and linked back here. Hope that was ok and that others find the plugin useful 🙂
Beautiful Icon set! They have such a great feel to them and the set that includes the additional popular social networking icons like Pintrest & Instagram! Really great work.
Any chance for a Cinemagr.am icon?
Thanks for the icons! Fantastic look and feel, don’t want to use any others!
Such great icons!! Thanks so much for these- we’ve been searching for a nice set and haven’t come across such a complete one. We might’ve put a few too many- but who can resist when there’s pinterest AND instagram AND youtube…
Thank you so much! This is great! 🙂
Congratulations for the icons… they are really great. I made a slightly different version based on these icons.. in short just the inner logo and I would like to include them in one of my themes (resell). I would gladly place a link back to these url. So is that really ok ?
Thank you!
Yep that is fine.
Can use the icons in applications and in what conditions?
Inviting icons.. Love to use it.. looking forward for the next set of icon.. I’m excited.!!
Heh! Great collection of pretty social media buttons. Thanks for sharing. Appreciated….
Really nice looking icons. thank you for sharing!
These are fabulous, thank you so much for sharing them. Respectfully requesting a Good Reads icon in the next set.
Nice icon set. I love your themes so much, that pay 39$ 🙂
Thanks, using for a clients construction page and my page as well. Feel free to check out my fan page.
Hi Nick, awesome icon set. I’m using it on both of my blogs.
Waiting for “FourSquare” icon. Hope you get some time to add it here.
I found these on Tweedle Dee and feel in love with free, these are awesome and to be able to use them is even better, thanks Nick.
Beautiful icons … thanks ET
Thanks for the lovely designed icons – just what I needed!
Thank you so much. These icon are professional, beautyful and it’s free download.
Awesome, It will be popularity…
I’ve just downloaded your free icons on your other page, and now I’ve found these too! Fantastic, thanks so much… what a selection!
Thanks so much!! Specially for SoundCloud & Pinterest icons!
SoundCloud is one of the biggest producers social network, and I don’t understand why graphic designers not includes it on icons pack!?!?
Great icons! Maybe you could add one for Rebelmouse?
Nick, add social icons vk.com & odnoklassniki.ru , They are popular in Russia.
Cool! I will definitely be using them! Thanks! 🙂
Thank you for this great, free set! I’ve been looking for a quality Pinterest button everywhere. I’ll be using these on my site.
These are some really great social sharing icons, always a fan of elegant design!
Can anyone give me a link of how to actually install these icons? I’m using a social media widget and would like to add these as custom icons? Is there a custom icons URL? Any help would be great
Same question. Can someone post a link on how to upload these icons . Also, do we need a plug in to display them?
Agree…how can I upload these to use them?
Those are just images. You would need to use plugin that supports adding custom images, or hand coding them yourself. It would not be that hard.
I love your amazing social icons, thanks!!
I’ve just added them to my blog sidebar 🙂
Awsome!!! Thank you for these ultimate social media icons.
Thanks for these icons – I really like them.
thanks for the icons have added them to my site.
Very nice i love your themes i love your work
keep it up 🙂
Really love these. Just wondering how I install them into my theme?
Here is a complimentary icon sets with description, size , download link and file format Sorted social icon set by type and size
Wow! Very nice icons!
I love it.
Thank you!!!! Love them
Thank you for these ultimate social media icons. I like them and will use them on my blog. I love this!!!
Have you get a set with all the links to facebook et al already created?
very cool!
Love these! they’re gorgeous! thanks for sharing them! 🙂
slick! thanks for share. i was looking for some square social icons.
The twitter and vimeo colors are too close (if not exactly the same). Twitter is supposed to be more blue, and vimeo is supposed to be a little more green.
I love these! Thank you!
These are great downloaded – going to be using them on my website – they are perfect 🙂
Thanks for sharing
Well done, great icons. Could you add XING for the german market?
Cheers, T
Thank you!
Love the icons and all your themes.
Pretty cool ,thanks for all.You have a lot of useful stuff here,in your blog!Nice work!
Beautiful! Thank you so much.
Thanks! Would be great if you could select these from the e-panel. Sorry, had to suggest this, not trying to be ungrateful 🙂
Thanks for these ultimate social media icons. I like them and will use them on my blog. Expecting more freebies from you Nick. 🙂
Nice Pin it icon!!
Just found it here.
amazing set
Cool! I like it. I am going to use these.
This is great! I suggest you to add icons for Formspring and Friendfeed.
Very cool icons. Thanks
Thanks Nick. These look great. I’m also looking forward to the launch of Lucid. You are an incredible service provider that is always working on providing a better “next” product than your “last” product.
Great stuff! Thank you very much!
Thanks for the icon.. I will surely be using them asap 🙂
Thank you for your generosity in creating these icons and giving them away for free! 🙂
thanks for your really nice icons. Can anyone tell me how to add this icons to the predefined shortcodes e.g. [digg]? Two more questions:
– before in the comments AJ Clarke spoke about social sidebar. I don’t have this in my theme (Flexible 1.0). Is it something special?
– I have a blog in two languages. I also have e.g. two Facebook pages. One in English and one German. When I write a post in German I would to have a Facebook button linking to my German FB-page and vice versa. Anyone an idea?
Thnx, Buschi
Nice icon set. 🙂
Useful and beautiful… that’s all wee need!
Thank you very much!
