How to Create a Flow Chart Layout in Divi

Last Updated on September 18, 2022 by 2 Comments

How to Create a Flow Chart Layout in Divi
Blog / Divi Resources / How to Create a Flow Chart Layout in Divi

Knowing how to create a flow chart layout in Divi opens up many opportunities for communicating processes and ideas on a website. In some cases, flow charts can be used to explain extremely complex ideas involving a large number of items. On a website, however, these more complex flow charts can be difficult to achieve, especially if you want it to be responsive.

In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to create a practical flow chart layout that you can use on your website that is simple, effective, and responsive. Basically, we are going to get creative with Divi borders, dividers, blurbs, and transform options to create a flow chart layout you can easily customize for your own needs. Plus, we are only going to use Divi’s built-in options to create it, so you don’t have to worry about adding custom code or plugins.

Let’s get started!

Sneak Peek

Here is a quick look at the flow chart design we’ll build in this tutorial.

divi flow chart layout

divi flow chart layout mobile

Download the Layout for FREE

To lay your hands on the designs from this tutorial, you will first need to download it using the button below. To gain access to the download you will need to subscribe to our newsletter by using the form below. As a new subscriber, you will receive even more Divi goodness and a free Divi Layout pack every Monday! If you’re already on the list, simply enter your email address below and click download. You will not be “resubscribed” or receive extra emails.

To import the section layout to your Divi Library, navigate to the Divi Library.

Click the Import button.

In the portability popup, select the import tab and choose the download file from your computer.

Then click the import button.

divi notification box

Once done, the section layout will be available in the Divi Builder.

Let’s get to the tutorial, shall we?

What You Need to Get Started

expanding corner tabs

To get started, you will need to do the following:

  1. If you haven’t yet, install and activate the Divi Theme.
  2. Create a new page in WordPress and use the Divi Builder to edit the page on the front end (visual builder).
  3. Choose the option “Build From Scratch”.

After that, you will have a blank canvas to start designing in Divi.

How to Create a Flow Chart Layout in Divi

Step 1: Creating a Row with a Centered Blurb

divi flow chart layout

To begin creating the flow chart layout in Divi, we’ll start with creating a row that contains a centered blurb. This will be the first item in the flow chart.

The Section Padding

First, open the section settings for the default section and set the bottom padding to 0px.

divi flow chart layout

The Row

Inside the section, add a one-column row.

divi flow chart layout

Open the row settings and update the following design settings:

  • Gutter Width: 1
  • Padding: 0px top, 0px bottom

These two design settings will be used for all rows in this flow chart layout in order to make sure no extra space is added between modules and rows.

divi flow chart layout

The Blurb Module Design

To create our first flow chart item, we are going to use a blurb module.

Add a new blurb module to the row.

divi flow chart layout

Blurb Settings

Open the blurb settings. Under the content tab, you can keep the default Title and Body text.

Then update the image with a small icon image or use one of the built-in Divi Icons. For this tutorial, I will be using icons from the Crowdfunding Layout Pack.

divi flow chart layout

Then give the blurb a background color:

  • Background Color: #f8f8f8

divi flow chart layout

Under the design tab, update the following:

  • Text Alignment: Center
  • Max Width: 400px (desktop and tablet), 90% (phone)
  • Module Alignment: Center
  • Padding: 6% top, 6% bottom, 3% left, 3% right

divi flow chart layout

NOTE: This blurb size will be shared by all blurbs in the flow chart layout. This size works for this layout because the flow chart will never have more that two adjacent (side by side) blurbs. This allows us to keep the design responsive and look great on tablet and phone as well.

Next, give the blurb a border as follows:

  • Border Width: 2px

divi flow chart layout

Step 2: Creating the Connector Row with Vertical Line and Arrow

divi flow chart layout

For the next part of our flow chart layout, we are going to create a connector row that has a centered vertical line and arrow. This row will be used to connect rows of flow chart content that need to continue down the page.

In this case, we want to start the flow chart by adding a line and arrow below the previous row with the centered blurb module.

