Free Divi T-Shirts And Other WordCamp Fun Coming Up–Mark Your Calendars!

Last Updated on September 16, 2022 by 92 Comments

Free Divi T-Shirts And Other WordCamp Fun Coming Up–Mark Your Calendars!
Blog / Divi Resources / Free Divi T-Shirts And Other WordCamp Fun Coming Up–Mark Your Calendars!

Welcome to Day 71 of our Divi 100 Marathon. Keep tuning in for 100 days in a row of awesome Divi resources as we count down to the amazing release of Divi 3.0 on the final day of the series!

Following the runaway success of the Orange County WordCamp and the community led Divi meetup, we’d like to continue to encourage and facilitate the Divi Nation to meet in person. Starting, with the two remaining WordCamps we plan to attend this year.

Join Us August 26-28 at WordCamp Columbus


This year I will be attending the Columbus WordCamp, August 26-28 in (you guessed it) Columbus, Ohio. This is actually my home town so I will be more than happy to not only hang out at the WordCamp itself but recommend some great local spots for you to do breakfast or dinner at around town.

In fact, our next official Divi Nation Meetup will take place Saturday 27th in the Short North Arts District at the Beer Garden Pint House. Enjoy some good eats, great drinks, and getting to meet the rest of the Divi Nation in person!

Go to Meetup Event Page

And Join Us Again for WordCamp US, December 2-4 in Philadelphia


We’d really like to make this a big event. WordCamp US is likely to be the largest WordCamp in the United States this year, featuring the now famous State of the Word Address by Matt Mullenweg himself. It would be amazing to see a huge crowd of the Divi community attending this event together.

To help make it even more special, we plan to create one (or more) Divi Nation meetup events coinciding with it. Depending on the WordCamp schedule, that might mean doing breakfast somewhere, doing drinks and dinner, or possibly even going to another community organized Airbnb “incubator” house like we did for WordCamp Orange County! RSVP via the button below and we’ll send out more details as they become available.

Go to Meetup Event Page

Wait–What About The Free Divi T-Shirts?!


To get this shirt, you’ll need to come to one of the above WordCamps.

I’m sure by this point everyone is wondering where the free Divi t-shirts fit into all of this. Well, it’s simple: anyone from the community who meets us at either of these WordCamps will get a free “powered by Divi” t-shirt. All you have to do is ask (in person of course!). Oh, and be sure to RSVP on our meetup page via the buttons above to help us gage how many shirts to bring to each event. See you there!

Tomorrow: Get Vol. 2 of Mario’s Multipurpose Wireframe UI Kit

Last week’s wireframe UI kit was a huge hit; one of our most popular downloads of the Divi 100 Marathon so far. And this week we’ve got a sequel! Volume two of Mario’s multipurpose wireframe UI kit will be available in tomorrow’s blog post to further empower you to create high-fidelity prototypes with Divi.

Be sure to subscribe to our email newsletter and YouTube channel so that you never miss a big announcement, useful tip, or Divi freebie!


Divi 100 Day 71

The Countdown To Divi 3.0

This post is part of our Divi 100 marathon. Follow along as we post free Divi resources for 100 days in a row! This 100-day countdown will end with the game-changing release of Divi 3.0, including our brand new visual editor built from the ground up using React. Divi 3.0 will change the way you build websites with the Divi Builder forever!
Let the countdown begin.

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  1. Hey Nathan, I was wondering what happened to the meetup scheduled in Columbus. I was heading over and saw that it got cancelled. Didn’t know if the weather changed ET’s plans or what. Hope nothing catastrophic happened. Really enjoy your podcasts and tutorials and appreciate all your efforts educating the Divi fans and developers!


  2. Can I get a white color tshirt? I would like to win one.

  3. Hey guys,

    Since you’re based in San Antonio will you be at the San Antonio WordCamp in October? I already have early bird tickets and I would love to meet the Divi team.

    • Unfortunately we will not be there this year 🙁

  4. So~ Lovely…
    Hope to meet Divi fans in France one day…

    The color of Divi t-shirt… ?

    • We’re probably going to do more colors in the future. By the time we get to France we’ll probably have a few options 😉

      • Divi & Purple…
        Sweet to have a unique color like divi… ?

  5. This is really cool, I run a Meetup in Bangalore, India for WordPress developers and beginners. We have about 80 odd people. I have been looking an exciting topic and Divi is a fantastic topic.

    • Nice 🙂

  6. Paris, France ? 😉

  7. might be able to make it to the ohio one 🙂 depending on my wifey’s schedule.

    • It would be great to see you again Adam!

