Community Update: Divi 3.0 Beta, Powered by Divi T-Shirts, & Upcoming WordCamps–Divi Nation Short

Last Updated on September 16, 2022 by 29 Comments

Community Update: Divi 3.0 Beta, Powered by Divi T-Shirts, & Upcoming WordCamps–Divi Nation Short
Blog / Divi Resources / Community Update: Divi 3.0 Beta, Powered by Divi T-Shirts, & Upcoming WordCamps–Divi Nation Short
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Welcome to Day 81 of our Divi 100 Marathon. Keep tuning in for 100 days in a row of awesome Divi resources as we count down to the amazing release of Divi 3.0 on the final day of the series!

We had a slight change of plans today. We were supposed to have Josh Ronk on the show. He’s a developer here at Elegant Themes and he’s been leading the Divi 3.0 project. However, in order to get the beta released we had to delay doing his interview this week and save that for another time.

We all figured that you would rather have the new Divi 3.0 beta than an interview. The good news is you’re going to get both—just a little spaced out. So what’s today’s show about? Keep reading!

Community Update: Divi 3.0 Beta, Powered by Divi T-Shirts, & Upcoming WordCamps–Divi Nation Short

In today’s Divi Nation episode I thought I’d take the opportunity to simply speak directly to the community and update you on what’s going on behind the scenes here and what’s coming up in the near future. That means Divi 3.0 beta, Divi t-shirts, and Divi meetups all get an update.

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Divi 3.0 Beta is Out!

First up, the Divi 3.0 beta has been released. If you are in the beta program then by this morning you have been notified. If you did not get an email about the beta then I’m sorry to say you will not be testing the beta this time around.

We let in as many new people as possible this time around but we had to cap it somewhere. Hopefully next time around those of you who didn’t get in but still want to will be able to join the program for our next release.

For everyone who did get into the beta program for Divi 3.0, we appreciate your time and effort and we look forward to hearing from you.

Community Question: Will Divi 3.0 Cost Members More Money? (No)


Divi 3.0 will not cost Elegant Themes Members more money.

I’d like to address a question we’ve been getting a lot lately.

The question is: If I am an existing Elegant Themes member will I have to pay more for Divi 3.0?

The answer is a resounding NO.

Any Elegant Themes member who’s account is in good standing will get access to Divi 3.0 as part their membership. No extra fees whatsoever.

The only people who will have to pay for Divi 3.0 are brand new Elegant Themes members.

The New Powered By Divi T-Shirts Are In!


The new “Powered by Divi” T-Shirts

For anyone interested in getting one of their own, they are only available as free gifts to anyone who joins us at an official Divi Nation Meetup. So if you’d like one of these shirts, head on over to our page at

Go to Divi Nation Meetup Page

Join Us for Upcoming Divi Nation Meetups at

Divi Nation Meetup Page

Join the Divi Nation Meetup Group

When you get there, you’ll notice two events. The first one is coinciding with WordCamp Columbus. Next Saturday evening, August 27th, myself and (as of right now) sixteen other Divi Nation members are going to be meeting at the Pint House Beer Garden for food, drinks, and some good conversation.

If you’re in the central Ohio area I hope you can make it. I’ll be bringing free “powered by Divi” t-shirts for everyone who RSVP’s.

The next event you’ll notice on our meetup page is for WordCamp US in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania December 2-4. I’m excited to say that as of right now we have 34 people planning to attend that event!

We have three more months to push that number even higher. I don’t know about you but I would love to see us hit 100. Can you imagine a huge block of 100 people in their powered by Divi t-shirts all hanging out together for the weekend at one of the biggest WordPress events in the world?

I think it would be amazing and I really hope we can get there. If you’d like to be a part of that please be sure to RSVP on our page, which, again, is

If you can’t make it out but want to support the Divi Community in general, please help us promote that event to anyone you know who uses Divi and would be interested.

Go to Divi Nation Meetup Page

Next Week on the Divi Nation Podcast: Mak Shows You How to Make Page Elements Sticky!

We’ve got a great tutorial in store for you all next week on the podcast. Using a free javascript library and some css Mak is going to show you how you can make any page element–be it a module, row, or section–“stick” to the top of the page as you scroll down. This is great for grabbing and directing your site visitor’s attention towards specific calls to action as they scroll down a page.

Be sure to subscribe to our email newsletter and YouTube channel so that you never miss a big announcement, useful tip, or Divi freebie!


Divi 100 Day 81

The Countdown To Divi 3.0

This post is part of our Divi 100 marathon. Follow along as we post free Divi resources for 100 days in a row! This 100-day countdown will end with the game-changing release of Divi 3.0, including our brand new visual editor built from the ground up using React. Divi 3.0 will change the way you build websites with the Divi Builder forever!
Let the countdown begin.

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  1. I am not a member yet. Will any of the prices be going up. If so which one(s)?

  2. I think it is a good decision to build a visual editor for the Divi Builder. The exact thing I was regularly disappointed that Divi lacks this function.

