Choose You & Your Life with SJ James – The Divi Nation Podcast, Episode 55

Posted on August 4, 2017 by 4 Comments

Choose You & Your Life with SJ James – The Divi Nation Podcast, Episode 55
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Hey Divi Nation, we’re back this week with a first! Er, a second? A first second? It’s the first time that we’ve had one person as a guest on the show twice! And if you’ve read the title, then you know it’s SJ James. The last time SJ was on the show the podcast looked very different.

It was just episode four and each episode consisted of about four segments. Since then we learned that our Divi Quick Tips were popular enough to be daily content. So now we have daily Divi blog posts. And earlier today, we brought back the segment This Week in WordPress as it’s own weekly post (soon to be accompanied by live discussion).

But the change is far from one-sided. SJ’s world has dramatically changed since that conversation too. He’s still doing what he loves: working with Divi and creating third party tools and resources, but the client side work is gone. His business, the one he was just building up last time we spoke, has merged with Divi businesses. And SJ’s role is no longer at the helm, but doing what he’s best at: developing products.

Join us today to hear the whole story and learn what it meant for one member of our community to put the life he really wanted first.

Choose You & Your Life with SJ James – The Divi Nation Podcast, Episode 55


In this episode I interview SJ James. SJ is the founder of WP Zone (a wildly popular creator of third party Divi plugins, child themes, and layouts), He’s an incredibly active community member, and I believe the first person to be a guest on this podcast twice.

I invited SJ back because so much has changed in his life and with his Divi based business since we last spoke on the air. I wanted to give him a platform to share more of his personal and professional journey with us as well as the hard earned lessons he’s learned along the way.

All that and more in today’s episode of Divi Nation, the official Divi podcast.

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See You Next Week!

Well that’s all for this week’s episode. Thanks again to SJ for making the time to be on the show. I hope you enjoyed our chat as much as I did. If you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments section below!

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  1. Great Ep!! Loved hearing more of the journey. And loved the quote “you don’t hate Mondays, you hate your job”.

    Happy for anbit of woo woo on my Saturday.


  3. Thanks guys, I enjoyed listening!

  4. I loved listning podcast from you.
    Divi nation

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