Great list. very useful icons
Thank you! Can’t wait to share and use!
Very cool icons. Thanks for creating them!
Thank you for sharing was very nice ..
Thank you!
Ah thanks a lot Nick for release this great icons for free 🙂
Nick, You removed my comment?
Ummm… I’m a little angry to hear that you actually have free time! You should be designing and building new themes 24/7!
Haha just kidding, These look great! Thanks for the awesome set!!!
Always nice to find free stuff, but it’s even nicer if these are also professional designed … Thanks!
Beautiful, colorful and very well-made icons. In an era of social networking is a useful thing.
I love your work and love these icons
can I ask what is the plugin you are using for social media that I can see under the posts?
You had some free time yesterday and boom: launched a complete set of nice icons 🙂
Will give it a try for my credit blog. Thank’s a lot Nick.
Really great social sites Icon. I used them on one of my site today
Thank You very much! This will be very helpful!
Beautiful. Thank you for sharing!
Perfect icon set 😡 Thank you so much Nick
“our second open-source social media icon set”… where’s the first one? couldn’t find it on the blog.
Right here: http://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/resources/free-social-media-icon-set
elegant and elegant !!! an Awesome work Nick ! Thanks for sharing
Great work for free time!
Wow! Very Beautiful, Thanks!
Thank you for your lovely designs, and yes of course I will tell others about it. Cheers.
Thanks Nick, just spent yesterday searching, downloading and trying icons only to find you’ve given us a sweet set. Thanks again.
Thank you very much!
wow.. that’s realy nice! Icon style is similar to themes : )
Thank you nick!
everyday I come across elegantthemes.com I just think: “well spent 89 bucks”
Best $39 I EVER spent! @ElegantThemes Rock!
Thanks Nick, and I love the regular new themes you keep releasing, can’t wait to play with Lucid and use these super sexy icons aswell:)
Thanks Amy 🙂
simple and elegant… Thanks Nick…
hi , you work is amazing , but there is no most important icon , there is no skype
Right! Add SKYPE please!
I love this pack and all of your themes!!!!
Thanks for releasing this Nick! I added it to the list of GPL icon sets on the Theme Review Codex Page: http://codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Review#GPL-Compatible_Icon_Sets
Great, I hope they prove useful!
I shall make time to use them!
Thank you
Nice work !
But you should use the most recent version of the Google+ logo, this one is the previous one 🙂
Agreed. That was my thought too, would love to see the latest updated Google+ logo. Cheers!
Agreed. I can’t find a complete set anywhere that has all the current logos, especially G+.
Nice set. Thx for these great icons.
Nick, nice set! How about icon for vk.com?
This is a great looking sets of icons. Awesome that they are released for free, and GPL-licensed. Elegant icons, Nick,,
Brilliant stiff Nick, thanks. Good to see Pinterest is in the set.
Are we allowed to use that “Twitter” icon on our websites? I guess I have read from Twitter website that modifying their logo (or something like that) would deviate their trademark policy. But the icon set is spectacular!
I tried to make it as close to the real logo as possible. It’s hard to make it look perfect at such a small size.
i would like to know if I can replace the google+ icon with the instagram icon and url on the nexus theme. currently there is only twitter, facebook,rss and google+.
if there is a way to replace the google+ icon please do let me know
I would also love to swap the RSS icon for the Youtube one. Please let me know how I can do this.
Hey Nick, i finally joined your themes, im 15 year old, and i was insisting my dad to buy this themes for me since 2010… I love them! I just have a little question, how do you make that with photoshop i also want to learn to make some! Thanks, from Colombia!!! Elegantthemes Rules!
Simon, there’s loads of tutorials on YouTube for covering the basics in PhotoShop. Personally, when designing icons like this, I tend to use Illustrator and then export to PhotoShop for the final image generation (depends what I’m doing as sometimes I’ll just use AI only).
It takes a while to learn by yourself, but it’s well worthwhile and there are plenty of tutorials out there (including those on the Adobe website)
This is great!
Thanks these are great !
Looking great and released at a perfect time when I was looking for a set of social media icons for my blog.
Beautiful and elegant as always, love it!
Beautiful and not many packs have the updated logos for all these sites. Also, you have sites that other’s ignore… touché!
Great pack!
That very beautiful icons. Thank you very much. ^o^
Very awesome, and it includes all the sites I need! Thanks!
Very nice Icons thank you very much for sharing. 🙂
Still no github? Please add a github!
Sorry about that. I will add it to the set if I have time.
Thanks so much for these 🙂 I would also love a github icon, so hard to find!
Yeah, please do it asap.
That would be awesome, please do consider adding Steam as well. 😀
love your themes, love your site, love free things. Thanks for designing these, you guys rock! DocMurdock on Facebook
*am already a member of your site*
Great post!
Thanks for sharing.
I really really like this set, Just downloaded them and will get them up tonight
Great set! Thanks a lot for sharing 🙂
I love the colour on these, I’ll try an get them onto my site
I think I’ll be using these on my site as well
Nice social media icons set thanks for sharing this.
Agree. I’m going to use them on my site.
Nice icon set guys!
Oh, you should switch out your sidebar social icons with the new ones 😉
Good point 🙂 I will update then shortly.
For people that are newbies, not coders and that have managed to get a site up with elegant themes. Can you please provide a video or instructions on how to install these new social media icons. Thanks:)