How to Build a Stagger-Animated Hamburger Menu with Divi & Anime.js

Last Updated on September 16, 2022 by 70 Comments

How to Build a Stagger-Animated Hamburger Menu with Divi & Anime.js
Blog / Divi Resources / How to Build a Stagger-Animated Hamburger Menu with Divi & Anime.js

In the past, we’ve shared different types of headers you can create with Divi and the Divi Theme Builder. As a matter of fact, you can find all of those tutorials listed in this navigation post. In that post, you’ll notice we’ve shown you how to create a fullscreen header, but to help you take your header design even further, we’ll show you how to create a custom-animated hamburger menu as well. There are a few notable things about the hamburger menu we’ll create:

  • As soon as visitors click on the hamburger icon, a fullscreen header will transition in, and each menu item will reveal one by one, giving it a custom-animated look and feel
  • The custom animations are triggered each time the menu is opened
  • You’ll be able to add dropdown items to the main menu items as well, these open on click and close automatically as soon as someone closes the menu or clicks a navigation item

In other words, this is definitely a header tutorial that’ll help you add that advanced look and feel to your website. You’re able to style the items however you want as well and you’ll be able to download the JSON template file for free!

Let’s get to it.


Before we dive into the tutorial, let’s take a quick look at the outcome across different screen sizes.


hamburger menu


hamburger menu

Download The Global Header Template for FREE

To lay your hands on the free global header template, you will first need to download them using the button below. To gain access to the download you will need to subscribe to our newsletter by using the form below. As a new subscriber, you will receive even more Divi goodness and a free Divi Layout pack every Monday! If you’re already on the list, simply enter your email address below and click download. You will not be “resubscribed” or receive extra emails.

1. Create New Header Template

Go to Divi Theme Builder & Add New Global Header Template

Start by going to the Divi Theme Builder. One there, add a new global header.

hamburger menu

Start Building From Scratch

And start building the header design from scratch.

hamburger menu

2. Build Logo & Hamburger Icon

Section Settings

Background Color

Once inside the template editor, we’ll start by building the logo and hamburger icon. You’ll notice there’s already a section there. Open the section settings and apply a transparent background color.

  • Background Color: rgba(255,255,255,0)

hamburger menu


Move on to the section’s design tab and remove all default top and bottom padding next.

  • Top Padding: 0px
  • Bottom Padding: 0px

hamburger menu


Then, go to the advanced and turn the section fixed.

  • Position: Fixed
  • Location: Top Left
  • Z Index: 13

hamburger menu

Add New Row

Column Structure

Continue by adding a new row to the section using the following column structure:

hamburger menu


Without adding modules yet, open the row settings, move on to the design tab and change the sizing settings accordingly:

  • Use Custom Gutter Width: Yes
  • Gutter Width: 1
  • Equalize Column Heights: Yes
  • Width: 95%
  • Max Width: 100%

hamburger menu


Remove all default top and bottom padding next.

  • Top Padding: 0px
  • Bottom Padding: 0px

hamburger menu

Main Element CSS

And to make sure both the logo and hamburger icon appear next to each other on smaller screen sizes, we’ll insert one line of CSS code in the row’s main element.

display: flex;

hamburger menu

Add Image Module to Column 1

Upload Logo

Time to add modules, starting with an Image Module in column 1. Upload a logo of your choice.

hamburger menu


Move on to the design tab and change the sizing settings next.

  • Max Width:
    • Desktop: 80px
    • Tablet & Phone: 50px

hamburger menu


Then, reposition the entire module.

  • Position: Absolute
  • Location: Top Left
  • Vertical Offset: 20px

hamburger menu

Add Text Module to Column 3

HTML Structure in Content Box

In the third column, we’ll add a Text Module. We’ll use this Text Module to create our hamburger icon. Start by switching over to the text tab in the content box and insert the following HTML tags:

<span class="line line-1"></span>
<span class="line line-2"></span>
<span class="line line-3"></span>

hamburger menu


Modify the module’s sizing settings next.

  • Width: 80px
  • Height: 80px

hamburger menu


Then, apply custom padding values across different screen sizes.

  • Top Padding:
    • Desktop: 10px
    • Tablet & Phone: 17px
  • Bottom Padding:
    • Desktop: 10px
    • Tablet & Phone: 17px
  • Left Padding:
    • Desktop: 15px
    • Tablet & Phone: 30px
  • Right Padding:
    • Desktop: 15px
    • Tablet & Phone: 10px

hamburger menu


Reposition this module as well.