  8. WHAT?! I was at WCUS last year and didn’t see anyone from Divi! I’m going again this year and can’t wait to meet some amazing Divi peeps and add that shirt to my collection 🙂

    • Woohoo!

  9. I’ve gone to the WordCamp in Saratoga Springs, NY (upstate) for the past two years. No mention of Divi.

    Do you have data on where your users live that you can share with us? I don’t remember specifics in the survey results . . .

    I’d love to be a Divi evangelist in my area.

    • If you join our meetup group via the links above (regardless of whether you go to those two events) you can potentially become a local Divi Nation host in your area.

  10. Hey Nathan – would love to come to WordCamp, but based in Australia (yep, the other side of the world) makes it a little harder to organise. Been a long time user of Divi and would LOVE a T-shirt. Would be thrilled and honoured to promote you guys Downunder.

    Any chance you might webinar WordCamp? That way I could attend without the $2-3K in expenses. Pulllleeeeease? Thanks for considering. 🙂

    • Hi Kristin, totally understandable. Please consider joining our Meetup group and becoming a local host. After we’ve done a few events in person we’ll start putting out resources for anyone we vet in the community to become a local Divi Nation meetup host.

      • Hey Nathan – sounds like a plan. I’m sure there are plenty of peeps in Sydney, Oz that use and love Divi and would love to meet up. T-shirts for all!! 😉

        • Meet up joined!!

  11. Hmm I am thinking a trip to the northeast for the fall foliage and capping it off with #DiviWCUS2016 is a good idea. Looking forward to seeing you guys again!

    • That’s great to hear!

      • Sorry I won’t make it to Columbus Nathan, I am sure you are going to do be a great speaker! I am in Cloudcroft, NM at 9000′ escaping the heat of August :). My stepson is getting married soon and all the festivities are happening at that time and I like being married to her haha. I will be there in spirit though and look forward to seeing you on

  12. Any chance of a white labelled T-shirt please?

  13. I went to the first WordCamp in Philly. It was a great event. I hope to see you guys at the next one. Can I make a suggestion about the tee shirts? Please have a women’s version. There were a lot of women at the first Wordcamp and it was really nice when the participants offered women’s sizes and cuts.

    • Thanks Donna! I’m not sure if we’ll have time to order anything else before the first event but we may be able to do that for the WordCamp US event.

  14. Yess!! Headed to Philly’s WordCamp with a friend!!

    • Excellent!

  15. I live in the Netherlands, Europe for you USA citizens. Want a loyal Customer to come to Ohio, USA for a t-shirt?? Come on, send ALL your Customer worldwide a free t-shirt guys

    • There will be more meetups in the future. You can also join our meetup group and help bring Divi events to your area.

  16. I’d like to ask if you would consider sponsoring local Divi meetups the way the WordPress Foundation does, where you take care of the Organizer meetup and encourage their development. I’d love to start a Divi meetup in Denver, Colorado.

    • Yep, that’s the plan! We’re still trying to figure out what that looks like but if you join our meetup group you will get updates on that as we have more information.

  17. I would love to have a DIVI Shirt that says:

    “… revolutionizes web design … once again!”

  18. That sucks. Come to Colorado, I want a Divi shirt… :\

    • There will be more events 🙂

      Join us on meetup so you can see them as they come up! You can also apply to become a local host in your area for Divi events.

      • Now that sounds like an interesting idea.

  19. I wish I could fly 🙂

    • I hope you’ll join our meetup group and maybe we can organize something in your area.

  20. What a great idea. Nathan, I’ve sent you an email, I’m very keen to become a local DiviNation meetup host for Cape Town, South Africa.

    • Excellent! I will get back to you as soon as I can with more details 🙂

  21. As I – not yet – got rich with using DIVI in nearly all my customers websites, I won’t be able to come to the US to join… *sigh*

    • Maybe we can organize something in your area in the future 🙂

  22. Philly is my backyard…see you there…!!!

    • Great!

  23. Any events planned in the UK? I want a Tee Shirt!

    PS the UK has loads of great places to hold these events other than London 🙂

    • We don’t have any planned there yet but if you want to apply to become a local Divi Nation meetup host we can set something up–even if no one from our staff can make it. There are details on our meetup page on how to get that process started 🙂

  24. While you are in the UK and Ireland (for their Guiness), Visit The Netherlands. We have got the Original Heineken´s !!! Sorry I can not make it at the meetings in the States 🙂

    • Haha, sounds good!

  25. Hope to see in Indianapolis one day.

    • It’s definitely possible!

