Download This Free Photography Homepage Divi Layout Pack

Last Updated on September 16, 2022 by 44 Comments

Download This Free Photography Homepage Divi Layout Pack
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Today we’re happy to give away a new Divi Layout Pack just for Photographers. We took a look at some of the most popular photographer websites online and modeled our homepage after elements we found in several of them. This homepage is perfect for anyone wanting to launch their photography online with WordPress and Divi.

Downloading & Using the Free Photography Homepage Divi Layout Pack

So before we get to downloading the layout pack let’s talk about what’s inside it:

  • all-photography-homepage-layout-pack.json – This is the master file that contains the full layout and all of the sections.
  • photography-layout-all-sections.json – This is the file that contains all of the section files, but not the full layout.
  • photography-homepage-layout.json – This file contains just the full page layout.
  • matching menu settings (folder) – This folder contains screenshots of the menu settings so that you can easily create matching menus via the theme customizer.
  • All of the individual section files – There is also each individual section as a json file.

Once you have downloaded the layout pack below to your computer you will need to locate it in your downloads folder and unzip it. Then, navigate to Divi > Divi Library and click the “import & export” button at the top of the page. In the import tab choose whichever layout you’d like (or the “all” file) and import them into your Divi Library.

After that is complete you will be able to add these layouts to new pages using the Divi Builder by going to Load From Library > Add From Library and choosing your preferred layout.

To gain access to the download you will need to subscribe to our newsletter using the form below. As a new subscriber you will get even more Divi goodness. In addition to being able to download the DiviStar Layout Pack we will also send you The Ultimate Divi Landing Page Layout Pack as well as providing you with an ongoing source of new (and free) Divi resources, tips, tricks, and news.

If you’re already on the list, simply enter your email address below and click download. You will not be subscribed twice.

The Free Photography Homepage Divi Layout Pack

The Photography Homepage layout comes with more than just what’s visible upon first glance. In addition to all of the section visible in the screenshot below, there are two sections (the testimonial slider section and the featured image section). All of which can be mixed and matched to create multiple pages. When paired with our recent portfolio website miniseries the budding photographer should have everything they need to display their work and attract new clients.


Full Photography Homepage Layout


Photography Hero Section


Photography Categories Section


Photography Testimonial Slider Section


Photography Testimonial Section


Photography Pricing Table Section


Photography Contact Section

We’ve Been Listening! More Free Layouts To Come!

We’ve been taking notes from the comments everyone has been leaving on recent posts. We’ve got a long list of free Divi Layouts (and Extra Category Layouts too!) coming your way. If you have a special request feel free to leave it in the comments below!

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  1. When I import the layout the file exceeds 2mb so it doesn’t let me… is that normal?

  2. Hotel layouts would be much appreciated. Would help us a lot! Thanks

    • Noted!

  3. Fantastic layout!! Thank you
    But I am struggling to figure out how to change the background images of the catrgories. anyone figured this out yet ?

  4. Thank you… keep them coming :)!!!

  5. How would one place a small background behind the category names in white, so they’ll be seen better? I cannot seem to figure that out. I don’t wish to place a background behind the entire square, just the word. (Labels on the category boxes: food, landscape, etc.)

  6. Please help: after install photography-homepage-layout-pack I get the text: There is no photography-homepage-layout-pack

    • I’m sorry! The message is: There is no style.css stylesheet

      Bezig met installeren van thema vanuit bestand: photography-homepage-layout-pack (3).zip
      Uitpakken van pakket…

      Thema installeren…

      Het pakket kan niet geïnstalleerd worden. Het thema heeft geen style.css stylesheet.

      Thema installatie mislukt.

  7. Is there any additional documentation for this? I want to do a few edits but need to understand how all the pages etc link up.

  8. I love this and I’m using it already for a real site for a photographer.

    I have one issue that I can’t seem to resolve, probably because I’m somewhat newbie, but the labels on the photos don’t render properly, dividing into a second line after nine characters, when viewing on a phone or tablet. I’ve researched and tried different solutions but haven’t come up with one.

    You can see what I mean, here’s the url for the work in progress

    Can someone please help? thanks!!

  9. Hi there, thanks for sharing,

    I dont see any download link for the layout?

  10. Hello, this is interesting. I just would like to give a huge thumbs up for the wonderful package you’ve here on this post, thanks.

  11. This is awesome. I’m playing around with it now but I cant’ figure out how to change the images that are under the categories section. For example the fashion, sports, etc.

    Can someone please help?

    Thanks in advance!

  12. I just download the layout pack but I’m not able to install and use it. Are there many guide for it?

  13. Great and nice looking free layout for photographers! Can a free layout pack for School and Hotel be created

    Thanks ET

  14. Thank you guys for this awesome new year gift.

  15. wow its cool!! loving it!!

  16. Great job, thank’s a lot !

  17. Lovely layout – thanks.

    Would love a layout for Complimentary therapists, i.e. Reiki, massage, reflexology etc.

  18. Please (please, please) add an actual demo page for all your resources, as it’s often difficult to see from the screenshots alone if these tutorials will do what we are looking for.
    One of your authors did this for us, and it was a huge help.
    Thanks, and keep up the great work. 🙂

    • I agree! That would be a HUGE help 🙂

  19. how can we add a timeline to our daily blog posts

  20. Thanks for the new year gift guys. Just bought the subscription, looking forward to try new themes.

  21. Great work and thanks for all

  22. Hi guys. Thanks for this. But better photographic layouts in 3 : 2 format would be preferable – pinterest style 🙂

  23. Would love a free Divi pack/module or a tutorial for how to create a contact page where you can select the contact reason!

  24. Hello. E-commerce layouts and shop pages would be most welcome too here!

    • completely agree! Divi could use some commerce love!

  25. DIRECTORY LAYOUTS PLEASE!!!!! (Local business, city directories, etc…).

  26. This package looks very interesting, but as a photographer, I see that it has the same problem as most to be useful to photographers. We need the frames of the photos to be rectangular, 3: 2 format. The square format is a big mistake, the photos are horizontal or vertical, but the format is always 3: 2, never 1: 1. Adapting the photos of the works done, in most cases it is not possible to do so while maintaining the meaning and coherence of the image.
    I would like to find options for photos in 3: 2. The ideal solution is the Pinterest type appearance, where you can mix the horizontal photos with the vertical ones, maintaining the height of the photos and its width is proportional to each photograph.

    • I Second This

      • YES!

  27. I would also love to have some Woocommerce themes/layouts that play nicely with Divi. Specifically the My Account page, the product pages, and the cart/checkout pages.

    • Me too!

    • i second this!

  28. Thank you for the free layouts, some of them could really come handy one day. But how about to integrate white label in your Divi? If you say “We’ve Been Listening” then i’m sure you heard a lot of people asking you for this option.

  29. list of layouts :

    all pages required for:
    fashion designers
    marriage function halls
    personal resume

  30. hi. shop/ecommerce layouts would be most welcome!

    • I second more Ecommerce layouts and options! Thanks and love the great work ET is doing.

      • Well Jay without third party plugins like Divi – Awesome Woo Products where I got the programmer of the plugin to do a simple but vital version 1.0.3 of the plugin or the Woo Layout injector plugin real specialized Ecommerce layouts will just not happen.

  31. Beautiful and stunning work, as always! 🙂

  32. Does this package have a layout for the blog sections?

  33. Thanks, as a wildlife photographer, I appreciate this!

  34. Wow this is beautiful!

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