Becoming a Divi Powered Digital Nomad with Noëlle Steegs– The Divi Nation Podcast, Episode 64

Posted on October 13, 2017 by 13 Comments

Becoming a Divi Powered Digital Nomad with Noëlle Steegs– The Divi Nation Podcast, Episode 64
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Hey Divi Nation we’re back this week with our last podcast to appear on this blog! What?! Yes, it’s true. After this week we’ll be transitioning the Divi Nation podcast and video show to a Facebook livestream on Thursday’s at 3pm EST. It will also be available after the livestream on YouTube and iTunes (or wherever you listen to podcasts). The full details for this change can be found below and in the show itself (at the end).

But that’s just an announcement. Today’s episode is a really fun one you definitely don’t want to miss. I got to interview Noëlle Steegs, a Divi powered digital nomad currently living and working from the South African wilderness.

Check it out!

Becoming a Divi Powered Digital Nomad with Noëlle Steegs– The Divi Nation Podcast, Episode 64


In this episode I interview Noëlle Steegs of

Noëlle is a freelance web designer living the Digital Nomad lifestyle. In fact, when I caught up with her earlier this week she was out in the African bush using her iPad to join me on Skype.

Which, if you ask me, is pretty cool.

We’ve had some folks on the show before who have taken their life and businesses on the road in RV’s or vans or campers, but I don’t think we’ve ever talked to someone who lives out of a backpack all over the world. Which is a much more minimal and tricky way to work—but as you can imaging—very rewarding too.

During the course of our conversation Noëlle shares her WordPress and Divi story and then dives deep into a whole slew of tips for anyone interesting into becoming a digital nomad themselves.

All that and more in today’s episode of Divi Nation, the official Divi podcast.

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Show Notes

Below are some of the recommendations and resources Noëlle suggested for anyone interested in becoming a digital nomad.


  • Disorganization is the enemy. Organization is comfort.


  • Quality backpack; carry on size for flights.
  • Use compression bags to keep clothes small.

Must Have Tech

  • Laptop
  • Router meant for high device count and high speed with low bandwidth. Can do sim card and dsl.
  • Divi! Of course.

Stuff to scavenge, buy, or borrow on location (instead of packing)

  • Tables, chairs, and other office fixings.
  • Take advantage of co-working spaces.

Digital Nomad Resources

Facebook groups:


Divi Nation Announcements

Boy do we have a big week coming up for you. And it all starts with our next freebie.

Our Next Freebie: The Divi Business Layout Pack

Be sure to come back on Monday to get our next Divi freebie, the Divi Business Layout Pack!

Next Week’s Freebie & Livestream Schedule

Monday: Brand new (free) Divi Business Layout Pack released at 12 Noon Eastern Standard Time right here on the Elegant Themes blog.

Tuesday: The Divi Business Layout Pack 1 Hour Use Case Example Livesteam with start at 3pm Eastern Standard Time on the Elegant Themes Facebook page.

Wednesday: A new Divi feature will be released right here on our blog at 3pm Eastern Standard Time.

Thursday: Divi Nation Live at 3pm Eastern Standard Time on the Elegant Themes Facebook page.

Friday: B.J. Keeton’s This Week in WordPress Livestream will begin on the Elegant Themes Facebook page at 3pm Eastern Standard Time.

See You Next Week!

Well that’s all for this week’s episode. Thanks again to Noëlle for making the time to be on the show. I hope you enjoyed our chat as much as I did. If you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments section below!

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  1. OOOOOOOHHHHH A new DIVI Feature next week.

  2. I’m in the planning stage to maybe being a digital nomad for a year. I’ve been looking at as a resource.

    • That’s awesome Phil. Have you chosen a destination yet? And yes, that’s indeed a fabulous resource. They have a page where you can filter destinations based on criteria (though not always accurate, a helpful tool): But you had probably already seen that. 😉

      • Hi Noelle, haven’t picked a destination yet. So many possibilities, but I maybe getting a dog so my travel planning may have to be downsized!

        • I know digital nomads who take their dog everywhere! But of course there’s two sides to that… just letting you know it’s 100% possible to travel the world with your future furry friend if that’s what you’d want.

  3. I’m quite curious how she gets her clients. Being on the move all the time would make it difficult to maintain relationships so I assume she’s got some strategy in place to get the clients to her.

    • Hello Alp, my clients generally come from 3 sources: 1) Facebook groups, 2) referrals and 3) offline networking. I maintain both my client and personal relationships online using email and Skype.

  4. What was the source she mentioned that assists freelancers with ideas, etc – she said it was a series of some kind.

    • Hi Lois, I’m sorry, I am not sure which resource you’re referring to. But if you need inspiration for how to create income while living the digital nomad lifestyle then I highly recommend checking out the Facebook group and Digital Nomads eBook mentioned in the show notes.

  5. where is she getting her power – electric?

    • Hi Lois, the campsite I am at does have electric, though there are power outages once in a while. For that we have a generator that can help us through.

  6. one more – what was the router that she used?

    Great podcast

    • Glad you enjoyed the episode Lois. My router is a Huawei B315s.

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