Hey Divi Nation! It’s time for another update on our Divi Meetup Network–and boy do we have a lot to cover this month! We’ve seen a lot of growth lately and lots of new interest that we’re confident will continue to fuel growth for many months to come. And we couldn’t be happier! Here’s a quick summary of our current stats.
The Divi Meetup Network, by the Numbers
Here is where we stand at the end of June 2019:
- Total Members: 2,810
- Total Groups: 31
- Total Events Hosted: 272
- Total RSVPs: 916
- New Members (Last 90 Days): 544
- New Groups (Last 60 Days): 6
- New Group Pipeline: 20
If you’d like to get in on the action yourself, locate a group near you here or use the button below to apply to become a local organizer.
Apply to Become a Divi Meetup Organizer Today
Let’s Welcome Our New Meetup Groups
Please give a warm welcome to our new hosts! In May and June, we’ve had six more Meetup groups that have launched, and we’re excited to introduce you to the hosts.
See below for introductions (in the host’s own words) and info on their next Meetups.
Divi Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

Dustin Olsen of Divi Salt Lake City
Meet the host, Dustin Olsen:
I have been building WordPress websites with Elegant Themes for nearly a decade, starting way back before Divi was even a theme. With its unmatched and unbridled potential, I have been using the Divi theme exclusively for all the websites I build – which has allowed me to build websites faster, more efficiently, and more creatively. All of which has laid the groundwork for the launching pad that was needed to go from side-hustle freelancer to full-time business owner. The more websites you build, the more you see (or break), and the more you learn the ins and outs of WordPress and Divi.
They already had their first event and are gaining some traction. Their next event is on July 2nd. If you’re in Salt Lake City, check them out!
Divi Mahesana, India

Tirthak Patel of Divi Mahesana
Meet the host, Tirthak Patel:
I am Founder & CEO at two startups – Webiflu and Leadest, a professionally certified WordPress expert with good hands-on knowledge of Divi. A public speaker, mentor, and advisor at a few start-ups. Web development is my interest and expertise in content writing & I have the best communication skills.
Their first event will be scheduled soon. If you’re in Mehsana area, check them out!
Divi London, Ontario, Canada

Heather Peel of Divi London, Ontario
Meet the host, Heather Peel:
My goal for this new Divi meetup group is to help empower users to manage or build their own websites and in the process I know I will learn more too. I have been using Divi almost exclusively since 2013. I own a small web design / web hosting agency in London (since 1998) and I love learning and helping new users discover how to manage their own sites. I have been a co-organizer of the London WordPress Meetup group for about 3 years and try and attend as many WordCamps in our area as possible.
Their next event is this Wednesday, July 3rd. Check them out!
Divi Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Chuks of Divi Port Harcourt
Meet the host, Igbojionu Chukwudi:
I am a Computer Scientist who loves to create good and quality graphics and animation and implementing it in the world wide web. I personally program with python and use WordPress, my recommended CMS. And Divi makes development easy with WordPress.
If you’re in the Port Harcourt area, be sure to join the group!
Divi Columbus, Ohio, United States

Nathan of Divi Columbus
Meet the host, Nathan B. Weller:
I’ve been a Divi user since close to the beginning. I’ve also been employed by Elegant Themes since 2014. First as a freelance blogger, then as a staff content creator, and eventually in my current role of Content Manager. I’ve met so many amazing Divi users along the way–but not many from my own home town! I’d like to change that with this group and extend the awesome Divi Community we all know and love online to my local area.
Their first meetup is July 23 at the main branch of the Metro Library downtown. If you’re around the Central Ohio Area, join them!
Divi Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Bob Briare of Divi Las Vegas
Meet the host, Bob Briare:
I started as a part-time freelance website builder in 2005 with Adobe Dreamweaver, then started using WordPress meandering through the universe of WordPress themes. Then in 2014, I was introduced to Divi and my life has never been the same.
I currently work for a youth soccer club in Las Vegas, looking after their websites. I still have the freelance business but it does not get much attention these days. Before that, I was the executive director of Nevada Youth Soccer. I joined that after escaping the hotel industry of ten years.
Plan on checking them out during your next Vegas trip and if you live in the area, be sure to join!
Divi Mumbai, India