  • Position: Absolute
  • Location: Top Left Corner

hamburger menu

3. Build Hamburger Menu

Add New Section

Gradient Background

Now that we have the logo and hamburger icon in place, we can move on to the next part which is dedicated to building the hamburger menu and all its items. Start by adding a new section, open the section settings and apply a gradient background.

  • Color 1: #000000
  • Color 2: #111111
  • Gradient Type: Linear
  • Gradient Direction: 90deg
  • Start Position: 50%
  • End Position: 50%

hamburger menu


Apply a min height and max height to the sizing settings next.

  • Min Height: 100vh
  • Max Height: 100vh

hamburger menu


Then, remove all default section top and bottom padding.

  • Top Padding: 0px
  • Bottom Padding: 0px

hamburger menu


Modify the overflows as well.

  • Horizontal Overflow: Hidden
  • Vertical Overflow: Auto

hamburger menu


To make sure the menu can be opened at all times, we’ll reposition the section in the advanced tab.

  • Position: Fixed
  • Location Top Center

hamburger menu

Add New Row

Column Structure

Continue by adding a new row to the section using the following column structure:

hamburger menu


Without adding modules yet, open the row settings, move on to the design tab and change the sizing settings as follows:

  • Use Custom Gutter Width: Yes
  • Gutter Width: 1
  • Equalize Column Heights: Yes
  • Width: 100%
  • Max Width: 100%

hamburger menu


Remove all default top and bottom padding next.

  • Top Padding: 0px
  • Bottom Padding: 0px

hamburger menu


Then, go to the advanced tab and change the overflows.

  • Horizontal Overflow: Hidden
  • Vertical Overflow: Auto

hamburger menu


Reposition the row as well.

  • Position: Absolute
  • Location Top Center

hamburger menu

Column 1 Settings


Next, we’ll open the column 1 settings of our row and apply some custom responsive padding values.

  • Top Padding:
    • Desktop: 24vh
    • Tablet & Phone: 10vh
  • Bottom Padding:
    • Desktop: 24vh
    • Tablet & Phone: 5vh
  • Left Padding: 13%
  • Right Padding: 13%

hamburger menu


We’ll apply some border settings too:

  • Right Border Width:
    • Desktop: 2px
    • Tablet & Phone: 0px\
  • Right Border Color: #191919
  • Bottm Border Width:
    • Desktop: 0px
    • Tablet & Phone: 2px
  • Right Border Color: #191919

hamburger menu

Column 2 Settings


Then, we’ll move on to column 2 and apply some custom padding values there too.

  • Top Padding:
    • Desktop: 24vh
    • Tablet & Phone: 5vh
  • Bottom Padding:
    • Desktop: 24vh
    • Tablet & Phone: 5vh
  • Left Padding: 13%
  • Right Padding: 13%

hamburger menu

Add Text Module #1 to Column 1

Add H3 Content

Time to add modules, starting with a first Text Module in column 1. Add some H3 content of your choice.

hamburger menu

H3 Text Settings

Move on to the design tab and change the H3 text settings as follows:

  • Heading 3 Font: Montserrat
  • Heading 3 Font Weight: Ultra Bold
  • Heading 3 Font Style: Uppercase
  • Heading 3 Text Color: #ffffff
  • Heading 3 Text Size
    • Desktop: 1vw
    • Tablet: 2.5vw
    • Phone: 3.5vw
  • Heading 3 Letter Spacing: 5px

hamburger menu


Add some bottom margin next.

  • Bottom Margin: 5vh

hamburger menu

Clone Text Module & Place Duplicate in Column 2

Once you’ve completed this first module, you can clone it once and place the duplicate in column 2.

hamburger menu

Change Content

Make sure to change the content in this duplicate module.

hamburger menu

Add Text Module #2 to Column 2

HTML Structure in Content Box

To showcase our menu items, including sub menu items, we’ll use the text tab of a new Text Module. Go ahead and add a new Text Module to column 1 and insert the following HTML:

<span style="color: #686868;">01—</span> <a href="#">Services</a> <span class="toggle-sub-menu" style="color: #ffff00;">+</span>
	<li><a href="#">Web design</a></li>
	<li><a href="#">Branding</a></li>

hamburger menu

Text Settings

Move on to the module’s design tab and change the text settings as follows:

  • Text Font: Montserrat
  • Text Font Weight: Thin
  • Text Color: #ffffff
  • Text Size:
    • Desktop: 2.7vw
    • Tablet: 4vw
    • Phone: 6vw
  • Text Letter Spacing: 0.1em
  • Text Line Height: 1em

hamburger menu

Link Text Settings

Change the link text color too.

