How to Create & Use Textured Backgrounds with Divi’s Design Options

Last Updated on September 17, 2022 by 14 Comments

How to Create & Use Textured Backgrounds with Divi’s Design Options
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In today’s Divi tutorial, we’re going to show you how you can create simple textured backgrounds and use them as backgrounds for your sections to make your website look just a little bit more authentic. If you check out our recent free Learning Management Layout, you’ll see that we’ve used a textured background throughout all the pages as well.

Now, we’re going to start off by showing you two types of textures which we’ll recreate with Photoshop; textures made with shapes and textures made with brushes. Once you know how to do it, you can be as creative as you want and create authentic textured backgrounds. After that, we’ll show you how you can create stunning results by combining the textured backgrounds and Divi’s design options.

Image Result Made with Shapes

The first image we’ll show you how to create with Photoshop looks like this:

textured backgrounds

Result with Divi’s Design Options

And once integrated into Divi, you can obtain stunning results such as this:

textured backgrounds

Image Result Made with Brushes

The second image we’ll be making looks like this:

textured backgrounds

Result with Divi’s Design Options

And can deliver the following beautiful result when using it on your website:

textured backgrounds

How to Create & Use Textured Backgrounds with Divi’s Design Options

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Create Textured Background with Photoshop

Made With Shapes

The first textured background we’ll show you how to recreate has mostly shapes on it that are created with the Polygonal Lasso Tool and Eraser Tool. We’ll guide you step by step on how to create the following result:

textured backgrounds

New File

Open Photoshop and start by adding a new file. This file will need a width of 1920px and a height of 847px.

textured backgrounds

Add Background Color

Then, add a background color to the file you’ve just created. Make sure you’re using slightly darker gray colors throughout the whole process. It’s essential to use a color that’s a bit darker since it’ll help you later on this post when adding Divi design options as well. In this example, we’ve used ‘#626262’ as the background color and we’ve used the Paint Bucket Tool to add the color to the layer.

textured backgrounds

Add Layer 2

Continue by adding a new layer right above the first layer.

textured backgrounds

Add the First Shape to Layer 2

Then, select the Polygonal Lasso Tool and start making a shape while having Layer 2 selected.

textured backgrounds

Once done, select the Paint Bucket Tool and use ‘#747474’ to color the selected part.

textured backgrounds

Add Layer 3

Then, add another layer right above Layer 2.

textured backgrounds

Add the Second Shape Layer 3

Continue by making another shape, like the one in the print screen below, by using the Polygonal Lasso Tool.

textured backgrounds

Select the Paint Bucket Tool and use ‘#6a6a6a’ this time.

textured backgrounds

So far, your image should be looking like this:

textured backgrounds

Use Eraser Tool on Layer 3

Moving on, select the Eraser Tool while having Layer 3 selected.

textured backgrounds

Use the Eraser Tool along with a brush that has 0% hardness and a size of 338px.

textured backgrounds

Then, go ahead and erase the area you want to be gone. We’ve deliberately only left a small part of Layer 3 where you can see a transition between Layer 2 and Layer 3.

textured backgrounds

Duplicate, Transform, Rotate & Place Layers on The Opposite Side

Now that we’ve created the left side, the other side will go a lot quicker. We want it to be the exact same, that’s why we’re going to select both Layer 2 and Layer 3. Then, we’re going to duplicate the layers.

textured backgrounds

Once duplicated, you’ll see them appear in your list of layers.

textured backgrounds

While having both duplicated layers selected, go to Edit > Transform > Rotate 180° and drag the layers to the other side of the image.

textured backgrounds

Save for Web

The only thing left to do is saving the image. To do that, click on File > Export > Save for Web.

textured backgrounds

Lastly, make sure the file is a JPG or PNG file and save it.

textured backgrounds

Made With Brushes

Next, we’re going to show you how to create textured backgrounds using brushes. The textured background which we’ll show you how to recreate looks in this case like this:

textured backgrounds

New File

Start again by creating a new document using a width of 1920px and a height of 847px.

textured backgrounds

Add Background Color

Once that’s done, add a background to the first layer with the ‘#8f8f8f’ color code.

textured backgrounds

Search for Matching Brush Online

The next step is finding a brush that matches the style of your hero section. There are plenty of free Photoshop brushes out there that are stunning and for free as well. You can find and download the one we’ll be using in this tutorial by going to the following page.

textured backgrounds

Upload Brush

Locate the ABR file on your computer and go to Photoshop to load the brushes. Select Edit > Presets > Preset Manager > Brushes > Load and select the ABR file you’ve saved on your computer.

textured backgrounds

Add Layer 2

Once done, add another layer right above Layer 1.

textured backgrounds

Use Brush with the Lightest Color

Then, you can start using your brush to create the textured background you wish by selecting the Brush Tool.