  3. Indigo blue~* ?

  4. I am a bit upset that I didn’t get into the beta like last time, and to be very honest I think everyone paying member should have the possibility to join the beta. I really wanted to prepare all the 80-ish Divi sites I manage this time and not get into a big mess like with 2.4 after the update was rolled out. Everyone should be able to prepare before the new major version hits gold. I’m sorry to say but I am very very disappointed about this.

  5. I want my T-shirt, it looks great!!
    I have no problem to pay an extra fee for a great and awesome software that Divi 3 will be.

  6. Will the membership prices change at all? I plan getting the lifetime membership, but I haven’t gotten it yet. I’m just concerned that by the time I get it the price will have gone up.

    • No, the membership price will not increase for Divi 3.0.

  7. Yay!! That’s my profile pic in the Meetup picture! Can’t wait to go.

  8. HOPING FOR RESPONSIVE IMAGES!! … I’ve been going nuts trying to get DIVI to do responsive images for DIVI Sliders and for Full Width Images and Full Width Parallax Images.

    Why is it that a plugin like MetaSlider can easily resize the image in the slider instead of cropping it and DIVI can not? With the incredible design work y’all have done it mystifies me that the responsive images issue has not been addressed clearly and simply. I see it being a common frustration in the DIVI community. It should, it has cost me countless hours on jobs.

    PLEASE PLEASE build the ability into DIVI 3.0 to just plain select – RESPONSIVE RESIZE IMAGE and it does it. If other plug-ins can do it, surely Elegant Themes can do it. …. I hope!

  9. My heart just broken, i have been on ET since 2010, making sites using divi for clients, have been following this divi 100 by minutes (yeah i wait it, check it by minutes literally out of excitement) still not have the qualification to attend the Beta, can somebody answer what are the qualification to attend it?

    • The same has happened to me 🙁

  10. Ahh Bugger! No Beta and Tee for me.

    Even though I had sent an example of a bug – True Parallax Slider Bug with 1st image issues, and having a Test location just waiting for the update, no beta 🙁

    Also, not being able to make a meet up in San Fran USA because there’s a huge puddle of water (the Pacific ocean) and a 12hr + flight, means I have no chance of a free gift either 🙁

    But (being the positive person I am) there’s only 2 weeks and 4 days till Divi Day and that brings me some excitement.

  11. 3.0 looks like magic!

  12. I’ve been with Divi for almost 3 years and developed over 100 sites with Divi. Applied for several betas but haven’t been able to get in 🙁

  13. I emailed you guys a week or so ago (with a particular question) about a Divi Only Meetup I am running in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. (Link provided.) Any chance of getting some t-shirts for that please? I am a lifetime member of Divi. 🙂

  14. Excited for the release of Divi 3.0! I have a question that is off-topic. I’ve been searching everywhere trying to find a code snippet that will automatically add a global module to all pages on my site. I think I saw it somewhere this week when I was looking for something else, but now that I need it naturally I can’t find it again. Can you help me out?

    Also, I need help with adding the PayPal logo (with all the credit card images) to the footer menu bar. I’ve tried changing the layout to two columns, adding widgets and putting it in the 2nd footer widget but can’t get it to move to the right side of that widget. I’d like to have it flush with the outside edge of the footer menu so it will be consistent with the page menu.

    I tried various text alignment methods but couldn’t get anything to work perhaps because it’s an image, not text. I tried to find something for images, but all I could find was how to center one.

  15. Was hoping to get an invite to beta to get prepared for my clients. No invitation was sent. I am very disappointed, but oh well I will just wait until the 7th.

    • I went to Ohio University and now I’m in Atlanta. Sucks. Oh well.

  16. I am disappointed!!!
    Waited for Division beta..
    Now I need to wait more

  17. I’m sorry for not having been chosen for the Beta program, but I’m happy that the day of September 07 is coming

  18. This is crazy 😀 , Waiting anxiously for Divi 3
    I hope slider also be managed easily now.

    Lovely Music over video 🙂


  19. Nooooo, I didn’t make it into the beta! That sucks. Man, waiting is hard. 🙁

  20. Need. That. T-Shirt.

  21. what is coincided a “member in good standing”? If I join today am I then a member in good standing or do I incur an additional fee for Divi 3.?

    • Hey James, “in good standing” means your membership has not expired.

    • As long as you’re not sitting down badly, you’ll be fine 😉

    • Pretty sure Good Standing means if you have an active annual membership or a lifetime membership when released.

  22. Divi Nation Podcast is sure going to be a good one.

  23. I’m really excited about Divi 3.0! The videos I’ve seen look amazing. Now, about those t-shirts…

    Let’s pretend for a moment that I don’t live near a location where there’s a meetup… Oh goodness, that’s my situation. Are you honestly saying that because I don’t live close enough to go to one of these meetups, someone’s scarcity-mindedness is being allowed to stop people from purchasing the shirts?

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