The Divi Nation Podcast, Episode 15 – Building & Launching Productized Services with Tim Strifler

Last Updated on March 10, 2023 by 20 Comments

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The Divi Nation Podcast, Episode 15 – Building & Launching Productized Services with Tim Strifler
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In this episode of Divi Nation (our last of the first season!) we sit down with Divi Community Member and Entrepreneur Tim Strifler. We talk about building and launching productized services with WordPress and Divi. Something Tim has a good deal of experience with.

Currently, Tim has one such service under his belt and is in the process of building his second. As part of this process he created a list of hard earned lessons he’s had to learn (so far) and we walk through them one by one.

This episode is a note-taker, so grab a pen or pull up a doc and let’s dive in!

Divi Nation 15: Building & Launching Productized Services with Tim Strifler


Productized services are a topic that has made brief appearances in a few of our previous episodes. It seemed appropriate to spend more time on it this season because one of the primary themes has been entrepreneurship. In this episode Tim Strifler generously shares from his successes and his failures to help anyone looking to build something with WordPress and Divi see the road ahead a bit clearer.

I hope you enjoy our conversation as much as we did. And if you’d like to make sure you can easily watch or listen to future episodes of Divi Nation (as well as our entire archive), please take a moment and use one of the subscription options we’ve provided below.

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This Week in WordPress 13

In this edition of This Week in WordPress guest host Tim Strifler and I talk about how to add recurring revenue to your business, what it means to be a WordPress Developer, and the frustrating things WordPress professionals are tired of hearing from clients.

Building & Launching Productized Services with Tim Strifler

In this interview Tim shares eight hard earned lessons he learned through the process of building and launching his first productized service using WordPress and Elegant Themes.

Divi Quick Tip #11: How to Style Divi’s Dot Navigation

In this Divi Quick Tip I show you how to style the dot navigation on Divi pages and sliders. You can use the code below to follow along.

/* Side Nav Background */
ul.et_pb_side_nav {
	background: rgba(195,0,0,0.99);

/* Side Dot Nav Link */
ul.et_pb_side_nav .side_nav_item a {
	background-color: #FFF;

/* Side Dot Nav Link (Active) */
ul.et_pb_side_nav .side_nav_item {
	background-color: #02AD0F !important;

/*Slider Dot Nav Styling*/
.et-pb-controllers .et-pb-active-control {
    background-color: #fff;
.et-pb-controllers .et-pb-active-control {
    background-color: #02AD0F !important;

Production Notes

As always, below is the list of the software and gear used to create Divi Nation.

I think this episode both looked and sounded pretty good. However there is always room to improve and when it comes to production there is almost always a new problem to solve. This episode it was significant audio drift–causing the video and audio to come unsynced pretty dramatically. The culprit? Brief low bandwidth during recording.

You’ll notice it about halfway through the interview portion. Tim is giving an answer to one of my questions and some audio distortions begin and then get progressively worse for about 10-15 seconds. It was at that point that we stopped. Figured out the my internet speed had dipped. Waited for it to come back up to normal. And all was good.

What’s funny about this is that you can have all the right software, gear, and techniques but something can and will happen. And you just have to make the best of it. In a way I feel like each and every episode of the first season has been the MVP (minimum viable product) that I was capable of producing that week. I expect this to stay more or less the same going forward, but the difference being that each week that MVP will get better and better as I learn and create more.

Thank you all so much for watching and/or listening to the first season of Divi Nation. If you have any production related questions or comments I’m always up for talking shop in the comments section below.

Nominate Our Next Co-Host!

We are looking for Divi enthusiasts to co-host Divi Nation each week. If you are interested in sharing your experience with the Divi community, be sure to submit your application below so that we can get in touch! Or, if there is someone else you’d like to see featured on the show, please take a moment to nominate them so that we can reach out to them.

Apply/Nominate a Divi Nation Co-Host

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  1. Thank you. Good information (Y)

  2. Season 2 ??

    Looking Forward To it

    • I’m booking guests for season two as we speak. Looks like we’ll premiere in the first week of February.

      • Great News!
        Thanks Nathan.

        • I came to this page in hopes to find a clue on why I haven’t received any Divi Nation Podcast updates. I came to the right place. I thought there were supposed to be some short episodes released throughout December? So glad to see Season 2 is still on track and coming soon. Great job with the podcast Nathan and looking forward to hearing from you soon.

          • Thanks Josh! Sorry about the lack of updates. I’m hoping to have the first episode of Season 2 out very soon.

  3. Does Divi has any plans to add option to switch to text editor from Divi builder?

  4. Another home run! Thanks Nathan.

    The post reminded me of the reason I got into web design to begin with: creating avenues for passive income. Every business idea came back to the web in some way. Great topic.

    Happy Holidays!

  5. Good job Nathan and Tim 🙂 thanks bro.

  6. I am brand new to Divi Nation. New Elegant Themes customer and affiliate. This is the first podcast I have listened to and I am working my way through blog posts and earlier podcasts. Excited about moving away from using free WordPress themes to exploring Divi and other Elegant Themes for my various blogsites. I am a marketing MBA recently freelance after long career working for others and man is it challenging being a freelancer! I don’t feel alone knowing the valuable insights from this community. I also agree with Tim that knowing the theory is one thing, but putting it into practice is a whole other challenge. I am a writer not a developer so all these tips are great for me starting out for my own sites plus to help some clients (startups) getting going with their minimum viable products! Thanks so much. I am learning with baby steps but knowing the bigger picture makes it less scary.

    • Thanks for tuning in Glenda. Please let me know if there is a topic we could cover that will help you along in your journey 🙂

  7. Nathan, thanks for a great first season! As a podcaster myself, I really appreciate the thorough show notes and content you offer us readers. Definitely a tremendous value.

    I’d love to join you for a chat next season so please reach out when you start producing new shows. Until then, I’ll check out some back episodes.

    • Thanks Prescott! I’m always interested in meeting new potential guest hosts. Please use our big Apply/Nominate button above to put yourself on that list 🙂

  8. Great job done @Nathan and @Tim.

  9. Good job Nathan and Tim 🙂

  10. Hey Nathan, just adding to your Quick Tips, people can also actually add texts to those navigation in place of just dots. Let me show you how

    First the styling the whole of the texts by setting global CSS properties

    a#side_nav_item_id_0:before, a#side_nav_item_id_1:before, a#side_nav_item_id_2:before, a#side_nav_item_id_3:before, a#side_nav_item_id_4:before, a#side_nav_item_id_5:before, a#side_nav_item_id_6:before, a#side_nav_item_id_7:before, a#side_nav_item_id_8:before {
    color: #000;
    display: block;
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    font-size: 12px;
    font-family: Arial,serif;

    And then add text to each of them like this

    a#side_nav_item_id_1:before {
    content: “Top”;

    a#side_nav_item_id_2:before {
    content: “Design”;

    and so…

    Just use Firebug or Chrome Inspect Elements and find the exact CSS class to target this.

    Hope this helps.

    An example can be found here

    • Hi Kalyan,
      nice addon 🙂

      What did you use to create your menu? having it under the main/header image and sticking it to top when scrolling down?

      Did you use a plugin of certain css tricks?

  11. I love your quick tips! Thank you so much!

  12. Another great episode! I just want to thank you for launching the Divi Nation podcast. I’ve been inspired in many ways. You’ve picked some great topics and selected your co-hosts brilliantly. Have a great break, and I’m sure I’m not the only one out here who is looking forward to Season 2!

  13. This was definitely my favourite episode of Divi Nation, Love the topic of productizing services in some form. Can’t wait for season 2 🙂

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