10 Divi Child Themes for Musicians

Last Updated on September 22, 2022 by 13 Comments

10 Divi Child Themes for Musicians
Blog / Divi Resources / 10 Divi Child Themes for Musicians

One of the best ways a musician can promote their music, talents, and services is with a sharp website. Divi is a great choice for musicians and fortunately there are several child themes available to help you get started. In this article we’ll take a look at 10 Divi child themes for musicians.

Musicians have a variety of needs for their websites, which can include any combination of a shop to sell their albums or merchandise, an event calendar to show upcoming events, information about the musician and the type of work they do, a contact form, booking information for lessons, audio samples, and links to videos or CD’s.

Many of these child themes are designed specifically for those is the music industry and provide those specific features listed above. Some are all-purpose child themes that lend themselves well for use by musicians. As a bonus I’ve also included a layout pack in this list for those who just want to add a layout to their current child theme. The child themes are in no particular order.

1. Solataire

Solataire includes a unique custom header that shows the menu as center inline on desktop and default on mobile, a custom audio player so visitors can hear samples, a tour page with links to buy tickets, and WooCommerce integration so you can sell your music and merchandise from the styled shop page or modules. It includes large typography that matches the styling and has a modern look. It’s a great choice for anyone in the music industry.

Price: $60 | More Information


JOSEFIN BAND is a homepage for the JOSEFIN theme with lots of page layouts and custom modules, and includes the Page Builder Everywhere plugin. The band homepage displays a full-screen image with link to tour dates. Scrolling reveals lots of double-column sections, full-width sections with parallax, number counters, a styled blog, styled contact form, and more. It includes WooCommerce integration.

Price: $75 – $145 | More Information

3. DJ 1 Page

DJ 1 Page is a one-page design with sections for music, videos, events, photos, and a contact form. It includes a right-side sliding menu, CSS animations, CSS section separators, an events countdown, and links to services such as Mixcloud, Soundcloud, Youtube, etc. It provides a bold look through its black and yellow color scheme.

Price: $75 | More Information

4. NicePuccino One Page

NicePuccino One Page is a one-page design with the idea of promoting a person. It uses large typography, dark gray and bright green color schemes, and lots of custom elements. It includes a full-width image gallery, styled toggles, multi-layout CTA’s, styled person modules, a three-column testimonial section in parallax, and more.

Price: $49.90 | More Information

5. DJ

DJ is a single-column design with a focus on events. It displays a full-screen image with social links, event information, and a booking CTA. A SoundCloud section displays in two columns using icons for the audio player. Services are displayed in multiple layouts with various overlays and colors. It includes a styled email form, pricing tables, and contact info. The purple and black color scheme fits the club atmosphere perfectly.

Price: $45 | More Information

6. Divi Ultimate Bands

Divi Ultimate Bands is a homepage for the Divi Ultimate theme. It displays a full-screen image with CTA’s, embedded video sections, a project slider to display albums, styled testimonial sections using an overlay in parallax, styled audio players with album covers, an events calendar with ticket CTA, and a styled blog section. The bold red and black colors look great.

Price: $245 | More Information

7. DJ – Sono

DJ – Sono was designed for DJ’s and musicians with a focus on live events. It includes a full-screen header with CTA and overlay that’s great for your video backgrounds. Display your equipment and services in the three-column about section. Testimonials are displayed over a background. It also includes styled Services and Blog pages with styled sidebars to match.

Price: Free | More Information

8. Eventus

Eventus was designed for any kind of events business and works great for musicians to display their events and musical services. It includes full-width backgrounds in parallax, overlapping blocks that label the sections, styled overlays including hover animated overlays, 2-column and 3-column blog layouts, styled email and contact forms, and a full-width gallery. The fancy fonts match the theme’s style.

Price: $54 | More Information

9. Diamond

Diamond is an all-purpose child theme with lots of little animations that’s perfect for a musician who wants a website with a minimal but unique design. It includes 11 page layouts and 78 library items. The person modules show off you or your band members and the project modules are great for your services and albums. Blog posts and sidebars are styled to match.

Price: $97 | More Information

10. Make a Splash

Make a Splash is an all-purpose child theme with several industries in mind including creatives such as artists and musicians to display their albums, events, and music services. It includes an overlapping logo, angled edges, fly-in animation, custom page headers, etc., and lots of custom pages. It adds a new feature called Simple Color Reset which makes it easy to change your primary colors. Images are included.

Price: $175 | More Information

Layout Pack: Music Studio Layout Pack

Music Studio Layout Pack is a great choice for those that don’t want to use a pre-made child theme for their music website. It comes with 5 Page Layouts – Home, The studio, Musicians, Equipment, and Contact. The pages include section separators and several styled modules. The images are included and are royalty free.

Price: Free | More Information

Final Thoughts

If you’re interested in building a website for musicians these 10 Divi child themes for musicians are a great place to start. They have a variety of features including integrated music players and styled audio modules to play audio snippets, styled shop modules to sell your music and merchandise, event pages to inform your fans of upcoming events, pricing tables for your music services, and lots more.

