Get a FREE Car Rental Layout Pack for Divi

Last Updated on September 21, 2022 by 39 Comments

Get a FREE Car Rental Layout Pack for Divi
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Hey Divi Nation! Thanks for joining us for the next installment of our weekly Divi Design Initiative; where each week, we give away two brand new, free Layout Packs for Divi.

For the first layout this week, Kenny and his team have created a brand new Car Rental Layout Pack. The 7 unique page layouts are strategically designed, making it easy for visitors to quickly find and reserve the vehicle they need. The vehicle listings are clean and professional. And you are going to love the vehicle reservation forms and featured offers throughout.

car rental layoutdivi layout

Check Out The Divi Car Rental
Layout Pack Below

Get it for free today!

car rental layout

Landing Page Design

car rental layout

View The Live Layout Demo

Home Page Design

car rental layout

View The Live Layout Demo

About Page Design

car rental layout

View The Live Layout Demo

Listing Page Design

car rental layout

View The Live Layout Demo

Listings Page Design

car rental layout

View The Live Layout Demo

Services Page Design

car rental layout

View The Live Layout Demo

Contact Page Design

car rental layout

View The Live Layout Demo

Key Features

The Car Rental Layout Pack has some excellent features. The landing and home page both have beautiful headers creatively layered to showcase a vehicle next to a request form. And the discount offers made with blurb modules are simple but effective. There are also some unique transitions made with dividers that really bring the design together. And the Listing page is extremely clean and easy to read.

Live Demos

Click the links below to see a live demo for each of the layouts included in the pack.

  1. Car Rental Landing Page (live demo)
  2. Car Rental Homepage (live demo)
  3. Car Rental About Page (live demo)
  4. Car Rental Listings Page (live demo)
  5. Car Rental Listing Page (live demo)
  6. Car Rental Services Page (live demo)
  7. Car Rental Contact Page (live demo)

Access This Layout Right Now
Directly from Your Divi Builder

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Since Version 3.0.99 of Divi, you can find and import any of the layouts included in this pack (along with ALL of Divi’s Premade Layout packs) directly from the Divi Builder. They are already waiting for you.

To access your new layout, simply activate the Visual Builder when editing a page and look for the “Load From Library” icon in the page settings bar (it looks like a plus symbol). Click this icon to launch the Load From Library popup. Under the Premade Layouts tab, you can easily find the new layout by scrolling through the list of layout packs. Once you find the Car Rental Layout Pack, click on it. You will see all the individual layouts included in the pack. Select the layout you want for to use and then click the “Use This Layout” button.

Authentication Required

Before you can download Premade Layouts from the Divi Library you must authenticate your Elegant Themes Subscription. If you have already activated updates for Divi under Divi > Theme Options > Updates, you have already authenticated your subscription and will have access to the layouts without a problem. If not, when you click to import a layout to your page, you will be prompted to enter your Elegant Themes Membership Username and API Key.

car rental layout

After you enter the Username and API Key, you will gain immediate access to the layouts. You can find your API Key under your members area on the Elegant Themes site.

No Licensing Restrictions

car rental layout

The photos included with these layouts have no licensing restrictions. This means you can use them in all of your commercial projects without having to worry about paying licensing fees or attributing the photographer. Use them in your commercial websites, sell them within your Divi child themes, include them in your own Divi layout packs or just use them on your blog. We know how challenging it can be to find good photos and how confusing and scary the licensing that governs those photos can be. We want to fix that problem for our users.

Download the Full Res Image Assets

New Layout Packs Every Week!

We hope you enjoy this layout pack. We look forward to hearing your opinions in the comment section below. Make sure you check out next week’s layout packs as well. We publish one on Monday and the other on Friday!

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  1. I’m trying to rebuild a website with this layout but it doesn’t load at all. I’ve tried several instructions but the layout is stuck at 1% loading and it doesn’t moves forward. Is there a way to get the .json file for this layout ?

  2. Nice work as usual! Could you pass on to developers that we need a Singers/Musicians/Band layout badly? We keep asking but no response! Please stop ignoring us! Please!

  3. I don’t see a Car Rental layout, I see more creative ways to use Divi – which is the real intent of these tutorials. Thanks Divi for your inspiration. Much appreciated.

  4. You guys are wonderful.

    The best newspaper theme in elegant collection is Extra. But to be honest, extra is not as handy as Divi. Even basic changes (eg footer credit) is not simple. I deeply wish you offer some beautiful magazine/newspaper/blog layout packs with Divi.

    Thanks for all your efforts.

