Divi Product Highlight: Divi Mega Menu

Posted on June 18, 2023 by 1 Comment

Divi Product Highlight: Divi Mega Menu
Blog / Divi Resources / Divi Product Highlight: Divi Mega Menu

Divi Mega Menu is a plugin for the Divi Builder that allows you to build Mega Menus for your website. With this tool, you can create complex mega menus with menu items, dynamic tabs, and any other Divi modules you desire. Divi Mega Menu harnesses the power of the Divi Builder, giving you complete control over the design of every element in your menu. In this plugin highlight, we will take a closer look at the Divi Mega Menu plugin to help you decide if it’s the right solution for your needs.

Let’s get started!

Installing Divi Mega Menu

Divi Mega Menu comes as a .ZIP plugin file. To install the plugin, open the plugin page in your WordPress dashboard and click Add New. Click Choose File, select the plugin file from your computer, then click Install Now.

Divi Mega Menu Mega Drop-Down Module Layout Install

Once the plugin is installed, click activate.

Divi Mega Menu Activate Plugin

Before working with the Divi Mega Menu plugin, there are a few additional steps to take to ensure that the plugin works correctly on your website. First, the plugin author recommends disabling all other plugins, especially caching plugins, on your site during development. Additionally, you should remove any custom CSS that may conflict with the mega menu.

Divi Mega Menu Deactivate Plugins

Next, navigate to Divi > Theme Options > Builder > Advanced and disable the Static CSS File Generation option.

Divi Mega Menu Static CSS File Generation

Move over to the General tab, then select the Performance section. Disable the options related to dynamic JQuery, CSS, and Javascript.

Divi Mega Menu Dynamic CSS JS

Finally, flush your permalink structure by navigating to Settings > Permalinks and saving the settings twice.

Divi Mega Menu Permalink Settings

With all of the setup out of the way, let’s take a look at the Mega Menu plugin.

Divi Mega Menu

Divi Mega Menu adds two new modules to the Divi Builder, the Mega Drop-Down module and the Mega Tabs module. It also adds two new pages to the WordPress dashboard – Mega Menu Settings, where you can modify the plugin options, and Mega Menu, where you can add and edit all your mega menus. Additionally, there are three layout packs that you can download from the plugin website to jumpstart your design.

Divi Mega Menu Builder

Add a New Mega Menu

The Mega Menu page, located under the Divi Engine section, is where you can create and modify your Mega Menus. Click Add New to get started.

Divi Mega Menu Add New

Set a title for your mega menu, enter a custom identifier, and click Use The Divi Builder.

Divi Mega Menu Title and Custom Identifier

Now you can use the Divi Builder to create a unique layout for the mega menu. With the full capabilities of the Divi Builder at hand, you can create complex designs that include the Divi Mega Menu modules as well as the default Divi Builder modules.

Mega Menu Options

Below the Divi Builder, there are three sections with options to style and modify the Mega Menu.

Mega Menu Style

In the general style options, you can set the position to default or tooltip, change the tooltip direction, and choose if the menu is activated on hover or click. You can set the open and close hover delay time, enable close on scroll, and set the entrance animation and duration.

Divi Mega Menu Style Settings

You can also set the menu to display full width or set a custom width. The menu relative position option allows you to set the menu dropdown relative to the menu item, and you can fine-tune the menu position from the left, the top, the top on scroll, and the top on mobile. Finally, you can disable the menu on mobile.

Divi Mega Menu Style Settings

Mega Menu Triangle Style

In the Mega Menu Triangle Style settings, you can enable a triangle or underline above the mega menu and set the location, color, height, and positioning.

Divi Mega Menu Triangle Style

Mega Menu Close Icon Style

Here you can enable or disable the close icon, choose the icon that appears, set the icon color, and modify sizing and positioning options.

Divi Mega Menu Close Icon Style

Mega Drop-Down Module

Let’s take a closer look at the Mega Drop-Down module. This module allows you to add a vertical menu module to your mega menu. In the content tab, you can select the menu you want to display, set the maximum menu width, and choose the direction from which the menu appears. You can also set the parent and back menu icons, set a module link, and change the background.

