Divi SEO Agency Theme – Divi Child Theme Overview

Last Updated on March 21, 2023 by 3 Comments

Divi SEO Agency Theme – Divi Child Theme Overview
Blog / Divi Resources / Divi SEO Agency Theme – Divi Child Theme Overview

The Divi SEO Agency Theme features 30+ prebuilt pages, ideal for an SEO agency or a web service provider website you want to build using Divi. The site consists of dynamic pages full of eye-catching motion and comes with variations of several pages, giving you some flexibility with your website design. In this post, we’ll take a look at the Divi SEO Agency theme to help you decide if it’s the right Divi child theme for you.

Let’s get started!

Installing Divi SEO Agency Theme

To install the Divi SEO Agency Theme, open your WordPress Dashboard and navigate to the add new themes page. Click Upload Theme, upload the ZIP file containing the child theme, and click import. Once installed, activate the theme.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Install-2

Once the child theme is installed and activated, you will see a new menu item in your Dashboard called β€œImports Demo Data”. Click the Easy Demo Import tab and import the demo content. Once the import is complete, you are all set to begin replacing the demo content with your own.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Install-1

Divi SEO Agency Theme

The Divi SEO Agency theme consists of 30+ pages. Let’s take a look at each page, starting with the home page, which has four variations.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Home V1

Divi SEO Agency Theme Home V1 Header and Introduction

The header features a large image that moves up and down on the page. The geometric shapes in the background of this section also move. On the right side are the header text and a call-to-action button. Below there are four blurb sections with an icon, a title, some text, and a link to read more. These modules move up on hover.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Home V1 Header

Divi SEO Agency Theme Home V1 About

The next few sections are where you can introduce your services. The first section features a couple of paragraphs of about text and an image that floats up and down. Next are three blurbs with an icon featuring three different services. These sections also move up on hover and the geometric shapes in the background move while you are on the page. The third section features six blurbs with icons where you can introduce your services. The image in the middle moves up and down.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Home V1-7

Divi SEO Agency Theme Home V1 Lead Magnet

Next is a lead magnet section where visitors can submit their website and email address to receive an SEO check.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Home-V1-6

Divi SEO Agency Theme Home V1 Benefits

This section is where you can outline the benefits for your customer to use your services. It uses a moving image on the left and bar graphs on the right.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Home-V1-5

Divi SEO Agency Theme Home V1 Social Proof

This section features company logos for social proof.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Home V1-4

Divi SEO Agency Theme Home V1 Team

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Home V1-3

In this section, you can feature your team members. On hover, the blue and orange circles around the profile photo rotate. This section features social media icons for each team member.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Home V1 Testimonials

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Home V1-2

This section features a slider with client testimonials. The blue circle over this section moves as you are on the page.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Home V1 Latest News

This is the final section on the home page and it features the latest blog posts. The blog category is listed over the featured image and there is a read more link to bring readers to the full post.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Home V1-1

Divi SEO Agency Theme Home V2

The second version of the home page features a large header with some text and buttons with moving geometric shapes. Then there is the list of company logos and a list of three features highlighted below. Following this is a number counter which counts up as the page loads. Next is a section highlighting benefits, with 4 numbered blurbs.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Home V2-1

These two sections continue to introduce the services. In the first section, you have six blurbs with icons and some description text. On hover, the background turns white. In the second section you have five tabs with a description, a read more link, and an image under each tab. This page also has the same team section and recent news section as was found on Home V1.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Home V2-2

Divi SEO Agency Theme Home V3

The third version of the home page has a floating menu bar and a large graphic background with text on the left. The main header image floats up and down and the geometric shapes move while you are on the page. Below are three blurbs highlighting some features.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Home V3-2

This page also has a pricing table with the cost, features, and a button to choose the plan. In addition to the unique features we covered, this page also has the SEO check lead magnet, company logos, benefits with numbered blurbs, benefits with progress bars, and the latest news sections we saw on other pages.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Home V3-1

This pricing table is beautifully designed and the best thing is that you don’t need a table plugin to build it.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Home V4

The fourth version of the home page is all on a darker background. The header has some text and a button on the left with a moving image on the right. Below is a number counter. The about section features three text sections connected with the dotted heart icon.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Home V4-2

Another unique section for home version 4 is the β€œwe deliver success” section. There is some introductory text with a dynamic moving image. Below are round number counters representing percentages relevant to the services the company provides. Aside from these unique sections, home version 4 features company logos, blurbs with icons, an SEO check lead magnet, team members, and recent posts.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Home V4-1

Divi SEO Agency Theme Coming Soon Page

The coming soon page features a countdown timer and some text. There is also an email sign-up form and social media icons. Using this child theme is very simple and you don’t have to download a separate countdown plugin.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Coming Soon

Divi SEO Agency Theme About Us Page

The about us page features many of the same sections found on the home pages. It starts with a dynamic header with moving geometric shapes. The following section has some about text and a number counter. The page also features team members, testimonials, and company logos.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview About Us

Divi SEO Agency Theme Our Team Page

This page starts with a dynamic header and a section with some about text, an image, and number counters. Then follows the company logos and the team members section. Finally, there is a contact form at the bottom and some numbered blurbs featuring company benefits.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Our Team

Divi SEO Agency Theme Single Team Page

This page features a single team member. It has a profile card at the top with the name, title, social media icons, photo, and other relevant information. Below is a longer bio section with personal info, press and awards, professional info, and a contact form.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Single Team

Divi SEO Agency Theme Our Process Page

The β€œour process” page features a timeline with an orange dot that moves as you scroll. As the orange dot moves past each step, the icon gets covered with an orange border. Also on this page is the SEO check lead magnet, some features highlighted in a blurb with an icon and description text, and a section introducing services with three tabs. This layout makes for a great replacement for a timeline plugin.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Our Process

Divi SEO Agency Theme Pricing Tables Page

The pricing tables page features two different pricing tables. The first layout has two pricing cards at an angle. When you hover over the card it comes to the front and straightens out. The second version is what was on the home page version 3.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Pricing

Divi SEO Agency Theme FAQ Page

The FAQ page begins with some blurbs with icons, then features a call-to-action section with a button. Then there are the FAQ questions listed under a toggle.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview FAQ

Divi SEO Agency Theme Headers

The headers page features three header styles that can be used on the website. The first header style features the address, phone, email, and social media information at the top. The menu bar is on a white background and features the logo, menu items, search icon, and another icon that reveals a sidebar with contact information.

