Summer greetings, Divi community! We have just begun Q3 of 2020! Normally, we would point out how fast time is flying by, but at this point, we’re all okay with this year just flying by, amirite? Nevertheless, we press on toward our goals during these unprecedented times and constantly reiterate. Reflecting on Q1 and Q2 of this year and all the pivots we’ve all made, how are you attacking Q3? Our Divi meetups are continuing with virtual models but groups have begun collaborating together! Now, more than ever, our global network of Divi meetup groups is connected and the energy from the excitement our organizers are bringing to it is so refreshing.
Check it out our current stats and community updates from June 2020!
- 1 The Divi Nation Meetup Network by the Numbers
- 2 Let’s Welcome Our New Meetup Groups
Updates from Existing Groups
- 3.1 Divi Bogotá, Colombia
- 3.2 Divi Chicago, Illinois, United States
- 3.3 Divi Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas, USA
- 3.4 Divi Kolkata, India
- 3.5 Divi Los Angeles, California, USA
- 3.6 Divi Madrid, Spain
- 3.7 Divi New York City, USA
- 3.8 Divi Sacramento, California, USA
- 3.9 Divi Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
- 3.10 Divi Seattle, Washington, USA
- 3.11 Divi South Florida, USA
- 3.12 Divi Tampa, Florida, USA
- 3.13 Divi Toulouse, France
- 4 Want to Host Your Own Local Divi Network Meetup?
The Divi Nation Meetup Network by the Numbers
- Total Members: 8,032
- Total Groups: 63
- Total Events Hosted: 572
- Total RSVPs: 3,874
- New Members (Last 90 Days): 1,174
- New Groups (Last 60 Days): 5
- New Group Pipeline: 3
If you have a passion to build your local Divi community, locate a group near you here, or use the button below to apply to become a local organizer.
Let’s Welcome Our New Meetup Groups
Please give a warm welcome to our new hosts! June brought us two more Meetup groups, and we’re thrilled to introduce you to the hosts.
See below for introductions (in the host’s own words) and info on their next Meetups.
Divi Houston, Texas, USA

Cindy Mahoney of Divi Houston
Meet the host, Cindy Mahoney:
I worked as a freelance web designer, graphic designer, and photographer through college. Just before graduation, I was hired full-time at ASTOUNDZ as a front end web developer. 99% of our hundreds of sites are built with DIVI. It has been pretty amazing watching the growth of DIVI’s capabilities since I started with the company. We are always excited to see the new releases and incorporate them into our workflows. We are currently finding ways to use the Theme Builder to build out in-house templates for styles we love and find ourselves repurposing. Our company specializes in building sites that have excellent SEO and DIVI has complemented our strategies.
I’d like to surround myself with like-minded individuals in an atmosphere that shares knowledge and encourages growth. I love learning from peers who have new ways of looking at things and creative solutions to everyday design and SEO issues.
Their first virtual event is in a couple of weeks! Be sure to join the group if you’re in the Houston area!
Divi Dkaka, Bangladesh

Md Kamal Hossain of Divi Dhaka
Meet the host, Md Kamal Hossain:
This is Kamal Hasnainee (Real name “Md Kamal Hossain”), IT Research & Product Development Manager at Anzelweb. For any kind of web design, we use Divi for our business purpose to complete by following the client’s requirements as per their sketch. I really love to work with Divi Builder to show the creativity of our minds.
As I say always “Design is the color of mind” and the Divi is the tool for that design.
I am a top lead local guide in my country and organized a lot of meetups in my area and in foreign countries too. And also attended national & international meetups and summit. So, it would [be] nice and easy for me to help the people who want to learn about DiviNation through my social networking.
They just got up and running. Be on the lookout for their first event! We’re excited!
Updates from Existing Groups
This current climate has been quite the change for our Divi meetup organizers. Going from exclusive in-person events, to exclusive virtual events, has been a huge shift. Our organizers have been over-the-top with their excitement and have attacked the reiteration with grace. It comes with all the feels!
Check out the monthly happenings of some of our communities below!
Divi Bogotá, Colombia

