How to Add a Searchable Map Store Locator to Divi’s Handyman Layout Pack

Last Updated on March 24, 2023 by 12 Comments

How to Add a Searchable Map Store Locator to Divi’s Handyman Layout Pack
Blog / Divi Resources / How to Add a Searchable Map Store Locator to Divi’s Handyman Layout Pack

If you have multiple store locations, adding a store locator to your website can drastically improve the user experience. Iโ€™m sure you have used them before when visiting a storeโ€™s website to help you find that store nearest to you. And I personally appreciate the sites that have an interactive map to show nearby locations and information. A simple google search for a store location will give you an idea of just how useful this functionality can be.

For this use case tutorial, Iโ€™m going to be showing you how to add a searchable map store locator to your site with Diviโ€™s Handyman Layout Pack. The plugin Iโ€™ll be using is called WP Store Locator. This free plugin has some powerful customizable features including auto-generated driving directions and custom map styles. After I show you how to add stores and use the shortcode to deploy your store locator on the page, Iโ€™ll show you how to customize the style of the store locator with Divi to match the Handyman Layout. Iโ€™ll even throw in a custom Google map style to match the layout even more.

Letโ€™s get to it.

Sneak Peek

Here is a sneak peek of what we will be building today.

store locator sneak peek

What You Need for This Use Case Tutorial

Setting up the WP Store Locator Plugin

WP Store Locator is a recommended plugin beyond this tutorial as well. Itโ€™s made our list of the best interactive map plugins for WordPress websites.

To set up the WP Store Locator plugin, navigate to Store Locator > Settings. You should take some time to look through those settings to make adjustments for your own site, but for now, you can get things up and running with the following:

Google Maps API Keys: Create and paste a server and browser key to allow google maps to work with the plugin.

Under the Map section

Attempt to auto-locate the user: check
Start Point: Houston, TX, USA (this will be the starting point if auto-locate fails; you can enter your own location if you know what it is)
Map Style: Here you can add a custom map style by pasting in the code (see below for more info)

Under the User Experience Section

Search and radius label width: 115px
Store Locator template: default (you can also choose the option to show the store locations under the map)


Start Location Marker: dark orange
Store Location Marker: dark blue

Save Changes

store locator

Style Your Google Map

If you decide you want to create a custom style for your Google map, there are some helpful links on the settings page that will get you started under the Map Style section of the settings page.

I used Mapstylr to generate the following code that you can paste into the map style input box on the settings page (use it if you like):


store locator map style

Add New Stores

After you have updated the settings, you will need to start adding your stores. To add a new store, navigate to Store Locator > New Store and update the following:

Enter Title for your Store
Add Description/Content โ€“ This content will only be displayed if you select to show a โ€œMore infoโ€ link in the store listings on the settings page. And this really works better if you also choose the Store Locator template that shows the store list below the map.

Store Details โ€“ Here you can add the location information (necessary showing the store on the map), opening hours, and any additional info (like phone number and email).

Featured Image โ€“ add a featured image to display a thumbnail on the store listing.

Store Category โ€“ If you want, you can add a category to better organize your stores.

Publish your Store.

store locator new store

Once you have entered your new stores, you are ready to add the store locator to you page.

Create Store Locator Page

You actually donโ€™t have to create an entirely new page for this store locator. The plugin uses a shortcode to display the store locator anywhere on your site. But for this example, Iโ€™m going to show you how to create a new page for the store locator using the Handyman Home page layout.

Use the Handyman Home Page Layout on a New Page

Create a new page and deploy the visual builder. Then add the Handyman Home Page layout to the page by opening the settings menu, clicking the load from library icon, and selecting the layout under the premade layouts tab in the popup box.

store locator new layout

Copy the style of the testimonial section.

store locator copy style

Then paste the style to the top section with the main header content.

store locator paste style

Delete Everything You Donโ€™t Need From the Layout

In the top section, delete the module in the first row containing the mock paragraph content.

store locator delete module

Then delete the second row in that section containing the CTA.

store locator cta row

Now delete every section below the top section so that only that one header section remains.

store locator

Update Settings for Section

Now open the section settings and update the following:

Delete Background Color
Background Gradient Left Color: #0072ff
Background Gradient Right Color: rgba(255,255,255,0.89)
Start Position: 50%
End Position: 0%
Place Gradient Above Background Image: YES

Add a new background image (around 1920px by 1100px)
Background Image Size: fit
Background Image Position: Bottom Center

store locator

Under the design tab, update the following:

Give your section a bottom divider.