  • Lin Text Color: #ffffff

hamburger menu

Unordered List Text Settings

Then, modify the unordered list text settings.

  • Unordered List Font: Montserrat
  • Unordered List Font Weight: Bold
  • Unordered List Font Style: Uppercase
  • Unordered Text Size:
    • Desktop: 1vw
    • Tablet: 2.5vw
    • Phone: 3.5vw
  • Unordered List Line Height: 1.5em
  • Unordered List Style Type: None
  • Unordered List Style Position: Inside

hamburger menu


And complete the module settings by adding some custom top and bottom padding.

  • Top Padding: 5%
  • Bottom Padding: 5%

hamburger menu

Clone Text Module to Create Variation Without Submenu

Once you’ve completed the first module, you can clone it once. We’ll use this duplication to create a variation of the menu item without sub menu items.

hamburger menu

Leave Out Submenu & Toggle Icon

To turn this duplicate module into a regular menu item without submenu items, use this HTML structure instead:

<span style="color: #686868;">03—</span> <a href="#">Contact</a>

hamburger menu

Reuse Both Types of Menu Items

Once you have both variations of the menu items in place, you can reuse both of them accordingly by cloning them and changing the content.

hamburger menu

Add Text Module #2 to Column 2

Add H4 & Paragraph Content to Content Box

In column 2, we’ll add another Text Module with some H4 and paragraph content of our choice.

hamburger menu

Text Settings

Move on to the design tab and change the text settings accordingly:

  • Text Font: Alata
  • Text Color: #cecece
  • Text Size:
    • Desktop: 0.8vw
    • Tablet: 2.4vw
    • Phone: 3.4vw
  • Text Letter Spacing: 1px
  • Text Line Height: 1.5em
  • Text Color: Light

hamburger menu

H4 Text Settings

Make some changes to the H4 text settings too.

  • Heading 4 Text Size:
    • Desktop: 1vw
    • Tablet: 3vw
    • Phone: 4vw

hamburger menu


Then, modify the module’s width in the sizing settings.

  • Width: 48%

hamburger menu

Main Element CSS

And add one line of CSS code to the module’s main element. This line of CSS code will help us place two Text Modules next to each other.

display: inline-block;

hamburger menu

Clone Text Module #2

Change Copy

Once you’ve completed the Text Module, you can clone it once and change the content accordingly.

hamburger menu

Add Social Media Follow Module to Column 2

Add Social Networks of Choice

The last module we need in this design is a Social Media Follow Module in column 2. Add the social networks of your choice.

hamburger menu

Remove Each Social Network’s Background Color Individually

Remove the background color of each social network individually.

hamburger menu


Then, go back to the general module settings and apply some top margin.

  • Top Margin: 5vh

hamburger menu

4. Add Functionality

Add CSS Class to Hamburger Icon Text Module

Now that the foundation of our hamburger menu design has been built, we can now focus on adding functionality! The first thing you’ll need to do is open the Text Module containing the hamburger icon and add the following CSS class:

  • CSS Class: fullwidth-open

hamburger menu

Add CSS Class to Section #2

Then, open the hamburger menu section, section #2, and add the following CSS class:

  • CSS Class: fullwidth-menu

hamburger menu

Add CSS Class to Each Module in Fullwidth Menu

To create the custom stagger animation effect, we’ll need to apply the following CSS class to each module in section #2.

  • CSS Class: stagger-effect

hamburger menu

Add Extra CSS Class to Menu Items

Add an extra CSS class, called “main-menu-item”, to each one of the menu items in column 1 as well.

  • CSS Class: stagger-effect main-menu-item

hamburger menu

Add Code Module to Section #1

To apply the functionality, we’ll use custom CSS and JQuery code. We’ll place this code in a new Code Module in the second column of our row in section #1.

hamburger menu

Insert CSS Code

Add the following CSS code to the Code Module in between style tags as you can notice in the print screen below.