Create New Row and Copy/Paste Row Styles from Previous Row

To do this, add a new one-column row under the previous row.

divi flow chart layout

Using the “More options” menu (or right-click options), copy the row styles from the previous row above and paste them to the new row.

divi flow chart layout

Creating a Vertical Line Divider

To create the vertical line divider, add a new divider module to the row.

divi flow chart layout

Under the divider settings, update the design settings as follows:

  • Line Color: #333333
  • Line Position: Bottom
  • Divider Weight: 150px
  • Width: 2px
  • Module Alignment: Center
  • Margin: -1px bottom

divi flow chart layout

Under the advanced tab, hide the overflow as follows:

  • Horizontal Overflow: Hidden
  • Vertical Overflow: Hidden

divi flow chart layout

Creating an Arrow with a Blurb Module

Next we are going to create an arrow icon to sit on top of the divider line using a blurb module.

To create the arrow, add a new blurb module under the divider.

divi flow chart layout

Arrow Blurb Settings

Under the blurb settings, take out the default title and body text and click to use the bottom arrow icon (see screenshot).

divi flow chart layout

Under the design tab, update the following:

  • Icon Color: #bbbbbb
  • Image/Icon Alignment: center
  • Icon Font Size: 50px (desktop), 40px (tablet and phone)

divi flow chart layout

  • Max Width: 50%
  • Module Alignment: center
  • Height: 50px (desktop), 40px (tablet and phone)

divi flow chart layout

Under the advanced tab, add the following CSS to the Blurb Image:

margin-bottom: 0px;
background: #ffffff;

This will take out the default margin of the blurb and add a white background in order to create the appearance of space between the icon and the line once we position the icon on top of the line.

divi flow chart layout

To position the arrow on top of the line, update the following:

  • Position: Absolute
  • Location: Center
  • Z Index: 10

divi flow chart layout

Step 3: Creating a Row with Adjacent Flow Chart Blurbs and Arrows

divi flow chart layout

Once the connector row is complete, we will add another row of multiple adjacent blurbs to continue the flow chart design.

To add the row, simply copy and paste the first row (the row with a centered blurb we created at the top of the layout) under the connector row.

divi flow chart layout

Open the row settings and update the following:

  • Max Width: 50%
  • Border Width: 2px

The 50% max-width is important for the layout to work responsively. It will make sure the blurbs that are overflowing to the right and left of the row will not exceed the browser width.

divi flow chart layout

Creating a Flow Chart Blurb on the Left Border Line

Now that our border is added to the row, we are going to position the blurb on top of the left border line.

To do this, update the following design settings:

  • Module Alignment: Left
  • Margin: 70px top, 70px bottom

divi flow chart layout

  • Transform Translate X Axis: -50%

This is the key to making the blurb sit horizontally centered on top of the border line.

divi flow chart layout

Creating an Adjacent Flow Chart Blurb on the Right Border Line

To add another blurb on the right border line, duplicate the existing blurb.

divi flow chart layout

To position the blurb on the right border line, go to the advanced tab and give it an absolute position:

  • Position: Absolute
  • Location: Right Center

divi flow chart layout

Then update the margin and transform translate options as follows:

  • Margin: none
  • Transform Translate Y axis: -50%
  • Transform Translate X axis: 50%

divi flow chart layout

Adding Arrow Blurbs to the Corners on Each Border Line

To make the flow chart more clear about the direction the lines are progressing, we will add additional arrow icons on the border lines of the row.

Top Left Arrow

To add an arrow to the top left border line, duplicate the arrow blurb we created in the connector row and drag it into the row containing the adjacent blurbs.

divi flow chart layout

Open the duplicate arrow blurb and change the icon to a left arrow.

divi flow chart layout

Then update the position location of the arrow blurb:

  • Location: Top Left

divi flow chart layout

Finally, update the transform translate option as follows:

  • Transform Translate Y axis: -50%

divi flow chart layout

Top Right Arrow

To create an arrow that sits on the top right border line, duplicate the “top left” arrow we just created. Then open the settings and change the position location:

  • Location: Top Right

divi flow chart layout

Also, update the arrow icon with a right arrow.

divi flow chart layout

Bottom Left Arrow

To create an arrow that sits on the bottom left border line, duplicate the “top right” arrow we just created.

divi flow chart layout

Then open the settings and change the position location:

  • Location: Bottom Left

divi flow chart layout

Next, update the transform translate option:

  • Transform Translate Y axis: 50%

divi flow chart layout

Bottom Right Arrow

To create an arrow that sits on the bottom right border line, duplicate the “bottom left” arrow we just created.

divi flow chart layout

Then open the settings and change the position location:

  • Location: Bottom Right

divi flow chart layout

Also, update the arrow icon with a left arrow.

divi flow chart layout

Once all the arrows have been placed, you can update the labels of each using the layers view.

divi flow chart layout

Step 4: Adding Another Connector Row

divi flow chart layout

Once we have completed the row with the two adjacent flow chart blurbs and all of the arrows, we can continue the flow chart by adding another connector row.

