How to Create Animated Background Colors with Divi

Last Updated on September 16, 2022 by 6 Comments

How to Create Animated Background Colors with Divi
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Divi and its animation options can quickly turn an already beautiful page into an engaging one as well. By now, we’ve all gotten used to the different animations that are built into the various design elements that Divi provides you with. But did you know you can use these animations to highlight one specific design option as well?

In this tutorial, we’ll focus on creating animated background colors. To accomplish the desired outcome, we’re going to use a Divider Module for its background color and place a Text Module on top of it. We hope this tutorial inspires you to add animated background colors to upcoming web design projects.

Let’s get to it!


Before we dive into the tutorial, let’s take a quick look at the outcome across different screen sizes.


animated background colors


animated background colors

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Add New Section


The first thing you will need to do is add a new section to the page your working on. Open the section settings and add some custom padding values.

  • Top Padding: 5vw
  • Bottom Padding: 17vw

animated background colors

Add New Row

Column Structure

Continue by adding a new row using the following column structure:

animated background colors


Without adding any modules yet, open the row settings and allow the row to take up the entire width of the screen.

  • Use Custom Gutter Width: Yes
  • Gutter Width: 1
  • Width: 100%
  • Max Width: 100%

animated background colors

Add Divider Module #1 to Column


Time to start adding the various modules we need, starting with a Divider Module. This Divider Module will be used for its background color, size and animation. Make sure the ‘Show Divider’ option is disabled.

  • Show Divider: No

animated background colors

Background Color

Go to the background settings and add the following background color:

  • Background Color: #212121

animated background colors


Move on to the spacing settings and give your module the desired shape using the viewport height unit.

  • Top Padding: 30vh
  • Bottom Padding: 30vh

animated background colors


We’re allowing the background color to be animated by adding a custom animation with an animation delay.

  • Animation Style: Slide
  • Animation Repeat: Once
  • Animation Direction: Right
  • Animation Delay: 1000ms
  • Animation Intensity: 88%
  • Animation Starting Opacity: 100%

animated background colors

Add Text Module #1 to Column

Add Content

The next module we need is a Text Module. Add some H2 and paragraph content of your choice.

animated background colors

Text Settings

Then, go to the text settings and modify the values accordingly:

  • Text Font: Didact Gothic
  • Text Color: #ffffff
  • Text Size: 1.1vw (Desktop), 1.7vw (Tablet), 2.5vw (Phone)
  • Text Line Height: 2.1em
  • Text Orientation: Justify

animated background colors

Default Heading 2 Text Settings

Make some changes to the H2 text settings next.

  • Heading 2 Font: Abril Fatface
  • Heading 2 Text Color: #1c1c1c
  • Heading 2 Text Size: 3vw (Desktop), 5vw (Tablet), 7vw (Phone)
  • Heading 2 Line Height: 1.8em

animated background colors

Hover Heading 2 Text Settings

We’re also modifying the text color on hover.

  • Heading 2 Text Color: #ffffff

animated background colors

Clone Both Modules

Once you’re done adding and customizing both modules, you can clone them. In the upcoming steps of this post, we’ll modify all four modules to create a background color animation coming from both sides. We’ll also add an overlap to the Text Modules to make it look like the divider modules and text modules are created in the same container.

animated background colors

Modify Divider Module Duplicate

Change Background Color

Open the duplicate Divider Module and change the background color.

  • Background Color: #0bbfa1

animated background colors

Change Animation

To make the background animation show up from the other side, we’re changing the animation direction. We’ll also add a slightly higher animation delay to achieve our desired outcome.

  • Animation Direction: Left
  • Animation Delay: 1500ms

animated background colors

Modify Text Module Duplicate

Change Content

Continue by opening the duplicate Text Module and changing the content.

animated background colors

Change Heading 2 Text Settings

Move on to the design tab and change the H2 text settings as well.

  • Heading 2 Text Alignment: Right
  • Heading 2 Text Color: #0cc9ad

animated background colors

Divider Positioning

Divider Module #1

To allow some white space to show up at the right side of the first Divider Module, we’re going to add some right margin using the viewport width unit.

  • Right Margin: 20vw

animated background colors

Divider Module #2

Open the second Divider Module as well and allow the same space to be taken up, but on the left side of the page instead.

  • Top Margin: 2vw
  • Left Margin: 20vw

animated background colors

Add Overlaps

Text Module #1

Now that we’ve customized all the modules in our row, we can start creating the overlaps, starting with the first Text Module. Add the following custom margin values to the spacing settings of the module:

  • Top Margin: -49vh
  • Right Margin: 20vw (Desktop), 15vw (Tablet), 10vw (Phone)

animated background colors

Text Module #2

Use the following custom margin values for the duplicate Text Module as well:

  • Top Margin: -49vh
  • Left Margin: 20vw (Desktop), 15vw (Tablet), 10vw (Phone)

animated background colors

Exit Visual Builder to View Outcome

Once you’ve created the overlaps, you’ll need to exit the Visual Builder to view the outcome!

animated background colors


Now that we’ve gone through all the steps, let’s take a final look at the outcome across different screen sizes.


animated background colors


animated background colors

Final Thoughts

We’re always looking for ways to help you push boundaries in web design and create beautiful and engaging websites. In this post, we’ve creatively combined different design elements and overlaps to create animated background colors. This is a great way to add some extra dimension to any page you’re working on and to make your website match current design trends perfectly. If you have any questions or suggestions, make sure you leave a comment in the comment section below.

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  1. Brilliant, nice result! Thanks for share.

    • You’re welcome, Jorge! 🙂

  2. Beautiful, simple and creative! Very cool! 🙂

    • Glad you’ve enjoyed it, Elisandro! 🙂

  3. I would highly recommend NOT having the headers the same color as the background that comes in.

    • I’ve used a similar color for the copy as part of the effect, but feel free to use other colors! 🙂

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