Breaking Into the Divi Economy with Jerry Simmons – The Divi Nation Podcast, Episode 62

Posted on September 22, 2017 by 2 Comments

Breaking Into the Divi Economy with Jerry Simmons – The Divi Nation Podcast, Episode 62
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Hey Divi Nation, we’re back this week with another episode of our podcast and video show that highlights yet another standout individual in our community. This week, I got to sit down and chat with Jerry Simmons.

Jerry is someone who broke into the Divi economy by scoring a job with prominent community member Geno Quiroz over at Monterey Premiere. If you’re someone who has been enjoying using Divi and wondering how you might be able to turn it into a career, then you’ll want to watch or listen to this episode to hear how he did it.

Breaking Into the Divi Economy with Jerry Simmons – The Divi Nation Podcast, Episode 62


In this episode I interview Jerry Simmons of Monterey Premier.

Jerry is a very active community member, particularly in the Facebook groups. But he’s also known to show up at WordCamps and Meetups (like the most recent one out in Orange County that a large number of Divi Community members attended).

Jerry is also one of my favorite types of community members. He’s someone who came to WordPress and Divi from a completely different background (Jerry’s a pastor by trade) and yet is now able (after a few crash courses) to work professionally in this field.

He’s also a Divi Nation first! He’s the first person we’ve ever had on the show who’s not a freelancer or founder of a third party, but a dedicated staff member of a third party Divi product creator or service provider. Something that I find really satisfying as it’s a great indicator of community (and industry) growth.

During the course of our conversation, Jerry and I discuss why he made is transition into WordPress and Divi, what skills and attributes have served hime well, and tips on how others can do the same thing.

All that and more in today’s episode of Divi Nation, the official Divi podcast.

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See You Next Week!

Well that’s all for this week’s episode. Thanks again to Jerry for making the time to be on the show. I hope you enjoyed our chat as much as I did. If you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments section below!

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  1. Really enjoyed this one. I too work as a bi-vocational pastor here in Canada. Out of necessity I founded my own Digital company more recently offering web services to churches. I had to laugh because some of the things Jerry said were verbatim out of my mouth at one time! “I really don’t like WordPress!” Yes I said that. But now I am totally in love with it and Divi, its all I use now. And the community is AWESOME! Thanks Nathan and Jerry for this one. Very encouraging to me.

    • Awesome to read a bit of your story Hutch! Thanks for tuning in 🙂

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