The second header style also features the address, phone and email, and social media information at the top. It also features the logo, menu items, search icon, and sidebar icon with contact information.

Finally, the third header style has a dark blue background for the top bar. It features social media icons, the phone number, and email address. The main menu bar features the logo and menu items on a red background.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Header 1

This is the sidebar that appears when you select the icon with the four rounded squares on Header V1 and V2.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Header 2

Divi SEO Agency Theme Footers Page

The footers page features the footer variations available for the theme. Footer 1 features the phone and email information as well as a newsletter sign-up form. Below is some about text with social media links, quick links to pages, a useful services section linking to other pages, and a latest news section featuring a couple of recent posts.

Footer 2 features the logo and about text with social media icons below. Additionally, there are some quick links and a useful services section. The final column features contact information. Below this is a newsletter sign up form and copyright information.

Footer 3 features a red background with a headline and a call-to-action button. Below this is some about text and social media icons, contact information, useful links, and latest news. At the bottom of the footer you have the terms of use, privacy policy, and copyright information.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Footer

Divi SEO Agency Theme Services V1

The services page features blurbs with icons and a short description of the services. The next section features a large image, some text, and two icons highlighting some features. There is also a pricing table and number counters on this page, as well as a bar graph counter.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Services V1

Divi SEO Agency Theme Services V2

The second version of the services page starts with some tabs with large icons. Each tab has text and an image explaining the service. Next, there is the SEO check lead magnet and company logos, followed by a section with blurbs. The geometric shapes on these blurbs move as you are on the page. The page ends with a form to sign up for free SEO analysis, some about text with checkmarks, and a number counter.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Services V2

Divi SEO Agency Theme Services V3

The third services page layout begins with a some text alongside an image. Below this there are some blurbs with icons on the left and some tabs with service details on the right. Following this are numbered feature highlights with icons. The blue circle around these icons move as you hover. Also on this page is the SEO check lead magnet, a bar graph counter, and company logos.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Services V3

Divi SEO Agency Theme Services List Page

This page is where you can list all of your services. It is designed with an image on one side an text on the other describing the service, as well as a button to go to the full dedicated services page. Below this are two SEO check lead magnet forms, company logos, and a number counter.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Services List

Divi SEO Agency Theme Single Service Page

The single service page is a dedicated page for each service. It features a large image at the top, description text, a bar graph counter, blurbs with icons, tabs with service descriptions, and a team members section. On the left there is a sidebar with links to other service pages, blurbs highlighting phone and email support, and a form for the SEO check lead magnet.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Single Service

Divi SEO Agency Theme Portfolio Page

The portfolio page features two layouts, one with large featured images and a title and category that appear on hover. The second layout is similar to the first but features a category filter at the top.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Portfolio

There are two variations of this page, one with two columns and one with three columns.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Portfolio 2

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Portfolio 3

Divi SEO Agency Theme Portfolio Category

The portfolio category features the relevant projects. When you hover over the featured image you can see the title and category.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Portfolio Category

Divi SEO Agency Theme Portfolio Project Page

The portfolio project page features a large image, icons to represent some project details, and text and images to review the project. The page ends with related projects and a comment section.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Portfolio Project

Divi SEO Agency Theme Blog Page

The blog page features a grid layout with recent posts. There is also a two-column and four-column version of this page.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Blog Grid

Divi SEO Agency Theme Blog Listing Page

The blog listing page features recent posts with a preview and featured image. On the right, you have a search bar, recent posts, categories, a calendar, and recent comments.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Blog Listing

Divi SEO Agency Theme Blog Grid 2 Columns with Sidebar Page

This layout uses the grid layout for recent posts and features the sidebar that is on the blog listing page as well.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Blog Grid Sidebar

Divi SEO Agency Theme Single Post Page

This page features a single post with a sidebar. The page ends with latest posts and a comment section.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Single Post

Divi SEO Agency Theme Single Category Page

The single category page features a single blog category. It uses a 3 column grid layout.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Single Category

Divi SEO Agency Theme Contact Page

The contact page features the contact information next to an image, a contact form, and a map.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Divi Child Theme Overview Contact

Where to Purchase the Divi SEO Agency Theme

The Divi SEO Agency Theme is available in the Divi Marketplace. It costs $29.99 for unlimited website usage and 1 year support and updates. The price also includes a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Divi SEO Agency Theme Tutorial

Final Thoughts

The Divi SEO Agency Child Theme is modern, clean, and full of dynamic layouts to capture your website visitor’s attention and convert new customers. It is perfect for SEO agencies, software companies, and web service providers, but can be customized to fit many different types of websites. If you are looking for a modern and dynamic website with lots of graphics and movement, this could be a great option for you.

We would love to hear from you! Have you tried the Divi SEO Agency theme? Let us know what you think about it in the comments!

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  1. really ugly design

    • I just bought it! Awesome looking. I was going to buy just the theme, but ended up buying a whole lifetime membership, because all the designs were so awesome. I can tell a lot of time and thought goes into each one I saw.

  2. I love this child theme…Thank you so much 🀟🏽

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