/* enable class below once you're done editing the menu */

.fullwidth-menu {
opacity: 0;
top: 0vh;
visibility: hidden;

display: block;
position: absolute;
height: 3px;
width: 100%;
background: #000;
opacity: 1;
-webkit-transition: .1s ease-in-out;
-moz-transition: .1s ease-in-out;
-o-transition: .1s ease-in-out;
transition: .1s ease-in-out;
} .line{
background: white; 

.line-1 {
top: 15px;    
.line-2 {
top: 25px;
width: 80%;
.line-3 {
top: 35px;
width: 50%;
} .line-1 {
top: 25px;
-webkit-transform: rotate(135deg);
-moz-transform: rotate(135deg);
-o-transform: rotate(135deg);
transform: rotate(135deg);
} .line-2 {
display: none;
} .line-3 {
top: 25px;
width: 100%;
-webkit-transform: rotate(-135deg);
-moz-transform: rotate(-135deg);
-o-transform: rotate(-135deg);
transform: rotate(-135deg);
.fullwidth-menu-open {
opacity: 1 !important;
top: 0 !important;
visibility: visible !important;
.fullwidth-menu {
-webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease !important;
-moz-transition: all 0.5s ease !important;
-o-transition: all 0.5s ease !important;
-ms-transition: all 0.5s ease !important;
transition: all 0.5s ease !important;
.main-menu-item ul {
display: none; 
padding: 0;
margin-top: 50px;
.toggle-sub-menu {
cursor: pointer;

hamburger menu

Insert Anime.js Library

Continue by adding the Anime JavaScript library using script tags as you can see in the print screen below. We’ll use this awesome library to create the stagger effect in the next step of the tutorial.

  • src=””

hamburger menu

Insert JQuery Code

The click functionalities in our hamburger menu are powered by the following JQuery code. Make sure you place this code in between script tags as you can see in the print screen below.


// All variables needed in functions  
var menuSection = $('.fullwidth-menu');
var hamburgerIcon = $('.fullwidth-open');
var menuLink = $('.fullwidth-menu a');
var subMenu = $('.main-menu-item ul');
var toggleIcon = $('.toggle-sub-menu');
// Open fullwidth menu & animate items{
	if (menuSection.hasClass("fullwidth-menu-open")) {
  		targets: '.stagger-effect',
  		translateY: [150, 0],
  		opacity: [0, 1],
  		loop: false,
  		delay: anime.stagger(100, {easing: 'easeOutQuad'})

	} else { 
		toggleIcon.text($(this).text() == '+' ? '-' : '+');  

// Close fullwidth menu when clicking an item{
	toggleIcon.text($(this).text() == '+' ? '-' : '+');  
// Change icon when toggling the submenu{  
	var subMenu = $(this).parent().find("ul");
	$(this).text($(this).text() == '-' ? '+' : '-'); 

hamburger menu

Activate CSS Class as Soon as You’ve Completed Your Fullscreen Header Design

Last but not least, we’ll enable a CSS class in the Code Module which you can find in the first section. Open the Code Module and remove the “/* */” at the beginning and end of the class. Enabling this class (in combination with some JQuery code that’s already enabled) will make sure the section containing the menu items doesn’t load right away when someone visits one of your pages. Once you enable this class, the second section on your page will disappear from the Visual Builder, but you can still access it in the Wireframe Mode or turn off the CSS class if you want to make additional changes.

hamburger menu

5. Save Header & Theme Builder Changes

That’s it! The only thing left to do is save the template and Divi Theme Builder and view the outcome on your website!

hamburger menu

hamburger menu


Now that we’ve gone through all the steps, let’s take a final look at the outcome across different screen sizes.


hamburger menu


hamburger menu

Final Thoughts

In this post, we’ve shown you how to get creative with your Divi header. More specifically, we’ve shown you how to create a custom-animated hamburger menu. As soon as a visitor clicks on the hamburger icon, a fullscreen menu transitions in and reveals the menu items one by one, which results in a beautiful user experience. You were able to download the template JSON file for free as well! If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment in the comment section below.

If you’re eager to learn more about Divi and get more Divi freebies, make sure you subscribe to our email newsletter and YouTube channel so you’ll always be one of the first people to know and get benefits from this free content.

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  1. I’m struggling with anchor links using this menu, it seems like some browsers isn’t (chrome on phone..) calculating the height property of a certain web page correctly due to the visibility:hidden and/or display:none css properties. Anyone else had a similar problem?

    • Yes same problem. The anchor not working and also the scroll effects.

    • Same here.

  2. Hello, for some reason the “+” for the sub menu goes underneath the number instead of to the right of the menu item once I enable the menu. I can’t find a reason for this in the code, is there perhaps a solution?

    • Sorry to hear that. I suggest that you have a chat with our Support Team so they can help you with this. They’ll be happy to assist.