To do this, duplicate the connector row we created above and paste it below the row containing the adjacent flow chart blurbs.

divi flow chart layout

Step 5: Customizing the Flow with a Right Border Line Connector

divi flow chart layout

In the existing flow chart design, the flow starts with the top item and then branches out to the right and left adjacent items and then comes back to the middle and proceeds to the next centered item. To customize the flow, we are going to duplicate the section so that we can customize the flow chart to come to a stop on the left adjacent blurb item(s) and continue from the right blurb item.

Duplicate Section

To do this, first duplicate the entire section of flow chart content.

divi flow chart layout

Add Another Left Blurb Item

In the duplicate (bottom) section, locate the left blurb in the row containing the two adjacent blurbs. Then duplicate the left blurb to create a new one directly under it.

divi flow chart layout

Delete Bottom Arrows and Border

Next, delete the bottom left arrow and the bottom right arrow blurbs.

divi flow chart layout

Open the row settings for the row containing the multiple blurbs and take out the bottom border:

  • Bottom Border Width: 0px

divi flow chart layout

Create a Row with a Right Border Line Connector

Now we want to customize the design of the flow chart with a right border line connector that will connect the right border line of the row with the connector row below.

To do this, we are going to create another row and add a customized divider line and arrow blurb on the right side.

Add a new one-column row below the existing row with the three blurbs.

divi flow chart layout

Update the design settings of the row as follows:

  • Gutter Width: 1
  • Max Width: 50%
  • Padding: 0px top, 0px bottom

divi flow chart layout

Next, add a right border to the row.

  • Right Border Width: 2px

divi flow chart layout

Then add a divider module to the row.

divi flow chart layout

Update the divider settings as follows:

  • Line Color: #333333
  • Line Position: Bottom
  • Divider Weight: 2px
  • Width: 50%
  • Margin: -2px bottom

divi flow chart layout

Under the advanced tab, update the divider position:

  • Position: Absolute
  • Location: Bottom Right

divi flow chart layout

Once the divider is in place, copy the bottom right arrow blurb from the third row in the first section and paste it in the row with the right divider line.

divi flow chart layout

Open the settings of the arrow blurb you just duplicated and moved and update the following:

  • Position: default

divi flow chart layout

  • Module Alignment: right

divi flow chart layout

Stopping the Flow of the Left Border Line

Right now, there is some of the left border line exposed under the bottom left blurb. To hide it, simple take out the bottom margin of that bottom blurb.

divi flow chart layout

Step 6: Updating the Row with a Left Border Line Connector

divi flow chart layout

Your Flow Chart may also need to have a left border line connector as well. To create it, we can update the row with the right border line connector as follows:

  • Left Border Width: 2px
  • Right Border Width: 0

divi flow chart layout

Update the divider inside the row with a new location:

  • Location: Bottom Left

divi flow chart layout

Then update the alignment of the arrow blurb:

  • Module Alignment: Left

And change the icon to a right arrow.

divi flow chart layout

Final Result

Check out the final result. I went ahead and duplicated the second section and added the left border line connector to it so that you can see both.

divi flow chart layout

divi flow chart layout mobile

Final Thoughts

In this tutorial, we created a useful flow chart layout that anyone can use to communicate process and ideas to visitors with a stunning responsive design. Use it to showcase the process of services or design, create an infographic, or lead customers through content in a new way. Hopefully, it will come in handy for your next project.

I look forward to hearing from you in the comments.


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  1. wow amazing !
    is it possible to have 3 columns and still have a responsive result?

    • hey Jason this is wonderful, however, I have the same question as Fulvio, can I do a 3-column responsive design by just say, reducing the size of the blurb, or what would you recommend?

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