Divi Bogotá
From the Host, Jaime Eduardo Gómez:
Today’s session was very helpful, we presented how DIVI’s integration with Woocommerce is simple and flexible and we learned about payment gateways. We had good group participation with space for questions and answers, and we also had guests from other countries!
You are invited [to] our next talk!
Divi Bogotá is our first meetup in Colombia. Join this group and be part of the Divi magic in South America!
Divi Chicago, Illinois, United States

Divi Chicago

Divi Chicago
From the Hosts, Joan Margau & Scott Winterroth:
The Divi Chicago Meetup Group doubled-down during the Illinois Stay-at-home order with two virtual meetups! Earlier in the Month, Co-Organizer Scott Winterroth presented on some necessary web accessibility tips with Divi and co-organizer Joan Margau covering ways to integrate email marketing with Divi.
Be sure to check out the upcoming Meetup events on Divi-Chicago Meetup.
Divi Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas, USA

Divi Dallas/Fort Worth
From the Host, Tommy Lee & Jube Dankworth:
In June, Divi DFW discussed importing and exporting with the theme builder in Divi. Tommy Lee showed possible applications across websites, blogs, and eCommerce, and some of our members had the opportunity to highlight how to use this feature for their own sites. We finished our meeting with a brief section where members talked about issues they’ve encountered with Divi and shared knowledge of how to fix it.
Don’t be bashful and get involved with this group today!
Divi Kolkata, India

Divi Kolkata
From the Host, Rajesh Ravidas:
It was great seeing around 15 attendees again in our June Virtual meetup. We invited an SEO specialist this month who showed us how to do SEO and rank a WordPress website. It was a very friendly session where the speaker Mr. Prabhakar Alok cleared many of our doubts in SEO.
The Divi Kolkata community is super energized. Do check them out!
Divi Los Angeles, California, USA

Divi Los Angeles
From the Host, Christian Mauerer:
This month at Divi Meetup Los Angeles we dove deep on Accessibility on the web.
A lot of people are starting to use 3rd party plugins for web accessibility ignoring the fact that they do not necessarily make their website accessible enough.
Thanks for Sumner Davenport who is the legal expert in these matters.
Reach out to her on Facebook, she’s in all the Divi Groups 🙂
Get plugged in with this great Divi meetup today!
Divi Madrid, Spain

Divi Madrid
From the Hosts, Luis Melgarejo & Julio Hector Loupias:
In this meetup Max Camuñas delighted us with his presentation…
How to adapt to the RGPD a website made with DIVI.
We were in streaming for 90 minutes on YouTube and 30 people participated.
Today 06/25/2020 in which we write these mail, it already has 118 views
!! We are very pleased with this achievement!!
Greetings from Madrid”.
Divi Madrid is a strong community that would love your presence!
Divi New York City, USA

Divi NYC
From the Host, Patty Rose:
Divi NYC Meetup 6/25/2020
Co-Hosts Patty Rose + Jeanine Polizzi
Topic – Motivation + Planning
We asked the members to share what they were up to in this extraordinary moment in time.
How are you continuing to share your gifts, products, and services with the world? How are you staying motivated to move forward?
“We would love to have someone from Divi to attend out meet-up let us know what is coming up”
“Divi is so nice, the whole community is there to help you”
Looking into future topics: Welcoming speakers, come join us at Divi NYC on Meetup!
Making your logo appear appropriately Sizing and quality settings
Cross Browser quality checks before going live
Best Practices – building for mobile 1st?
Site Speed
Image optimization
Be sure to check out their Meetup page for details on their next event!
Divi Sacramento, California, USA