Dividers: Bottom
Divider Style: see screenshot
Divider Horizontal Repeat: 0.5x
Divider Flip: horizontal

store locator

Custom Margin: 60px Bottom

Save Settings

Update Title

For the text module that contains the title of the page, use the inline editor to change the text to say โ€œFind a Handyman Near Youโ€.

Create New Row and Text Module for Store Locator Shortcode

Create a new one column row in the section give it some custom spacing as follows:

Custom Padding (desktop): 0px Top, 0px Bottom, 0px Left, 3% Right
Custom Padding (tablet): 0% Right

The right padding creates spacing for the right border design.

Then add a right border to match the design of the left border in the title above.

Select the right border tab.
Right border width: 10px
Right Border Color: #fc551f

Save settings.

store locator

Next create a text module and enter the following shortcode in the content box:

[wpsl map_type="roadmap" auto_locate="true" start_marker="dark-orange" store_marker="dark-blue"]

store locator

You can also use the pluginโ€™s shortcode generator from within the backend builder if you like.

store locator

Then give the text module a background.

Background Gradient Left Color: #fc551f
Background Gradient Right Color: #ffffff
Start Position: 20%
End Position: 0%

store locator

This gradient will serve as a custom design to give the search bar (generated by the plugin) an orange background.

Now we update the design settings for the text module.

Text Text Size: 18px
Custom Padding: 2% Top, 2% Bottom, 3% Left, 3% Right

store locator

Box Shadow: see screenshot
Box Shadow Vertical Position: 14px
Box Shadow Blur Strength: 40px
Box Shadow Spread Strength: -13px

store locator

Save Settings.

Add Custom CSS for Search Button

If you want to change the default style of the search button to match the design of your layout, you can add the following custom CSS to Page Settings under the Advanced Tab.

#wpsl-search-btn {background: #393e4a; color: #fff; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; padding: 0.6em 1.6em; }

store locator

If you want the CSS to be applied to all pages on your site, you can add the code to the Additional CSS section within the theme customizer.

Final Result

Now letโ€™s check out the final result.

store locator

Here is what the store locator will look like if you change the template to โ€œshow the store locations under the mapโ€ under the plugin settings.

store locator

Here is what the page looks like on mobile.

store locator

If you click the directions link next to a listing you will see the directions appear.

store locator

And if you click a store location icon on the map, more info will appear.

store locator

Final Thoughts

I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly and easily I was able to get store locator functionality using Divi and the WP Store Locator Plugin. The settings are pretty straightforward, making customization easy and logical. I also appreciate the additional features like the custom map styles, the store directions, and the smart map markers that popup and show more info on the store.

Divi seems to work well with this plugin and the Handyman Layout pack makes it easy to give your store locator the design adjustments it needs.

Also, this plugin will work for just about any website, not just those in the Handyman niche.

If you interested in adding premium add-ons to the plugin (like the search widget), feel free to check out their website.

I look forward to hearing from you in the comments below.


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  1. It would be great if the Map Module would let you highlight an area, say: custommer service area.

    This would be a game changing feature for the Map module. Please consider introducing it ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Fantastic, it’s just what I’ve been looking for one of my networks and applications for a long time Thanks

    • Great!

  3. This is such a great resource… so happy to see this! Thanks Jason. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • You are very welcome, Janet. So glad it will be useful.

  4. I love your tutorials and maybe this is not the place, but Iโ€™ve noticed with your last update that submenus keep open when you click them.
    I donโ€™t remember this happen before and itโ€™s a bit annoying in onepage webs. Thank you for your great work.

    • Thanks Eli. I’m not sure I understand the issue. What do you mean by “submenus keep open”?

  5. Nice one. Thanks. Do you have a demo site that I can show a possible client, they have 16 clinics and this would be a game changer for me.

    • Hi Johan.
      You’ve asked not me but there is a demo page of WP Store Locator here – (type Amsterdam for example – in “Your location” field – and hit Enter to see the result).
      Wish you success with your possible client ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Thanks Johan. I forgot to add that link to the post. So glad you did.

  6. Great resource, Jason! Thanks for all the details!

    • You’re welcome Elisandro. Hope it helps.

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