Divi Mega Menu Mega Drop-Down Module Layout Select Menu

In the design tab, you can modify the icon colors and sizes, set the background color, border color, and padding for the parent menu and sub-menu items, customize the parent menu and sub-menu item text, and adjust the sizing, spacing, border, box-shadow, and other default design options.

Divi Mega Menu Mega Drop-Down Module Design Settings

The advanced tab features all of the typical options you would expect to find in a Divi module.

Designing a Mega Menu with the Mega Drop-Down Module

Now let’s design a mega menu section using the Mega Drop-Down module. This design will feature content from Divi’s City layout pack and will drop down under a “Services” menu item to feature some city services.

Section and Row Setup

First, open the section settings and change the following options:

  • Background: #000000
  • Width: 100%
  • Max-Width: 100%
  • Padding-Top: 0px
  • Padding-Bottom: 0px

Divi Mega Menu Mega Drop-Down Module Layout Section Settings

Next, add a row with five columns. Open the row settings and navigate to the Design tab, then change the spacing settings as follows:

  • Equalize Column Heights: Yes
  • Width: 100%
  • Max Width: 100%

Divi Mega Menu Mega Drop-Down Module Layout Row Sizing

Modify the padding:

  • Padding-Top: 0px
  • Padding-Bottom: 0px
  • Padding-Left: 30px

Divi Mega Menu Mega Drop-Down Module Layout Row Spacing

Finally, move to the Advanced tab and add the following custom CSS to the main element:




Divi Mega Menu Mega Drop-Down Module Layout Row Custom CSS

Menu Title and Divider

Add a text module to the first column and add the text “City Services” in H3. This will be the heading text for the menu.

Customize the styling as follows:

  • H3 Font: Roboto Condensed
  • H3 Font Weight: Bold
  • H3 Text Color: #FFFFFF
  • H3 Text Size: 27px
  • Margin-Bottom: 0px

Divi Mega Menu Mega Drop-Down Module Layout Heading Text

Add a divider module below the header text and modify the styles:

  • Line Color: #b1040e
  • Divider Weight: 3px
  • Width: 40%
  • Module Alignment: Left
  • Margin-Bottom: 0px

Divi Mega Menu Mega Drop-Down Module Layout Divider Sizing

Mega Drop-Down Module

Add the Mega Drop-Down Module to the first column, below the divider. In the content tab, select the menu you would like to display. Additionally, set the module background to transparent.

Divi Mega Menu Mega Drop-Down Module Options

Move over to the design tab and open the parent menu items section. Modify the padding and border settings.

  • Parent Menu Padding Top: 6px
  • Parent Menu Padding Bottom: 6px
  • Parent Menu Padding Left: 0px
  • Parent Menu Border Color: Transparent

Divi Mega Menu Mega Drop-Down Module Layout Parent Menu Items

Next, modify the parent menu item text options.

  • Parent Menu Item Font: Poppins
  • Parent Menu Item Text Color: #FFFFFF
  • Parent Menu item Text Size: 18px

Divi Mega Menu Mega Drop-Down Module Layout Parent Menu Item Text

Finally, add some bottom padding in the spacing settings.

  • Padding-Bottom: 30px

Divi Mega Menu Mega Drop-Down Module Layout Padding

Blurb Modules

Add six blurb modules to the layout, two in each of the middle columns. Add a title and an image to each blurb and customize the styling in the design tab.

Divi Mega Menu Mega Drop-Down Module Layout Add Blurbs

In the image and icon section, modify the following:

  • Image/Icon Background Color: #FFFFFF
  • Image/Icon Placement: Top
  • Image/Icon Width: 60px
  • Image/Icon Alignment: Center
  • Image/Icon Rounded Corners: 100px
  • Image/Icon Padding: 8px 8px 8px 8px

Divi Mega Menu Mega Drop-Down Module Layout Blurb Icon

Next, modify the title text options.

