How to Add Creative Background Designs to Divi’s Bottom Footer Bar

Last Updated on September 16, 2022 by 12 Comments

How to Add Creative Background Designs to Divi’s Bottom Footer Bar
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Divi and its bottom footer bar is a small but significant piece of your website. And with certain page layouts, there may be a need to add a creative final touch to that bottom bar.

In this tutorial, Iโ€™m going to show you how to add custom background designs for Diviโ€™s bottom footer bar. By stripping out the default background color of the bottom footer bar and adding some custom margin to a section, you can harness the design settings of a section to create cool background designs.

Letโ€™s get Started.

A Sneak Peek

Here is a sneak peek of a few example designs you can build with this tutorial.

bottom footer bar

Customizing the Bottom Footer Bar in Theme Customizer

Before we can add custom backgrounds behind our bottom footer bar, we need to get rid of the default background color being used.

Go to the theme customizer and navigate to Footer > Bottom Bar. Then change the background color to be completely transparent.

bottom footer bar

You may not notice much of a change in the preview because there is still a footer background color sitting behind the bottom bar. The footer background color can be changed under Footer > Layout, but it is a good idea to leave that background color active as a fallback. The custom background will be added to the bottom bar using a section on a page-by-page basis. So having this background will ensure your bottom bar content has a background on pages that do not have the custom background in place.

You can also change the bottom bar text color and social icon color to white if you plan to have a darker background design. This will make sure the content is more readable.

bottom footer bar

Creating the Section Background Design for the Bottom Bar

Now that the footer bottom bar has a transparent background, we are ready to design our section background and position it behind the bar.

If you havenโ€™t already, create a new page and choose โ€œBuild from Scratchโ€. Then insert a one column layout for the section row.

bottom footer bar

No need to add a module to the row since we are only going to need the section and row for the background designs.

Next, go to the row settings and add some spacing as follows:

Custom Margin: 0px Top, 0px Bottom
Custom Padding (desktop): 80px Top, 80px Bottom
Custom Padding (tablet): 100px Top, 100px Bottom

bottom footer bar

This spacing is needed to give some height to our section while preserving the space needed for the section dividers we will be adding for our background design.

Now, go to the section settings and update the spacing as follows:

Custom Margin (desktop): -55px Bottom
Custom Margin (tablet): -94px Bottom
Custom Padding: 0px Top, 0px Bottom

bottom footer bar

The -55px bottom margin pulls the bottom bar into the section area so that whatever design we add to our section will sit behind our bottom bar. The bottom bar by default is 54px high on desktop and about 94px high on tablet so that is why you need a greater negative margin for tablet.

Getting rid of the top and bottom padding maximizes the space needed for the section divider we will add later.

Adding the bottom divider

Next, add a bottom divider to the section to frame your footer content as follows:

Bottom Divider Style: see screenshot
Divider color: #121212
Divider Height: 120px (desktop), 150px (tablet), 150px (smartphone)
Divider Horizontal Repeat: 0.9x (desktop), 0.5x (tablet), 0.5x (smartphone)
Divider Flip: vertical

bottom footer bar

Right now, the bottom bar content (the text and the social icons) are being hidden behind the divider even though the divider arrangement is set to underneath section content. This is because the bottom footer isnโ€™t technically a part of the section content. To fix this, we need to add a custom z-index to our section so that it sits behind the bottom footer.

Under the advanced tab, add the follow custom CSS snippet to the Main Element:

z-index: 0;

bottom footer bar

Now your footer bar content will sit above your section and you have a nice background design that frames your footer bar.

bottom footer bar

And it will adjust nicely on mobile as well.

bottom footer bar

With this basic structure in place you have a nice section design to build upon. With that in mind, go ahead and save this section to your library so that you can used this structure as a starting point for exploring now designs.

bottom footer bar

Now you are ready to explore new designs. You can change the bottom divider to different styles and colors to create countless background frame designs.You may need to add adjust the divider height and horizontal repeat values depending on the divider style you choose.

Here are a few examples.

bottom footer bar

bottom footer bar

Using the Top Divider with a Custom Background Gradient

Using a single bottom divider as your background frame design for your bottom footer is somewhat limiting. But if you use a top divider as your frame design, you can use a custom background gradient for your section. This will open new doors to explore.