  3. Hi

    I’ve implemented the layout and everything was working fine, love the layout!
    Last week the hamburger icon is not working anymore. I followed all the step above, I’ve tried to just import the lauout, but it still don’t work.

    • Sorry to hear that. I recommend that you contact the Support Team so that they can check into this for you. Just start a chat and they’ll be pleased to help.

  4. Hello thank you for the useful tutorial, is there any code I can add to make the page non scrollable while menu is open? thanks in advance

  5. Hi.. great header but it stopped all the anchor links across my whole site from working. The menu sub-links in one of the menu sections were pointing to anchor links. I contacted Divi tech support and they said this was down to a bug on their platform (on the fix list but they couldn’t tell me when it would be done – I think they said something to do with animations in headers). Do you know if there is a way around this (as we’d like to use it if possible)? Thank you

  6. Nice tutorial! I woud like to see the fixed menu bar get a background colour on scroll (instead of being transparent)?
    is that possibele? Many thanks!

  7. How do I get the header to sit at the top of the page as a global header? At the moment it is covering the content in the row below.

  8. 1. The stagger animation isn’t working.
    2. When I click on the + sign to reveal the submenu items, nothing happens.

    Please advise.

  9. Hello,

    I am wondering how you make it so when the full screen menu opens, it opens over top of the logo, potentially another navigation or other elements?

  10. Something happened to DIVI or other updates that the hamburger script isn’t working anymore. I can’t click the hamburger to make it work and I don’t know how to fix this code. If there is any way to update this for current DIVI, much oblidged.

    • Same here, did you get any idea?

    • I suggest that you contact the Support Team by opening a chat so they can investigate that for you.

  11. Everything works for me except the animation and can’t hide the logo when opening the full-width menu? we can see the logo slightly in transparency but it’s not really nice.
    Thank you for help 🙂

  12. Hi, is it possible to hide the logo when opening the full-width menu? My logo is not completely black, so it’s showing up and messing up the design.

    • Same for the logo ! And no animation on mine.

  13. For anyone having issues with “anime is not defined” when they check their console, Instead of calling the anime.js within the section html of the header, I added it in Divi -> Integrations -> Add code to the of your blog and the stagger effect began to work.

  14. Hello,

    I like the menu, but my anchor links don’t work very well with this menu. Anchors don’t land on the section that they need to land on. How do I fix this?

    Kind regards

    • Did you find a solution for this? Please share

  15. Hi,

    I seem to be having the same issue as others. Once I have saved all changes the menu does not open and I’m unable to get into the menu page to edit anything?

  16. Hello, i like to open the sub menu for clicking on the sub menu items instead of the menu item but it always open the linked site directly when i click on the menu item. where should i place the link than?

    • same here.. Any advice from divi team?

  17. I’d like the main items to open clicking not just on the “+”, but on the entire line of text. Is it possible?

    • Same! Ive been playing with the code for about 2 hours trying to figure it out!

      • same! Has anyone found a solution?

  18. Hi, I love the design. These tutorials expand possibilities for divi.

    As you mentioned in the video there is a lot of code.
    This menu adds 1 sec extra load time on my website.
    It would be nice if there was a lighter version of this.

    • please ignore the load time. When I used the JSON file and Global Header it had no negative effect on the load time.
      Thank atgain.

  19. Hi!, somehow the stagger effect is not working, why could it be? Also, how to make the bar sticky?

  20. Hi,

    Is there a quick way to change the fixed menu bar background colour on scroll? It’s currently transparent, but I would like to add colour on scroll.

    Many thanks

  21. Hi,

    This is a great menu, however, I’ve just updated the json file to the latest version and now the menu appears on page load and there’s no way of closing the menu, so I can’t view the content of my website. Any solutions?

    The previous version worked better, but the menu would always load first on page load and then disappear.

    • Hi Joy, make sure you enable the CSS class once you’re done modifying your menu (see last step in this tutorial).

      • Perfect Donjete, that works great now.

        Thank you.