  5. If this data is static, this is kinda useless for the purpose.. LOOKS great tho’

  6. With every new layout pack you prove, that choosing Divi as main WP theme is quite good choise?

  7. Dear ET,

    All new templates are great and fantastic, but I noticed something. Each new template basically supports the services area. Why do not you do a fresh, well-used, well-set, feature-rich webshop theme? I think that such a topic would be great for Divi Nation, because would be the work of Divi skilled hands.
    What do you think?

  8. Really great stuff. I am always amazed by what can be done with Divi.

  9. How difficult would it be to deploy this template to woocommerce car sales template?

  10. Well done! Great job!

    How difficult would it be to deploy this template to woocommerce car sales template?

  11. Testing, testing… I made two comments yesterday. I’ve seen a dozen since. Where are they?

    Are these comments moderated?

    • Ooook, nevermind. Weird. Can we not use quotes or something?

      I was just chiming in on the same issues with the booking form features. Getting -Invalid Email- message. Just curious how this would actually function.

      Great layout design. Thanks!

  12. Hi Friends, at elegant, the Divi layouts are too predictive and nothing fresh in them, overuse of its dividers and same patterns make these layouts almost the same. Nothing new in each of them except the divider styles. Yes, the images may be good, but the design is not. Not of much use. Instead, I suggest elegant to run a competition weekly for layouts and select the best two that will go in the theme layout. Give some price to the winners every week. This will bring freshness and beautiful unique layouts which would really be gr8.

    • Good idea…. crowd sourced!

  13. Nice layout, but must have blog section. Thanks!

  14. this layout -as other i’ve seen- is completely useless. All the data is static, and you MUST have dinamic data working on a rental website, coming from custom post types, using custom fields, etc… this looks decent, but that’s about it.

    I get the idea of added value to customers, but why not relesing something that actually works?

    • Yes, J Cox :/
      I was also disappointed with the design that was released a few days ago for the car dealership
      It’s only another pretty design.

  15. Nice layout, I will use it for a different purpose. 🙂

  16. My question is with all these past layout packs, are they going to be fully compatible with the upcoming Divi theme builder features, so they can be fully customized “from header to footer and custom post type to page template”?

    From my perspective, there is no point in using Divi and therefore any of these layouts for any project or website until Divi has finally caught up with the feature and functionality list of other page and site builders.

    We need global header/style/color settings, header/footer builder, blog post/page/archive page template creation via the visual builder, custom post types, dynamic content of all kind.

    I have also been waiting for well over a year for this hover animation feature, and they keep saying it’s coming. I think all these layouts look very static (boring) when there is no on-hover animation on any of the elements.

    • In the past the layouts have been copatible with newer versions of Divi. I don’t thin that’ll change.

      Divi currently support global modules. And using the visual builder on custom post types is pretty easy to do using a child theme. Or a plugin like DiviBooster.

      +1 for the hover animations

      • At this point, I don’t want any hacks, half baked solutions or plugins for these essential functionalities and features. I am aware of global modules and selected sync, but I was referring to global style settings and dynamic content right inside of Divi. There were also quite a number of questions and comments under the “Global defaults” sneak peak blog post from a few days ago that are left unanswered.

  17. I noticed the video requires two clicks to play in the layout page. How do we make it play with one click and still have an image overlay?

  18. I do love your designs, I thought I would say that before a couple of negative comments

    The errors for the booking form are very difficult to read (Grey on dark blue?), also says the email is invalid but there is no email field.

    For me, it would be better to have fewer designs per month but have them fully functional, for example, have a faucet type search and a functioning booking on this design

  19. How do I download or install this “Layout Pack”, don’t want to waste my time resources or your bandwidth.

    • Read the instructions in the blog post above.

      • Layout pack download not available in the “instructions”, read the instructions. You can only dl each individual layout, not the pack.

  20. This layout is SPECTACULAR.

  21. Wow, these layouts just get better and better each week. Awesome ? job again ET. Thank you so much.

  22. Thank you guys, superb design as usual. What is your solution for the car reservations in this application? There must be a plugin you guys must use for doing the booking that integrates with the reservation form?

    • My exact question. Awaiting answer. This layout is timely for a new client.

      • Looking forward for this answer

  23. It says “we hope you enjoy this restaurant layout pack” under the “But wait…there’s more!” heading.

  24. The quality of the layouts offered increases exceptionally. Bravi!

  25. Now This is a grand layout. The colors of the cars just make a good contrast in the layout.

    This I must say is superb work guys.

    Thanks, Jason for bringing such an excellent layout.

  26. Guys- I love what you’re doing with Divi and the layout packs- but really? Who is actually going to use a Car Rental layout? Hertz? Avis? Budget?

  27. hello
    any ideas how to have rental car marketplace , i mean multivendors with many car renters and booking system
    thank you

  28. These are great layout packs! Thanks!

  29. simpply beautiful

  30. This looks great!!

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