Gaurav Sharma of Divi Mumbai
Meet the host, Gaurav Sharma:
I have more than 15 years of experience in Web Designing & Digital Marketing. I had a full-time job for 7 years before I started a small digital marketing agency in the busiest place of Mumbai. My Expertise is in graphic designing, website development, branding, social media marketing, google ads, etc. Since I am more of a designer I was always looking for a tool where I don’t face much coding and or don’t fight with full-time coders. When I accidentally landed on Divi, it really changed my life and my work style. Nowadays I hardly hire full-time developers. I can create the websites as I really want it.
If you’re in the Mumbai area, be sure to join the group!
Updates from Existing Groups
Summer has begun, but our Meetup groups still have face-time! It has been rewarding watching our groups grow their communities. The excitement is contagious!
See below for an update on what our current groups have been up to!
Divi Phoenix, Arizona, USA
From the Host, Carol Stambaugh:
Since launching, we’ve hosted three meetups and have 50 members!! We are taking it back to the basics and doing a progressive “Learn Divi” series. Our users are diverse in their knowledge from newb to expert, but all have found value with our basics-refresher. We’re so excited this finally get this meetup off the ground!
The Phoenix community is super active with two meetups per month! Be sure to join!
Divi Destin/30A in Florida, USA
From the Host, Joy Todd:
We are pleased to announce that DIVI Destin / 30A has expanded to 33 members. Our last meeting was held at The Craft Bar in Destin with 6 members in attendance. One of our members drove all the way from Alabama just for our meeting! This was an action-packed get-together with lots of sharing and great conversations. We had a few new designers as well as a smart and talented programmer. From beginners to experienced DIVI / WordPress designers, we all learned something. Our meeting topics included: DIVI tips, recommended resources, hosting, plugins and security. Security was the hot topic for the evening. Our next meeting is focused on ADA requirements.
If you’re a Divi user near Destin, Florida, be sure to join Joy’s group and get notified of their next event!
Milwaukee Divi Society in Wisconsin, USA
From the Hosts, Kimberly Hughes & Tracy Champagne:
Our meetups serve in an important capacity—as an introduction to Divi for newbies. The open format of our meetups allows us to address whatever topics/questions the group has in mind that particular night. Most of the time, we’re asked, “What is Divi?”
At our last meetup, three members of a health clinic were in attendance. We were able to show them one of the free layouts Divi has for such a business. They were impressed and we were pleased.We send out a monthly Divi Society newsletter; the mailing list has grown from 19 to almost 50.
Be sure to check out their Meetup page for details on their next event!
Divi New York City, USA
From the Host, Patty Rose:
Divi NYC had a great meeting in June! We shared our 1/2 year goals for website projects we plan to complete in 2019. We had a fantastic tutorial on the Divi Carousel Method by our fellow member, Mickey Diener. And, as always, we also made time for informal ‘shop talk’ about Divi, WordPress, our favorite plug-ins, mobile viewpoints and more.
Mickey created an instructional PDF of the Divi Carousel Method. If you are interested in receiving that, simply become a member of Divi NYC and we’ll share it in messenger.
July is lined up to be our best meeting, yet! Once again, Mickey will be our speaker – the topic, “Understanding the many updates to the Divi Builder”.I personally can’t wait and I sure hope you can join us!
Be sure to check out their Meetup page for details on their next event!
Divi Seacoast (North Hampton, New Hampshire), USA
From the Host, Jeffrey Litcofsky:
There are currently 27 members of the Divi Seacoast group. We did something new for our latest Divi Nation, instead of a formal presentation, we had an open forum discussion for anything Divi-related. Attendees participated in the discussion with how-tos, tips, and troubleshooting issues. A test Divi website was used during the demonstration. The attendee questions varied from how to use the Extend controls to setting global items for mobile-only sections to using the new transform and row column options. There was also much discussion around creating efficient processes to speed up the design work.
Be sure to check out their Meetup page for details on their next event!
Want to Host Your Own Local Divi Nation Meetup?
Great! We’re always on the lookout for people around the world who are passionate about Divi and want to spread that enthusiasm to their local community. We take care of the monthly Meetup fees, and we provide all our hosts with tons of resources to help plan and promote their events, including help with finding a venue and coming up with topic ideas.
Starting a new Divi Nation Meetup group is simple. Begin by clicking the button below and filling in the application form.
Apply to Become a Divi Meetup Organizer Today
Once the form is complete, we will work together to get your group launched and linked to our Meetup Network. Easy as that!
Not sure if there’s already a Divi Meetup Group in your area? Just head to our Meetup Network page to see a map of our current locations.
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