I’ve been a guitar player since the early 80’s and I’d like to start a website about guitar… and I know just which child theme on this list I’ll use.

We want to hear from you. What’s your favorite Divi child theme for musicians from this list? Let us know in the comments below.

Featured Image via Visual Generation / shutterstock.com

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  1. Some interesting themes. Thanks for taking the time to put them out there for people to be aware of.
    I think a lot of responses regarding DJ vs Musician a bit destructive. I am personally a musician, but this blog is about helping people find something that they arent aware of regarding web design not re hashing the age old argument about DJ’s. We all have our definite opinions on that subject 😉
    Divi is a great tool and if these suggested themes dont work for you then maybe you can use them as an idea to build your own.
    Divi makes it easy even for the novice.
    Thanks again!

  2. Some nice looking child themes. I particularly like the DJ 1 theme. Thanks

  3. The most frustrating thing I find about “musician themes” is they don’t seem fit bands that sell a service. High end wedding and event bands just need prospects to call them. They need to quickly create a vibe of “event euphoria” to snag interest. They need to display a primary promo video, couple other videos, some photos, a tiny “about us” and mega-clear call to action. That’s it. Maybe a “fish in” set list too since people love to play, “Do you know (insert song of your choice)? More than that muddies the message in my opinion. A phone call is preferred over a form fill-out because few people with $10,000+ budget are going to fill out a form to get the ball rolling. Smart wedding bands will supply only minimal amount of info because depending on what the client’s needs are… everything is negotiable. They gotta call to find out more. Plus, fewer elements on page/site can mean faster load times. While I like several of the themes here, most are just too much overkill. And while you can simplify them down, that’s a lot of work. The French Sono theme is pretty damn good in my view and I will work with it so see what we can do. And I do like the Josefin theme. Very cool.

  4. Hi, I’m Finding last five days Musicians Best WordPress for my website I visited lots of websites and blogs out there I didn’t found any free theme but Today here elegant themes I found my dream theme Thanks a lot.

  5. Thanks for including Divi Dezigns’ DJ theme Randy. Hopefully it’ll serve someone in the music industry. And thanks for sharing other great Divi child themes. It’s always cool to see what other developers are conjuring up.

    Thanks again!

  6. Sorry, but DJs are no musicians, they are performers.. And musicians… There are more kinds than bands and pop musicians… Your choice is very poor

    • I agree that DJ’s are not musicians, but I do think child themes made for DJ’s will work great for musicians as many have the same needs to display their availability for gigs.

      • Sorry Randy, but Cornelie is right. Djs are not musicians. I understand your statement, but I watched all the themes here, and only one in the list is suited for a musician, it’s the Divi Ultimate Bands.

        all the others (the DJs ones but other ones too) can’t apply to musicians (and at this price it’s a “NO WAY”. i’ll be ok to pay such a price if only one would be very very good for me but they are not !

        other themes would ask a lot of customisation, so better to do it ourselves or find an another solution.

        i’m not a good wordpress guy, i just try “my best”. i was a professionnal Jazz pianist 20 years ago. i just need a website to promote the music i’m still doing today (mainly piano based and some pop stuff or collaborations) but i’m not touring anymore or play live. i’m not selling any albums etc, just seeling one tune and i even kind of giving it for free as the whole listening to it is completly free lol.

        during many years i searched a way to make a musician website who would suit really my personnality, and never found it.
        And i’m not really able to achieve that alone i’m afraid.

        I stayed during many years with a design i did myself that i was not happy with (i’m not a designer too 🙁 ). last week i found a free child theme, suited for musician, i modified it, and it’s starting to look “ok” for me, i think. it’s not looking professionnal at all unfortunatly, it’s still “not good” for me, but at least it’s , i think, “acceptable”, better than before, and cheap and better than the very expensive child theme so called “suited for musicians”.

        • Marty,

          I did some websites for musicians and never found a “topic-related” theme…

          Now I use “plain DIVI” and add the pages and elements I need.

          the more I think about this, I find you can do everything with a standard-theme, all these introduced themes here are really not useful….

          One reason for this is maybe that the designers who create these themes / child-themes have a very limited view on the topic, sometimes the themes are even discriminating.. (see the “girly themes” in the ‘feminine context’)

          and what I must add as well: most of these presented child-themes look so similar… all the restaurant-topic-themes look nearly the same… the travel-themes the coffeeshop-themes…

          I think it’s better to use our own creativity instead of Fast-Design ;=)

          Cheers, Connie

  7. Thanks for including Josefin in this post Randy! =) The site I built that was the beginning of Josefin was for an multi-platinum selling singer/songwriter: http://peterfurler.com

  8. Thanks for including our free Music Studio Layout Pack. We noticed several small issues in some pages due to recent Divi updates. Just wanted to let you all know that we are aware about this and will provide a fix very soon. You can find bug fix solutions from product tab itself.
    All our product demos are running on latest version of Divi theme (as of now, Version 3.0.76) so you can be sure what you download is going to work properly in current version of Divi.


    • All bugs are fixed now 🙂 You can download updated layout files from our site…

    • You’re welcome Chathura. Thank you for providing such a nice free layout pack!

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