Go to your section settings and set your bottom divider style to none. Then add a background gradient to as your section background.

bottom footer bar

Now you can add a top divider style to your section to create a brand new look.

bottom footer bar

Here are a few example designs possible just by changing the gradient background and the divider style.

bottom footer bar

bottom footer bar

Combining Dividers with Background Gradients for a Multicolored Border Frame Design

Now itโ€™s time to kick it up a notch. Remember, there are many possibilities for creating unique background designs within sections and rows. So for this last example, Iโ€™m going to show you how to combine these features to create a completely unique design.

To jumpstart this design, go ahead and use the section you saved to your library by clicking to add a new section in the visual builder, selecting the add from library tab, and choosing the section layout.

Once the section has been added to the page, we are ready to customize.

For starters, go to the section settings and update the following:

Background Gradient Left Color: #29c4a9
Background Gradient Left Color: #2b87da

Gradient Direction: 90deg
Start position: 50%
End position: 0%

bottom footer bar

Now add a top divider as follows:

Top Divider Style: see screenshot
Divider color: #ffffff
Divider Height: 120px (desktop), 150px (tablet), 150px (smartphone)
Divider Horizontal Repeat: 0.9x (desktop), 0.5x (tablet), 0.5x (smartphone)
Divider Flip: vertical

These Divider settings completely mirror the bottom divider so that the it creates a border surrounding the bottom divider. Since the divider itself is white, this leaves the impression that the background gradient is an extension of the bottom divider.

bottom footer bar

Now go the row settings and add a background gradient as follows:

Background Gradient Left Color: #df52ff
Background Gradient Left Color: #2b87da

Gradient Direction: 90deg
Start position: 50%
End position: 0%

bottom footer bar

To equalize the width of each color segment for your background, give the row a custom width of 50%.

bottom footer bar

Here is the final design!

bottom footer bar

bottom footer bar

Final Thoughts

Having a custom background design for Diviโ€™s bottom footer bar can be a refreshing addition to your page. All it takes is a few customizations to a section sitting at the bottom of the page. Unfortunately, the design is limited to a single page and would not be able to be applied sitewide. That is why the footer background color is used as a fallback. But once you save the section to your library, you can easily drop it into any page you want. You can even add to any of our premade layouts to be used in your next project. All you need to do is make sure you add the section to the very bottom of your page. Hopefully, you will find it useful!

Also, you might be interested in framing your navigation menu using a similar technique.

I look forward to hearing from you in the comments.


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  1. Looks cool, I like it.
    I’m wondering if there’s a way to make your own divider styles?

  2. Thanks Jason, very inspiring! Great you added a video by Mak !

  3. Nailed it, it’s pretty cool.

  4. Very creative going to implement this right away on our airport transfers website.


    • Great to hear, Khalid. Hope it works out well.

  5. If there is a margin of -55px applied to the bottom bar, will the move the content upwards on every page, meaning that you will need to repeat this process on each page of a website?

    • Donal,

      The -55px bottom margin is added to the section above the bottom bar, not the bottom bar itself. So, it will not affect the bottom bars on other pages. Make sense?


    • Right now, the bottom bar content (the text and the social icons) are being hidden behind the divider even though the divider arrangement is set to underneath section content. This is because the bottom footer isnโ€™t technically a part of the section content. To fix this, we need to add a custom z-index to our section so that it sits behind the bottom footer.

    • See Above
      “Right now, the bottom bar content (the text and the social icons) are being hidden behind the divider even though the divider arrangement is set to underneath section content. This is because the bottom footer isnโ€™t technically a part of the section content. To fix this, we need to add a custom z-index to our section so that it sits behind the bottom footer.”

    • See Above:

      “Right now, the bottom bar content (the text and the social icons) are being hidden behind the divider even though the divider arrangement is set to underneath section content. This is because the bottom footer isnโ€™t technically a part of the section content. To fix this, we need to add a custom z-index to our section so that it sits behind the bottom footer.”

  6. Great technique, as you said : “the design is limited to a single page and would not be able to be applied sitewide”

    Can we use a special shortcode and add the template section inside footer.php ?

    Kind Regards

    • Right now if you used the DIVI layout injector plugin you could do it sitewide or you are going to have to wait for the Theme Builder update at the least for a way to do this sitewide.

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