How to Combine Hover Effects with CSS Parallax Backgrounds in Divi

Last Updated on September 18, 2022 by 19 Comments

How to Combine Hover Effects with CSS Parallax Backgrounds in Divi
Blog / Divi Resources / How to Combine Hover Effects with CSS Parallax Backgrounds in Divi

Using CSS Parallax with Background Images in Divi allow us to create hover effects that are surprisingly unique. Parallax is one of many ways we can add life to our websites. And when combining parallax with Divi’s vast array of hover options, we bring content to life even more.

In this tutorial, we’ll show you can quickly and easily design unique CSS parallax background hover effects in Divi. No plugin or custom coding needed!

Let’s get started.

Sneak Peek

Here is a quick look at the css parallax background hover effects we will design in this tutorial.

divi css parallax hover effects

divi css parallax hover effects

divi css parallax hover effects

Download the Layout for FREE

To lay your hands on the designs from this tutorial, you will first need to download it using the button below. To gain access to the download you will need to subscribe to our newsletter by using the form below. As a new subscriber, you will receive even more Divi goodness and a free Divi Layout pack every Monday! If you’re already on the list, simply enter your email address below and click download. You will not be “resubscribed” or receive extra emails.

To import the layout to your page, simply extract the zip file and drag the json file into the Divi Builder.

Let’s get to the tutorial shall we?

What You Need to Get Started

To get started, you will need to have the following:

  1. The Divi Theme installed and active
  2. A new page created to build from scratch on the front end (visual builder)
  3. Images to be used for mock content

After that, you will have a blank canvas to start designing in Divi.

Part 1: Creating a Breakout Parallax Hover Effect in Divi

First, create a regular section with a one column row.
divi css parallax hover effects

Before adding a module, open the section settings and add a background image using CSS parallax.

Make sure the image is at least 1920px wide. The design works well with a darker background image with a lot of texture. I’m using one from our Coffee Shop Layout Pack which is available from the Divi Builder.

divi css parallax hover effects

Then add some padding to the section as follows:

Padding: 10vw top, 10vw bottom

divi css parallax hover effects

Add a Blurb Module

Once the section background and padding are in place, add a blurb module to the row.

divi css parallax hover effects

Then update the blurb content with a few sentences of body text. You can keep the default title there.

Then click to use an icon and select the coffee icon for the blurb.

divi css parallax hover effects

After the content is ready, update the design settings as follows:

Icon Color: #ffffff
Icon Font Size: 50px
Text Alignment: center
Title Font: Oswald
Title Font Style TT
Title Text Color: #ffffff
Title Letter Spacing: 2px
Body Font: Nunito
Body Text Color: #ffffff
Body Letter Spacing: 1px
Padding: 30px top, 30px bottom, 30px left, 30px right

divi css parallax hover effects

Adjust Row Width

After the blurb is designed, jump over to the row settings and adjust the max width.

Max Width: 80%

divi css parallax hover effects

Column Settings

For this example, we are going to activate the hover effect at the column level. This allows you to use multiple modules to build the content, even though we are just using a single blurb module for now.

For this parallax hover effect to work, we need to add the same background image to the column that we used in our section. We will also need to use the same CSS parallax method on the column background image as well.

Open the column settings and add that same background image using CSS parallax.

divi css parallax hover effects

You won’t be able to see any difference between the column background image and the section background image because they are both using CSS parallax which essentially fixes the image in the exact same place on the web page. However, you will see the difference once the hover effect is in place.

Continue to update the column design settings as follows:

Padding: 4vw top, 4vw bottom
Rounded Corners: 10px

Then give the column a box shadow that only shows on hover as follows:

Box Shadow: see screenshot
Box Shadow Vertical Position: 0px
Box Shadow Blur Strength: 36px
Shadow Color (default): rgba(0,0,0,0)
Shadow Color (hover): rgba(0,0,0,0.72)

divi css parallax hover effects

Now let’s go to the transform options and update the following transform styles on hover:

Transform Scale (hover): 105%

This will enlarge the column (and it’s contents) slightly to create the effect of slightly popping out of the background image.

divi css parallax hover effects

Transform Translate Y Axis (hover): -2.5%

This moves the column up slightly on hover to create a slight asymmetrical displacement.

divi css parallax hover effects

Transform Origin: 100% 50% (bottom center)

This begins the scaling effect from the bottom center origin which, when combined with the translate value, resembles a subtle hinge effect.

divi css parallax hover effects

Here’s the css parallax hover effect so far.

divi css parallax hover effects

Now open the row settings and duplicate the column twice to create a total of three columns each with the same blurb and hover effects in place.

divi css parallax hover effects

Final Result

Here is the final design. Notice how the parallax background images are hidden by default when scrolling down the page. Then they appear when hovering over each of the column as they pop out. You can also see the parallax still functions on the column when scrolling down the page while hovering over the column. It is a subtle, yet extremely unique, hover effect.

divi css parallax hover effects

Adding Rotation to the Hover Effect

We can also add a rotation to the css parallax hover effect which adds a nice touch to the design. Simply open each of the column settings and update the following:

Transform Rotate Z Axis (on hover): 5deg

divi css parallax hover effects

If you want to mix it up, you can give the middle column a -5deg rotation.

