Freelancing with Divi, Discipline, & Smart Preparation Featuring Olga Summerhayes – The Divi Nation Podcast, Episode 33

Last Updated on September 16, 2022 by 16 Comments

Freelancing with Divi, Discipline, & Smart Preparation Featuring Olga Summerhayes – The Divi Nation Podcast, Episode 33
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Welcome to another week of Divi Nation, the official Divi podcast. This time around I got to sit down with freelance web designer Olga Summerhayes. You may recognize that name from our blog as she’s contributed a few free Divi Layouts here in the past. She’s also an active community member in the many Divi Facebook groups and a regular on the Divi Chat podcast.

Olga has been using Divi for a little over two years and in that time has been able to start her own web design business, build an impressive portfolio, and establish herself as a supportive and knowledgable member of the community. She has a great story to share and provides a good example to follow for anyone looking to go all-in with Divi and web design.

Check it out!

Freelancing with Divi, Discipline, & Smart Preparation Featuring Olga Summerhayes – The Divi Nation Podcast, Episode 33


In this episode I chat with Olga Summerhaye of Infinite Imagination out of Queensland Australia. Olga bills herself as a teacher, software programmer, wife, mother, and (of course) web designer. What I can only imagine is a demanding combination that by all accounts she seems to be pulling off wonderfully.

When Olga and I caught up recently on Skype she shared her WordPress story, talked about starting and running her business around Divi, and even threw in some tips on how she managers her many responsibilities. Enjoy!

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See You Next Week!

Well that’s all for this week’s episode. I hope you enjoyed our chat as much as I did. If you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments section below!

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  1. Thanks Olga! Love your work!

    Sound quality need to be drastically improved.

    • Unfortunately not everyone who has a good story or useful tips also has a high quality mic. Sometimes we just have to do the best we can with our audio. Thanks for listening!

  2. Thanks Olga! It was a great podcast. I loved it.

    I’m a big fan of your work.

  3. Great interview.
    For some reason your podcast does not download episodes on my Android client. (podcast Republic). I listen to lots of podcasts and it would be nice to have this one queue up like all the others. Instead I have to remember to play this one on YouTube which is not use.

    Anyway you guys can do some testing for this podcast on Android clients?

    • We’ve had some tricky podcast technical issues. Right now the best places to catch the show are on Youtube and Facebook. Or here on the blog of course. But the podcast aspect itself is in conflict with something else we use our rss feed for. So we’re (slowly, unfortunately) sorting that out.

  4. Hello from Ukraine!)

  5. Indeed great interview! Also very interested in that tasks list App.

  6. Yay! Olga, great Interview! Don’t forget to send the name of that App.

    • Thank you, Pablo. I am using Todoist App: for my task tracking.

  7. Glad to finally see you in the Divi nation podcast Olga πŸ™‚

    • Thanks, Chathura.

  8. Love it! Thank you!

  9. So what was the app Olga uses for her ToDo list?

    • The one I am using at the moment and liking it is Todoist App:

  10. WAHOO!! What a great guest to have, I’m such a fan of Olga’s work. Great job Olga! <3

    • Thank you, Leslie, <3
      That means a lot to me.

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