  • Title Font: Poppins
  • Title Font Weight: Bold
  • Title Text Alignment: Center
  • Title Text Color: #FFFFFF
  • Title Text Size: 20px

Divi Mega Menu Mega Drop-Down Module Layout Blurb Text

Finally, set the bottom margin to 30px.

Divi Mega Menu Mega Drop-Down Module Layout Blurb Spacing

Image Module

In the last column, add an image module and set the image.

Divi Mega Menu Mega Drop-Down Module Layout Image

In the design tab, modify the following settings:

  • Show Space Below the Image: No

Divi Mega Menu Mega Drop-Down Module Layout Image Spacing

Modify the Mega Menu Style Settings

Now our layout is complete. Scroll down to the Mega Menu Style options and modify the following options:

  • Full Width: Yes
  • Entrance Menu Animation: Slide Down
  • Adjust from Top: 30px

Divi Mega Menu Mega Drop-Down Module Layout Style Settings

Final Result

Here is the final result of the mega menu with the Mega Drop-Down module.

Divi Mega Menu Mega Drop-Down Module Layout Final Result

Mega Tabs Module

Now let’s take a closer look at the Mega Tabs module. This module allows you to add tabbed content to your page, either in a dropdown mega menu or elsewhere in your design. The Mega Tabs module cannot be viewed in the visual builder, but you can use the wireframe view to build the section and preview the design on the live site.

In the content section of the module settings, you can add each of your tabs. Each tab has its own settings page where you can modify the styling for that tab, or you can modify the styles of all tabs together in the general module settings. Under the Tab Extras section, you can add links and images to each of your tabs.

In the design tab, you can modify the body and tab text styles as well as the sizing, spacing, border, box shadow, filter, transform, and animation options.

Divi Mega Menu Mega Tabs Design Settings

The advanced tab also contains the typical elements to further customize the design.

Designing a Mega Menu with the Mega Tabs Module

For this example, we are going to design a dropdown mega tab menu to go along with the City layout pack we are using. Add a row with a single column to the Mega Menu page, then add the Mega Tabs module.

Divi Mega Menu Mega Tabs Add Row Add Tabs

Content Settings

In the Mega Tabs settings, add four new tabs. Add a title to each tab, then add a left-aligned image and some text to the body.

Divi Mega Menu Mega Tabs Tab Content

Back in the general module settings, open the Tab Extras section and add the tab images for each tab. Rearrange the images so that the order corresponds with the tab order above.

Divi Mega Menu Mega Tabs Tab Extras

Next, set the module background to black.

Design Settings

Open the Body Text settings and modify the following:

  • Body Font: Poppins
  • Body Text Color: #FFFFFF
  • Body Text Size: 16px

In the Tab Text options, change the following options:

  • Active Tab Background Color: #FFFFFF
  • Inactive Tab Background Color: #000000
  • Active Tab Text Color: #000000
  • Tab Text Color: #FFFFFF
  • Tab Font: Poppins
  • Tab Font Weight: Bold
  • Tab Text Size: 20px

Divi Mega Menu Mega Tabs Text Styles

Modify the Mega Menu Style Settings

Now the layout is complete, scroll down to the Mega Menu Style options and change the following:

  • Entrance Menu Animation: Slide Down
  • Adjust from Top: 30px

Divi Mega Menu Mega Tabs Style Settings

Final Result

Here is the completed design of the Mega Tabs menu.

Divi Mega Menu Mega Tabs Final Result

Divi Mega Menu Settings

The Mega Menu settings page is where you can control some of the options relating to the plugin. Here you can select the type of navigation you are using, set the header to be fixed, stop parent menu item click through, enable a background overlay, and change the plugin removal settings.

Divi Mega Menu Settings

In the Mobile Settings tab, you can enable or disable the plugin on mobile, specify the mobile menu breakpoint, enable a fixed mobile menu, stop parent menu item click through, and specify a mobile menu ID.