Here is the final result.

divi css parallax hover effects

And here is same design with a lighter background image and darker text.

Part 2: Creating a Magnifying Glass Parallax Hover Effect in Divi

Duplicate the section from the first design and then open the section settings and replace the background image with a new one. I’m using the one from our Video Game Layout Pack because it really highlights the magnification parallax hover effect.

divi css parallax hover effects

Update Row Settings

We are going to need some extra room for this design so open the row settings and update the following:

Gutter Width: 1
Width: 100%
Max Width: 98%

divi css parallax hover effects

After that, jump over to the content tab and delete two of the columns so that only one remains.

divi css parallax hover effects

Column Settings

For this design, we need to apply the hover effect at the module level instead of the column level, so we need to reset the default styles for the column. To do that, right click on the column item and select “reset item styles”.

divi css parallax hover effects

Update Blurb Module

After the column settings are restored to the default styles, open the blurb module settings and add the same css parallax background image that was added to the section.

divi css parallax hover effects


In order to create a circular module, first we need to give it a matching width and height as follows:

Width: 300px
Module Alignment: center
Height: 300px

divi css parallax hover effects


To complete the circular effect, we need to update the rounded corners and give it a slight border.

Rounded Corners: 50%
Border width: 1px
Border Color: rgba(255,255,255,0.12)

divi css parallax hover effects

Box Shadow Hover Effect

Next, give the blurb a box shadow on hover as follows:

Box Shadow: see screenshot
Box Shadow Blur Strength: 36px
Shadow Color (default): rgba(0,0,0,0)
Shadow Color (hover): rgba(0,0,0,0.7)

divi css parallax hover effects

Transform Hover Effects

Once your box shadow is in place, update the transform options as follows:

Transform Origin (default): 50% 0% (center left)

This will make sure the blurb won’t extend outside the page once it is placed on the far left of the three column row.

divi css parallax hover effects

Transform Scale (hover): 130%

This will enlarge the blurb and really magnify the parallax background image for a cool hover effect.

Duplicate the Column

Once the blurb is done, we can duplicate the column to create three columns, each with the same blurb module.

Open the row settings and duplicate the column twice for a total of three columns.

divi css parallax hover effects

Update Transform Origin

Since our blurb modules all have the transform origin set to “center left”, we need to adjust this for the blurbs in the center and right column so that they scale from the appropriate position.

Open the settings for the blurb module in column 2 and update the following:

Transform Origin: 50% 50% (center center)

divi css parallax hover effects

Then open the settings for the blurb module in column 3 and update the following:

Transform Origin: 50% 100% (center right)

divi css parallax hover effects

Final Result

Now check out the final result. Notice how the effect really magnifies the css parallax background image behind the blurb. And when you scroll down while hovering over the blurb, it looks resembles the effect of a magnifying glass.

divi css parallax hover effects

In fact, this is so cool we might want to leave it as the default style instead of just in the hover state.

divi css parallax hover effects

Final Thoughts

I hope the examples in this post have gotten your creative juices flowing a bit so you can explore even more cool designs and hover effects to combine with css parallax. The setup process is really simple, but the possibilities are seemingly endless.

I look forward to hearing from you in the comments.


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  1. Good afternoon

    I would like to know how I decrease the height of the white band between the images

  2. It doesn’t work on Firefox or Internet Explorer.
    Is there afix?

  3. Hello,
    Enjoyed reading the article above, really explains everything in detail,the article is very interesting and effective. Thank you and good luck for the upcoming articles.

  4. I tried to do that, but on hover image is loaded whole image is loading in miniature in moziila (chrome is ok),

    • Same here, anyway to change the hover image ? It’s loading the whole image

  5. Holy smoke! This effect is gonna be great! As always it is damn much appreciated how much at the front you guys are.
    Really looking forward to applying this effect to one of my pages!

    • Great to hear, Anders. I appreciate the comment and support.

  6. I have download this layout…..its great

  7. Nice effect. Thanks!

    • Glad you liked it, Carolyn.

  8. Nice effect, I’ll have to download the layout and try it out! Thanks!

  9. It would great if you started putting live versions of what you’re describing in these posts. I like to see things work to decide if I want to use them in a project or not, and unfortunately 9/10 times I ignore these posts because I can’t see a functional example.

    • John,

      Thanks for the honest feedback. We are working on doing this hopefully in the near future.

    • I cant agree more, John 🙂

  10. The layout won’t load in either a page or the Divi library using the import/export option in Divi portability.

    • David,
      I tested the download and it seems to be working fine on my end when importing the json file to a page via the Divi Builder. Are you still having trouble?

    • The layout won’t load in either a page or the Divi library using the import/export option in Divi portability.

      • the same, not working ‘This file should not be imported in this context.’

        • The file needs to be loaded onto the actual page vs import from side WP menu. Click on the up/down errors when you are on a page and you can import it that way

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