Divi Sacramento
From the Host, Rosalinda Huck:
Divi Sacramento convened for a “project share” meeting in June. We had 10 attendees for our virtual Meetup, including Divi Nation folks from Australia and Suriname! Members shared their current projects and gave fabulous tips and critique, including helpful resources from the greater Divi Community. For our July meeting, we’ll have a guest speaker — Scott Winteroth, co-organizer for Divi Chicago — who will talk about Divi and Accessibility.
Divi Sacramento comes with it on content! Do check them out!
Divi Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

Divi Salt Lake City
From the Host, Dustin Olsen:
Had a good turnout with even North Carolina and Idaho being represented in the group! Super exciting! We did a demo of the Theme Builder feature (different from Divi as a page builder) and gave a sense of how it’s a game-changer for web design.
Had some time left over to go over other questions people had with their Divi sites related to displaying events and restaurant menu items.
We’d love to have your presence at this meetup! Join today!
Divi Seattle, Washington, USA

Divi Seattle
From the Hosts, Bradon Garley & Shane Griffiths:
We had a great turnout this month! Our topic was tips and tricks for building quickly and efficiently in Divi. We reviewed using the color palette, setting fonts, configuring module default design settings, using global modules, selective syncing on global modules, using the layers panel, extending styles to other modules, building page layouts with the theme builder, and keyboard shortcuts for Divi. By mastering these skills, a Divi designer can save countless hours when building out a new site or revamping an existing site.
Be sure to get involved with the thriving Divi meetup! Divi Seattle will not disappoint!
Divi South Florida, USA

Divi South Florida
From the Host, Carlos Vazquez:
The South Florida chapter had a chance to connect and discuss the latest Divi updates. All of us were excited to share additional ways to speed up our sites using the power of CDN‘s and image compression tools. We’re looking forward to our next event to discuss other ways to improve our workflows.
Be sure to check out their Meetup page for details on their next event!
Divi Tampa, Florida, USA

Divi Tampa
From the Host, Steve Willingham:
The Divi-Tampa June VIRTUAL Exchange of Divi Know-how (or Want-to-know-how) was held on Thursday June 18 at 2PM. Nine Meetup members signed up to attend, and the typical one third attendance rate was actually spot-on. The three attendees were: two from Tampa and one from Sarasota Florida. We exchanged trinkets of knowledge about working with the Divi theme, mused over the happenings of the day, and delved into the subject of website accessibility needs imposed by the Americans with Disabilities Act. And then discussed when we’ll be able to get back to in-person meetups at AMRoC Fab Lab, but alas we do not know yet when that will happen. Overall, we had a very nice Divi meetup and all were looking forward to the next in July!
Divi Tampa is happening. Be sure to join!
Divi Toulouse, France

Divi Toulouse
From the Host, Fifa Randrianasolo:
Nous avons passé un super moment lors de cette rencontre virtuelle du mois de Juin.
Nous avons fait une analyse de site, les difficultés rencontrées et les astuces.
À travers cette analyse, nous sommes tous d’accord que Divi 4 a révolutionné notre façon de travailler sur les sites, le gain de temps et la fluidité de la gestion des projets.
Un bel échange entre les participants. Les valeurs de la communauté de Divi Toulouse #Echanger, #Partager, #Fêter ont été respectées !
Vivement la prochaine 😉
Word on the street is Toulouse is beautiful! Do check this group out!
Want to Host Your Own Local Divi Network Meetup?
Great! We’re always on the lookout for people around the world who are passionate about Divi and building community and want to spread that enthusiasm to their local community. We take care of the monthly Meetup fees, and we provide all our hosts with tons of resources to help plan and promote their events, including help with finding a venue and coming up with topic ideas.
Starting a new Divi Meetup group is simple. Just apply by filling out this form or email [email protected]. Once the form is complete, we will work together to get your group launched and linked to our Meetup Network. Easy as that!
Not sure if there’s already a Divi Meetup Group in your area? Just head to our Meetup Network page to see a map of our current locations.
Thanks for this initiative I have discovered a Divi group in my own city (Valencia Spain). I have been able to attend meetings and it is very helpful to have a community close by to solve problems or learn new uses. Thank you