Divi Mega Menu Settings

Adding the Divi Mega Menu

There are many ways to add a mega menu layout to your site. You can set it to appear in a menu, or you can assign it to a module in your layout, such as a button or icon, where it can appear on hover or click. Additionally, you can add the Mega Drop-Down module and the Mega Tabs module to any layout you build with Divi just like any other module, so you are not limited to creating drop-down menus – you can add them throughout your layout as you like.

Before adding the mega menu to your site, make sure the mega menu has a custom identifier set. Go ahead and copy the custom identifier as you will need this to add the mega menu to the site. Additionally, make sure the mega menu is set to published so that it appears on the front end of your site.

Divi Mega Menu Custom Identifier

Adding a Mega Menu to a Menu Item

To add a mega menu layout to your menu, navigate to the Menus page under Appearance. Expand the item you want to set as the parent item for the mega menu, then paste the custom identifier you copied to the CSS Classes field. Here, I am adding the Mega Dropdown layout to the Services menu item and the Mega Tabs layout to the About menu item.

Divi Mega Menu Add Custom Identifier to Menu

If you don’t see the CSS Classes field, click Screen Options at the top of the page and enable CSS Classes.

Divi Mega Menu Enable CSS Classes

Here is what the Mega Dropdown layout looks like in the menu.

Divi Mega Menu Services Mega Menu

And here is the Mega Tab layout.

Divi Mega Menu Mega Tabs Menu

Adding a Mega Menu to a Module

To add a mega menu to a module, simply paste the custom identifier into the CSS Class field in the Advanced tab of the module. The mega menu layout will appear on hover or on click, depending on the settings you set. Here, I am adding the mega tabs layout to the “Plan a Visit” button.

Divi Mega Menu Button Add CSS Class

On the front end, the mega menu appears on hover.

Divi Mega Menu Button Hover

Using Divi Mega Menu Modules in a Layout

To add the Mega Drop-Down or Mega Tabs module directly to any layout, simply add a new module to the page and select the desired module.

Divi Mega Menu Add Mega Tabs to Layout

Here is what it looks like on the front end.

Divi Mega Menu Mega Tabs Layout On Page

Divi MegaMenu Examples

Divi MegaMenu comes with access to three layout examples that have several interesting mega menu designs that you can use to jumpstart your design. Let’s take a look at the mega menu layouts that come with the Business layout pack.

The 4 columns layout features two columns with an image, text, and a button, an empty column, and a large menu on the right.

Divi Mega Menu Business Layout Example

The products layout is a simple, colorful menu layout that highlights different products.

Divi Mega Menu Business Layout Example

This is the vertical tabs layout, which utilizes the Mega Tabs module.

Divi Mega Menu Business Layout Example

The Mega Drop-Down layout features four columns of drop-down menu modules with sub-menu items.

Divi Mega Menu Business Layout Example

The list layout features four columns with titles, dividers, and blurb modules that feature an icon.

Divi Mega Menu Business Layout Example

The blog menu layout displays the latest post and a post slider.

Divi Mega Menu Business Layout Example

The media layout has two gallery modules, an image, two video sliders, and two video modules.

Divi Mega Menu Business Layout Example

Finally, the contact menu layout has some blurbs with contact information, a contact form, and a map module.

Divi Mega Menu Business Layout Example

Purchase Divi Mega Menu

Divi Mega Menu is available in the Divi Marketplace. It costs $46 for unlimited website usage and one year of support and updates. The price also includes a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Divi Mega Menu Purchas

Final Thoughts

Divi Mega Menu adds some great functionality to the Divi Builder, allowing you to build creative and unique Mega Menu layouts with the full range of design options available in Divi. One of its advantages is the ability to incorporate native Divi modules into the Mega Menu layouts, resulting in drop-down menus that offer more than just menu items. Divi Mega Menu also makes it easy to add mega menus to the header, to a module, or directly to a layout, giving you lots of flexibility in the design and placement. If you are looking for a plugin that will allow you to easily build mega menus with complex features and layouts, Divi Mega Menu might be a great option for you.

We would love to hear from you! Have you tried Divi Mega Menu? Let us know what you think about it in the comments!

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1 Comment

  1. Good explanation, I used the theme in my website and it is really responsive and seo friendly.

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