8 of the Best Books on Mindfulness Every Professional Needs to Read

Last Updated on September 13, 2022 by 3 Comments

8 of the Best Books on Mindfulness Every Professional Needs to Read
Blog / Business / 8 of the Best Books on Mindfulness Every Professional Needs to Read

Over the past several years, mindfulness has arisen as a practice many professionals recommend to combat anxiety and burnout. Mindfulness is easy to incorporate into your daily routine. That’s why we’ve compiled eight of the best books on mindfulness every professional should check out.

Mindfulness can help reduce stress in all aspects of life. Therefore, it’s particularly powerful for busy professionals who need to stay focused and productive at work.

Practicing mindfulness is all about creating habits. Mindfulness, in itself, is simple: it’s all about bringing your attention to the present moment. When you’re mindful, you take time to notice how you’re feeling, what you’re thinking, and what’s happening around you. It doesn’t require a lot of time–and it doesn’t have to get woo-woo if you don’t want it to.

So what are the best books on mindfulness? Let’s dive in and take a look.

1. Real-World Mindfulness for Beginners: Navigate Daily Life One Practice at a Time by Brenda Salgado

For those looking for a practical, real-world application for mindfulness, Brenda Salgado’s Real-World Mindfulness for Beginners is a good place to start. It’s common for us to experience challenges such as painful emotions, self-destructive behavior patterns, life-altering change, and anxiety. Salgado’s collection of mindfulness advice and techniques from trusted mindfulness experts helps readers to apply mindfulness practices to these universal obstacles all of us face.

The book contains short mindfulness techniques that are easy to fit into a busy work day. Readers also get the added benefit of a range of information from multiple experts.

Price: $4.49 (Kindle) | More Information

2. The Headspace Guide To Meditation & Mindfulness by Andy Puddicombe

Andy Puddicombe, author of The Headspace Guide to Meditation & Mindfulness, is a celebrated mindfulness meditation expert and former Buddhist monk. Andy is the founder of Headspace, a popular mindfulness app that introduces busy professionals to mindfulness meditation and helps them begin applying its principles to their lives for greater inner peace.

If you’re looking to reduce stress and get more centered in your life and career, pairing Puddicombe’s book with the Headspace app could be a great combination for you.

Price: $7.99 (Kindle) | More Information

3. The Worry Trick: How Your Brain Tricks You Into Expecting the Worst and What You Can Do About It by David A. Carbonell

Are you a chronic worrier? This mindfulness guide by David A. Carbonelli is geared specifically toward people who tend to worry and fret. The Worry Trick contains tips and habits to help worrywarts wrangle their runaway thoughts and calm their responses to perceived danger.

This book is great for people who are easily triggered into “fight, flight, or freeze”, particularly if there is no danger present. The Worry Trick helps you work with your anxiety, rather than avoiding it, in order to overcome it.

Price: $9.99 (Kindle) | More Information

4. 10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works–A True Story by Dan Harris

10% Happier was written by Dan Harris, an anchor for Nightline who experienced a panic attack on the air. Through an eye-opening spiritual journey, Dan learned how to quiet the nagging voice in his head through meditation. His story draws on experiences and interactions with neuroscientists and spiritual leaders from a variety of backgrounds.

If you’re looking for one of the best books on mindfulness that draws from personal experience, take a look at this one.

Price: $11.99 (Kindle) | More Information

5. Star Wars: Be More Yoda: Mindful Thinking from a Galaxy Far Far Away by Christian Blauvelt

Mindfulness isn’t all serious–in fact, it’s important to get a shot of joy in our day, especially when we’re dealing with stressful situations or anxiety. If you’re a geek like me, then you will appreciate Be More Yoda by Christian Bleuvelt as part of your mindfulness library. (Because the best books on mindfulness should absolutely include a little bit of fun!)

Packed with sage advice from great Jedi masters including Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Luke Skywalker, this book taps into the wisdom of Star Wars and helps readers apply its principles to their own mindfulness practices.

Price: $6.99 (Kindle) | More Information

6. Practicing Mindfulness: 75 Essential Meditations To Reduce Stress, Improve Mental Health, And Find Peace In The Everyday by Matthew Sockolov

If you’re looking for a repository of mindfulness meditations to help you through everyday life, Matthew Sockolov’s Practicing Mindfulness is an excellent resource. These exercises are based on scientific evidence and are easy to integrate into your busy schedule. They range from quick, 5-minute meditations to longer exercises (up to 25 minutes).

Practicing Mindfulness includes in-depth discussions on what mindfulness is and how to make it a habit. In addition, readers will enjoy the practical advice included to help you train your mind and bring it back to the task or focus at hand. You’ll also learn breathwork and other exercises to help you practice mind over matter techniques.

Price: $9.99 (Kindle) | More Information

7. Mindfulness: An Eight-Week Plan for Finding Peace in a Frantic World by Dr. Danny Penman

In Mindfulness, Mark Williams and Danny Penman have created an eight-week plan for making mindfulness practices a daily habit in order to find inner peace and happiness. Williams and Penman draw on their experience with developing Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) in this extensive and helpful dive into how mindfulness works to help rewire the brain.

Mindfulness features a collection of simple, 10- to 20-minute MBCT meditations. It also features links to guided meditation audios that pair with the book. This could be considered one of the best books on mindfulness because it draws on the experiences of therapists who created MBCT.

Price: $13.99 (Kindle) | More Information

8. The Little Book of Mindfulness: 10 Minutes a Day to Less Stress, More Peace by Patrizia Collard

In The Little Book of Mindfulness, Dr. Patrizia Collard draws on her extensive experience as a mindfulness teacher, psychotherapist, University of East London psychotherapy lecturer, and stress management consultant. The book contains 5- and 10-minute mindfulness practices you can apply in your daily life.

Dr. Collard’s book guides readers along the journey to greater inner peace. Many readers consider it one of the best books on mindfulness. The Little Book of Mindfulness is a powerful resource whether you’ve been practicing mindfulness long-term or you’re just getting started.

Price: $3.99 (Kindle) | More Information

Wrapping Up

There are so many incredible books on mindfulness out there that our list is barely scratching the surface. If you want to know more about mindfulness practices or want a resource more specifically tailored to your current situation, there’s something out there for you.

What are the best books on mindfulness that you’ve read so far? Share them with us in the comments!

Article featured image by Marish / shutterstock.com

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  1. All great resources. My favourite, “75 Essential Meditations To Reduce Stress”. Something all business owners need more of these days as life can get very stressful <3

  2. Great post haley.
    For me, it’s “The Worry Trick” that’s been most effective! Some of the suggestions here really captured my interest. Thanks for this Post

  3. No! The best book is Unpluged of Suze Yalog.

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