textured backgrounds

Choose the brush you want with a size of 600px and use an opacity of 60%.

textured backgrounds ‘

The first color we’ll be using is ‘#a0a0a0’. Go ahead and make the first brush layer on your image.

textured backgrounds

Use Same Brush with a Darker Color

Then, replace the previous color with ‘#ababab’ and do the same thing.

textured backgrounds

Use Same Brush with the Darkest Color

Lastly, you’ll need to use the ‘#686868’ color to finish your textured background.

textured backgrounds

Save for Web

Now that your textured background is done, the only thing that’s left to do is save the image. To do that, select File > Export > Save for Web.

textured backgrounds

Once again, choose if you want to save your image as a JPG or PNG file.

textured backgrounds

Add Textured Backgrounds to Sections

Textured Background Made with Shapes

You can play around with Divi’s background settings to achieve the exact result you want once you’ve created the images. For the textured background made with shapes, we’re going to choose a radial gradient type to have one of the gradient colors in the middle and the other one in harmony with our background image.

Gradient Background

Use the following gradient background for your section:

  • First Color: #474ab6
  • Second Color: #9271f6
  • Gradient Type: Radial
  • Radial Direction: Center
  • Start Position: 41%
  • End Position: 100%

textured backgrounds

Image Blend Options

Then, upload the image and use the following settings:

  • Background Image Size: Cover
  • Background Image Position: Center
  • Background Image Repeat: No Repeat
  • Background Image Blend: Overlay

textured backgrounds

Textured Background Made with Brushes

The gradient background that we’re going to use for the textured background made with brushes is linear. We’ll make a subtle transition that’ll still slightly separate the color that is being used in harmony with the background image.

Gradient Background

Open the section settings and use the following settings for the Background subcategory:

  • First Color: #474ab6
  • Second Color: #9271f6
  • Gradient Type: Linear
  • Gradient Direction: 270deg
  • Start Position: 70%
  • End Position: 100%

 textured backgrounds

Image Blend Options

Then, upload the background image and use the following settings along with it:

  • Background Image Position: Center
  • Background Image Repeat: No Repeat
  • Background Image Blend: Overlay

 textured backgrounds


Now that we’ve gone through all the steps let’s, once again, take a look at the end result.

Image Result Made with Shapes

textured backgrounds

Result with Divi’s Design Options

textured backgrounds

Image Result Made with Brushes

textured backgrounds

Result with Divi’s Design Options

textured backgrounds

Final Thoughts

In this post, we’ve shown you how you can use textured backgrounds to make your website feel more authentic. We’ve shown you how you can create two types of textures with Photoshop and followed it up by showing you how you can use them within your sections along with Divi’s design options. If you have any questions or suggestions; make sure you leave a comment in the comment section below!

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  1. Fantastic work. I however have a project and am convinced that only you will be able to help.
    My client wants to show rainbow (with its 7 colors) as background and should be responsive.
    Any suggestions.

  2. The problem is that the gradient effect doesn’t work in IE (doesn’t support background-blend-mode: overlay;). So it’s better do it directly in Photoshop instead of Divi.

  3. Great Tip… keep it coming! Please…

  4. I think “Donjetë is a freelance content writer who is fascinated by deceptive content marketing” would be more appropriate. The heading of the article is “How to Create & Use Textured Backgrounds with Divi’s Design Options”. So, since I wasted some time starting to read it, I may as well waste some more commenting on it. You can not create these designs with Divi alone. Apparently Elegant Themes needs to apply more stringent oversight of its writers. The headline should have read “How to Create & Use Textured Backgrounds with Divi’s Design Options and Photoshop”, and I wouldn’t have bothered.

  5. Great design tutorial as always!

  6. Great stuff, very useful for those of us who want to go past basic designs. I look forward to your emails with this kind of content!

  7. Love creative things one can do with Divi and Photoshop.

  8. The only issue with that is that Blending Mode are note available with Parallax. So Sad.

  9. Thank you for this exciting and insightful tutorial. I love the varied information and help for Divi.

  10. Some of you might use Divi blend modes to make text legible over images. This will fail spectacularly on the Edge browser. I would wait to rely on CSS blends and wait for MS Edge to supports this feature. More of my clients are using Edge and I think a good web designer should consider this.

    Here is a tip: When you are all done with your texture layer, add one more layer, place it at the bottom of your texture layer. Turn off the texture layer, select the new layer you created and fill it with a gradient or color you want to blend. Then turn on your texture layer, select it, use the layers blend drop down to accomplish the same thing as Divi. Then save for web and you are good to go.

  11. Photoshop again!

  12. Hi
    it’s true that this is a good idea to have original backgrounds.
    Thank you

  13. Really like this type of content, keep it up! 😀

  14. Thanks for the tut, does this method work across all major browsers? I had to back out of using the gradient to tint photos because it didn’t work on iphone and some androids.

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