  22. I am having a similar issue to everyone else, when I click the hamburger icon it will respond but the fullscreen menu will not appear. Would love to hear some insight as to why that is

  23. I downloaded “divi-custom-animated-hamburger-menu-global-header-template” in the code there is “/ * enable class below once you’re done editing the menu * /
    / *
    .fullwidth-menu {
    display: none;
    * / but after enabling it something seems not to work. Also I found // Prevent fullscreenn menu from showing up when loading
    $ (window) .load (function () {
    $ (“. fullwidth-menu”). fadeIn (1000);
    }); but it doesn’t seem to work because every time the web pages are loaded, the navigation menu always appears: how can this be solved? Thank you

    • Hi Stefano, the code and JSON file inside this post have been updated so there’s no need for a load function! Hope that helps 🙂

      • Good day, I’m having the same problem

  24. Hello, thank you very much for this tutorial! I have a problem, when I enable the CSS class, the menu no longer works 🙁 Do you have a solution to this problem? Sorry for my English, I’m French 🙂

  25. Did you fire out why the sub-menu items are not opening?

    • Hi Nuno, make sure there are no

      tags inside the HTML box of your Text Module, sometimes these are automatically added.

  26. Every time I clear the SiteGround cache it works but after a few page reloads it stops working! I don’t see any errors while inspecting the page… it’s simply has if the hidden section didn’t exit.

    Thanks in advance!

  27. just what i needed!! thanks – i can’t wait to try this out.

  28. Nice menu Donjete.
    The problem with such solution is that the top level items (Services, About, Contact, Blog) are usually act as links in desktop.
    In this solution and when moving to tablet/mobile those top level menu links are not able to act as links anymore.
    This creates a UI problem that needs to be address.

  29. Hi guys,
    I’ve downloaded the json file but am receiving the error “This file should not be imported in this context” error.
    Can you please give me a point in the right direction?
    Thank you

    • Hi Robin, the template is meant to be imported in the Divi Theme Builder area, hope that helps!

      • I am getting same error”This file should not be imported in this context” while importing in Global Header in Divi Theme Builder area.

        Please advise

        • Im still getting the error This file should not be imported in this context- please advise asap

          • I know it’s a little late but I had this problem, too. If you go to the Theme Builder, take a right on the purple bar and click on the both arrows which are right to next other (down and up / which stands for export and import).

  30. Awesome Tutorial and a very cool Menu. However, I tried importing the JSON file but could not be added to my DIVI Library for use. I tried all the options to import it but it’s not working given an error, “the file should not be imported in this context”.

    • Hi Augustine, happy to hear that, thank you! The template’s meant to be used inside the Divi Theme Builder area, hope that helps!

      • Hi Donjete,

        I’m confused by this. Where are we supposed to import the json file? Does the json file create everything shown in the tutorial?

  31. Hi,

    once I enable the CSS class in the final step, then the menu no longer opens on load, but the hamburger is also no longer clickable

    Any ideas?

    • The code and JSON file have been updated, should work fine now! 🙂

    • I have the same problem 🙁

  32. Hello,
    As always your menu and mega-menu creations are really awesome! Thank you

  33. It’s not work for me. I followed all the steps but I can’t click the hamburger menu.

  34. This animation is very nice !! Definitely adds some good ideas for future designs…thank you!

  35. YDefinitely adds some smart thoughts for future plans… bless your heart!

    One note… The heap() technique you have utilized was deplored in jQuery rendition 1.8, and was totally eliminated in variant 3.0 (which is presently utilized in exceptional WordPress establishments). It will keep this element from working appropriately except if utilizing certain migrate.js contents or more established variant of WP. I’d recommend refreshing to the .on(‘load’) strategy.

  36. Definitely adds some good ideas for future designs…thank you!
    One note…The load() method you have used was deprecated in jQuery version 1.8, and was completely removed in version 3.0 (which is now used in up-to-date WordPress installations). It will prevent this feature from working properly unless using certain migrate.js scripts or older version of WP. I’d suggest updating to the .on(‘load’) method.

    • You’re right, thanks for the comment. I’ve changed the approach in the post so there’s no need for an on load function at all! 🙂

    • The menu and animation works for me but the submenu does not. Can you help me? I have seen that the scrip has &quote; which leads to errors.

      • I’m having this same issue.

      • The post has been updated as well as the JSON file! Should work fine now 🙂

      • Did you find out why the sub-menu items are not opening?

        • In my case I had to set this line in the javascript
          var subMenu = $(this).parent().parent().find(“ul”); // Find the corresponding sub menu
          instead of
          var subMenu = $(this).parent().find(“ul”); // Find the corresponding sub menu
          And it works 🙂

        • Make sure there are no

          tags inside the content HTML box, sometimes these automatically get generated.

  37. Nice animation!!

  38. This. Is. Amazing.

    I’ve been looking to add some more interactivity to my site’s menu. I feel like it overwhelms people at first. Do you think that it would be easy to turn this in to a four-column format? I’m also intrigued about this menu on my phone. Right now, I only show a simplified menu but this would be really neat.

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