Get a FREE Chiropractor Layout Pack for Divi

Last Updated on September 21, 2022 by 15 Comments

Get a FREE Chiropractor Layout Pack for Divi
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Hey Divi Nation! Thanks for joining us for the next installment of our weekly Divi Design Initiative where each week, we give away brand new, free Layout Packs for Divi.

This time around, Kenny and his team have created a clean and modern Chiropractor Layout Pack that’ll provide you with everything your professional chiropractor website needs to get up and running in no time.

divi layout

Check Out The Divi Chiropractor
Layout Pack Below

Get it for free today!


Landing Page Design


View The Live Layout Demo

Home Page Design


View The Live Layout Demo

About Page Design


View The Live Layout Demo

Resources Page Design


View The Live Layout Demo

Contact Page Design


View The Live Layout Demo

Services Page Design


View The Live Layout Demo

Service Page Design


View The Live Layout Demo

Key Features

If you’re looking to set up a professional chiropractor website, you’ll love the Chiropractor Layout Pack. This layout pack comes with beautiful and responsive layouts, user-friendly page structures and beautiful combinations of Divi’s built-in options that’ll help you improve the online presence of your business.

Live Demos

Click the links below to see a live demo for each of the layouts included in the pack.

  1. Chiropractor Landing Page (live demo)
  2. Chiropractor Homepage (live demo)
  3. Chiropractor About Page (live demo)
  4. Chiropractor Resources Page (live demo)
  5. Chiropractor Contact Page (live demo)
  6. Chiropractor Services Page (live demo)
  7. Chiropractor Service Page (live demo)

Access This Layout Right Now
Directly from Your Divi Builder

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Since Version 3.0.99 of Divi, you can find and import any of the layouts included in this pack (along with ALL of Divi’s Premade Layout packs) directly from the Divi Builder. They are already waiting for you.

When you add a new page from the WordPress Dashboard, deploy the Visual Builder. You will be prompted with three choices regarding how you want to start building your page. Select the option “Choose A Premade Layout”.

Under the Premade Layouts tab, you can easily find the new layout by scrolling through the list of layout packs. Once you find the Layout Pack, click on it. You will see all the individual page layouts included in the pack. Select the page layout you want to use and then click the “Use This Layout” button.


You can also access new layouts at any time within the Visual Builder by clicking the “Load From Library” icon in the page settings bar (it looks like a plus symbol). Inside the Load From Library popup you can choose the new layout you want to use.

Authentication Required

Before you can download Premade Layouts from the Divi Library you must authenticate your Elegant Themes Subscription. If you have already activated updates for Divi under Divi > Theme Options > Updates, you have already authenticated your subscription and will have access to the layouts without a problem. If not, when you click to import a layout to your page, you will be prompted to enter your Elegant Themes Membership Username and API Key.


After you enter the Username and API Key, you will gain immediate access to the layouts. You can find your API Key under your members area on the Elegant Themes site.

No Licensing Restrictions


The photos included with these layouts have no licensing restrictions. This means you can use them in all of your commercial projects without having to worry about paying licensing fees or attributing the photographer. Use them in your commercial websites, sell them within your Divi child themes, include them in your own Divi layout packs or just use them on your blog. We know how challenging it can be to find good photos and how confusing and scary the licensing that governs those photos can be. We want to fix that problem for our users.

Download the Full Res Image Assets

New Layout Packs Every Week!

We hope you enjoy this layout pack. We look forward to hearing your opinions in the comment section below. Make sure you check back next week for more layout packs!

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Premade Layouts

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  1. This is an awesome design for Divi builder. Why did you criticize this stylish design, I couldn’t understand.

  2. To all the comments asking for better design: Beggars can’t be choosers.

  3. I’ve never actually loaded a layout unless it is a portion where I want to see how it was done. I create a screen capture of each design and save them in a folder (inspiration folder with other snippets I have collected). Then when I am starting a new design from a blank canvas I may go back through the screen captures to see if there is any small portion that I like and want to re-create. I know this may seem anti-productive to some but I enjoy the creative process of design. That is why I became a graphic designer in the first place. I would not feel right just installing a full layout and swapping colors and photos and charging a client (if you do that is great) but I did not study design for years to take credit for someone else’s work. Cheers.

  4. Thanks a lot Donjete.
    I use Divi for last years and being able to have layouts with professional design helps a lot

  5. pas terrible, sérieusement, un chiropraticien utiliserait un site comme ça aussi basique et avec ces couleurs??

  6. Hello, I’ve never really made a comment like that to ET, but the difference between Jason and Donjete’s designs is really big … It’s sad I do not want them to take this as I want to generate a team problem, but I think Donjete needs a little more training to create the designs, she has the potential to create great designs, but at this moment she is providing us with too simple designs. Sorry for this comment, but I really thought about this a while ago, and today it was necessary to say it ..

    • Jason and Donjete are not creating the layout packs. Our design team is.

      • In that case I think that they should let Donjete present the beautiful designs because lately those that Jason presents are superior hehe. But back to the main topic, the suggestion would go to the design team, I think I speak for many to say that I prefer not to make so many designs so fast, but with superior quality, to have different designs in a short time but unattractive.

  7. Nice One, I Must Get This

  8. It isn’t just you @jdaniel. I scrolled all the way down to voice my disappointment at the lack of creativity and monotony. Elegant theme should inspire us with awesome designs to copy or beat; these awful designs make divi look so much ordinary. I am done checking any ET layout design releases. Perhaps they need to change the whole design team and reinvent themselves.

  9. Hello, I’ve been a Divi user for the last 3 years and following these layouts since the begginning and I have to say that while they are great, it starts to be the same repetitive pattern and designs, just different colours and photos and some minor desing changes. It may be me but they all look very identical. I can understand that they are a base to build and modify but I wonder if you do a research and study what the real pages look like and feel and then work from there.. or the designer do some tweaks based on his skills and feedback. I’m sure Divi is capable of much more.

    Lastly I keep seeing you design Landing Pages in a way that are not Landing Pages. A Landing Page is supposse to have one function and that is to help the customer buy the product or service with no posibilities of clicking on other pages and leaving the funnel. A contact form and a buy button should be at the most but nothing else that can distract the lead to finish the process.

    What do you guys think? Am I being overly critic?

    • I concur with your statements. I am also finding lots of the layouts whilst great overall, lots of them are really looking the same, no matter what niche it is.

      Might be a good idea to maybe introduce some inspiration from the community, eg Maybe ask the community on a monthly basis what sort of designs they want to see replicated in Divi and the wonderful designers at Divi can replicate (or for the most part) and add them as a layout pack.

      Note: I am not saying to plainly rip off a design from another website, More so they layout and design principals. There are lots of different styles out there.

    • I totally agree with you. They are kids stuff.

    • We really need to break away from the super duper boring website design.

    • It seems to me that it’s impossible to cover all the niches with one interface. Each audience has its own preferences, this example is made for medical professionals and, in my opinion, it looks amazing. Then everything is in your hands – you can use A/B testing or UX research. And when you’ll get the test results – you can change the site elements with Divi’s help.

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