  26. While I can understand this, it sucks for those not living in the US.

    Any plans to repeat this with events in Europe?

    • We’d like our meetup page to become the way in which we include the entire community in these types of events. This is just our first two. Anyone from the community can apply to become a local Divi Nation Meetup host. There are instructions on how to start that process on our meetup page.

  27. And I’m here, in the Netherlands, waiting for ElegantThemes to come somewhere close to me… USA is just not doable for me.

    • If we can’t make it to your part of the world in person, you can always apply to become a local event host via our meetup page and host Divi Nation meetups. We’ll be setting up some criteria in the near future for how many people need to be involved before we send over shirts and possibly other goodies.

  28. Woohoo, Columbus is my hometown too!! See you there!

    • Awesome! Can’t wait 🙂

  29. Please come to Norwich in the UK

    • Well, if we can’t make it, our meetup page is set up for us to allow community members to become local Divi Nation meetup hosts. You could help us organize one in your hometown!

  30. Good to see meetup. I can’t make it.
    Meetup in India (North region) would be nice.

    • That would be great. I’d like to help make that happen via our meetup page.

  31. And for French people who cannot be in US !????? What about t-Shirt??? Could you send me 5-6 for my team and I would pay the shipping fees
    1 M – 2 XL and 3 XXL?
    Thanks for your reply

    • We will be doing more events where we give away free t-shirts. These are just the first two. We’d love to make it over to France or work with someone local to organize a Divi Meetup there.

      • well get in touch with me private !

        • There are instructions on our meetup page as to how you can apply to become a local Divi Nation meetup host. Be happy to work with you to make something happen over there 🙂

  32. Hope you come to the UK 🙂

    • I think that might be possible in 2017 🙂

  33. Maybe you could have a web meet up sometime. I’d buy a t-shirt and participate. Or have an event in Australia. That’d be awesome. ?

    • I do like the idea of doing some webinars!

  34. Organise one in Mumbai, India

    • That might be possible next year. If one of us can’t make it in person we can work with someone like you from the community to help organize a meetup. If you’d like to be a Divi Nation meetup host you can apply for that. There are details on our meetup page.

  35. Organise a Dublin meet up… we’ve got Guinness 🙂

    • I’d love to. I’ll be in Dublin this October for my honeymoon but if I try to work during that my wife might end the marriage right there! lol

      • Oh, Nathan! That made me laugh, deeply! 🙂

  36. We need one of these in Europe! Or, how can we get one of these shirts sent to Barcelona for our Marketing crew?

    • The shirts will only be available via meetups we organize through our meetup page, BUT anyone from the community can apply to be a local host/event organizer through that page. So if you’re interested see the meetup page for details.

  37. What about the people who cannot attend these meetups? How can we get a tshirt?

    • There will be more events in the future where we will be giving away t-shirts. If someone from the Elegant Themes staff cannot be there in person, anyone from the Divi community can apply to be an event organizer. Details are on our meetup page.

  38. Come down under to the Sydney Wordcamp, and bring a few shirts with you, lol.

    • I’d love to! If that doesn’t work out in 2017 we’ll try to find a point person down there to organize a meetup like these 🙂

  39. I might actually be able to make it to Ohio. This is tempting…

    • Would love to meet you in person Randy. Be happy to show you around town.

      • EXTREMELY tempting!

  40. Philly? I’m in! YAY!

    • Awesome! Look forward to seeing you there!

  41. Is there any way I can purchase a t-shirt? Sadly I can’t afford to make it to either of the upcoming WordCamps to meet you. (I live in Florida). But I do appreciate and enjoy using the Divi theme. Been a subscriber since 2012. I would love to purchase a shirt to represent!

    • Unfortunately for those unable to make these events, t-shirts will not be for sale. We’d like these shirts to be a sort of “community badge” that’s only available at an event we’re sponsoring or promoting. These meetup events are the first of what we hope to be many more in the future, so don’t worry if you can’t make them. We’ll try to make it down to Florida again in 2017–likely with new t-shirt designs–as well as other cities around the country (and world?).

      • Copenhagen, Denmark … please 🙂

      • Aw No love for WordCamp LA or Sacramento? I am headed to those. 🙂

        • Lots of love of course, but our schedules aren’t lined up with those events unfortunately. You can always apply to become a local Divi Nation meetup host via our meetup page….

          • Lol any chance that you can get a wordcamp in South Africa? That would be awesome… Durban to be exact… Phili is a little too far to drive ha ha

            • Don’t forget Vegas baby!

      • TN!! Knoxville or Chattanooga either one. I’m exactly between them.

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