Divi Product Highlight: Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle

Posted on October 9, 2022 by 3 Comments

Divi Product Highlight: Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle
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Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle is a third-party layout bundle for Divi. This bundle includes lots of pre-styled layouts, modules, and extras. This bundle is always growing and currently includes over 3600 styles and 35 layout packs. They’re Divi Library layouts, so they can be customized and used the same as any Divi layout — including being added to your Divi Cloud! In this post, we’ll look at some of the new additions to the Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle to help you decide if this Divi product is right for you.

Let’s get started.

Uploading Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle Layouts

Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle Layouts are provided as JSON files with 10 layouts per file. Upload them to your Divi Library as normal by going to Divi > Divi Library in the WordPress dashboard. Select Import & Export, choose the Import tab of the modal that opens, navigate to and select your JSON file, and click Import Divi Builder Layouts. You can then use the layouts the same way as any Divi layout including the Divi Theme Builder and Divi Cloud.

Uploading Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle Layouts

Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle Page Layouts

Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle now has over 82 modules, 3600 styles, and 35 complete website layout packs. The bundle has added over 1600 styles and 24 layouts since last October. In the following sections, we’ll look at some of the new additions.

Blog Layouts

Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle has 50 blog layouts. They include the blog and code modules for CSS and JS code. The example below shows layouts 41 and 42. Both add the publish date over the blog image. Layout 41 places the title and author name over the image while layout 42 places them under the image. A line separates the title and author name.

Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle Page Layouts

Blog layout 47 includes an interesting design with the meta and content overlapping the image.

Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle Page Layouts

Blog layout 50 places the blog posts in a single column. The date sits over the featured image and the content includes a dark blue background.

Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle Page Layouts

Content Ticker

The bundle includes 15 content tickers created with text modules, content sliders, and styled with CSS. The example below shows styles 11 through 13. The title sits on one side and includes a darker background. The sliders create the tickers and include a lighter background and navigation styled to match the title.

Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle Page Layouts

Portfolio Modules

The bundle includes 50 portfolio modules. They add interesting overlays with animations to the featured images. This example shows Portfolio Module 41. Its overlay has a dark blue background with white text and a light blue divider line.

Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle Page Layouts

This example shows style 43. Its overlay includes a white background with a parallelogram shape. The text is dark and light blue.

Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle Page Layouts

Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle WooCommerce

The bundle adds lots of WooCommerce layouts including footers, widgets, tickers, and more. This is the Woo Category Block style 8. It includes multiple Woo Product Modules in a unique layout. It has a gray overlay that changes the text to white.

Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle Page Layouts

Style 10 adds text to the product’s image. An overlay with a blue background and white text.

Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle Page Layouts

Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle Layout Packs

Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle also includes layout packs to build complete websites. Import a single page or the enter layout pack at once. Most have between 13-15 page layouts. We’ll look at the home page for a few of the new layouts as this will show many of the styled modules.

Content Writer Layout Pack

The Content Writer Layout Pack includes 13 pages. The layouts include lots of styled modules, icons, animations, and more. It includes all the standard pages and adds a History page for information about the company and how they work.

Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle Layout Packs

This example shows the design of the Content Writer home page layout. It includes red highlights throughout. The unique Person Modules reveal the social icons on hover. The style of the Blog Module includes text that overlaps the featured image.

Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle Layout Packs

Divi Agency Layout Pack

The Divi Agency Layout Pack also includes 13-page layouts. It includes the standard pages and adds a Careers page.

Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle Layout Packs

The home page includes lots of styled modules with animations for the buttons, sliding backgrounds for the services, social media icons and image color changes for the Person Modules, and overlays for the Portfolio Module.

Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle Layout Packs

Music Concert Layout Pack

The Music Concert bundle was designed to create a website where bands can showcase their concerts. The layout pack includes 15 layouts. Several of the layouts are designed specifically for bands including a page to apply to be an artist. This also includes a blog layout page and a page with code.

Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle Layout Packs

The home page includes a slider for the latest events. The Person Modules display social icons on hover. Top events show in another slider. Blurbs display a faint number in the background.

Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle Layout Packs

Fashion Shop Layout Pack

The Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle Fashion Shop layout bundle is one of several that was designed for use with WooCommerce. It comes with 44 layouts with a combination of pages and modules. They include sliders, shop grids, carousels, widgets, etc. Many of them include multiple module designs, making them ideal for creating unique shop and product pages.

Layout Packs

The home page displays a slider to several shop pages, numbered blurbs, shop CTAs with custom overlays, multiple product grids, a styled newsletter form, and lots more.

Layout Packs

Promotion Block Style V1 to V3

Here’s a look at the promotion blocks. It includes three different designs. The first design places images in a grid with text and buttons over the images. It includes a styled overlay animation.

Layout Packs

The second design has a grid without space between the images. It doesn’t include an overlay, but it does add a CTA.

Layout Packs

The third layout adds another column to the grid with taller images on the outside and wider images in the middle.

Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle Layout Packs

Promotion Banner V1 to V3

The layout pack also includes three full-width banners to promote sales and work as CTAs that point to the shop. The image below shows all three banners.

Layout Packs

Product Showcase

The product showcase displays the WooCommerce product element on one side and a custom product element on the other in an alternating layout.

Layout Packs

Purchase Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle

Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle is available in the Divi Marketplace. The regular price is $149 but might be discounted. It includes unlimited usage and lifetime updates.

Purchase Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle

Ending Thoughts

That’s our look at the Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle. This bundle has lots of layouts and modules to help you get started on any type of website. This bundle includes many layouts, modules, and elements to give you a head start on your Divi website. We’ve only scratched the surface of what’s included in this layout bundle. There is a lot here for the money.

We want to hear from you. Have you tried the Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle? Let us know what you think about it in the comments.

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  1. Hello,
    It is indeed a good investment.

  2. This looks really good and I hate to be negative here about this, but how well do these designs translate into mobile devices, hover would be of no use, and those nice 2/3rd layouts would also be of no use. As the author said however they barely scratch the surface so maybe there are nice modules for mobile. Come to think of it I would love it if Divi experimented with showing resources and layout packs on mobile.

    • Excellent points…

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