13 Industrial Child Themes for Divi

Last Updated on January 9, 2023 by 3 Comments

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13 Industrial Child Themes for Divi
Blog / Divi Resources / 13 Industrial Child Themes for Divi

Industrial websites are technology-based and include lots of science and engineering and can include anything from manufacturing robots to building a home. Divi is a great choice for building industrial websites because everything you need to show services, projects, products, introduce clients to your team, and create a call to action is already included. Fortunately, there are lots of industrial child themes you don’t have to build your industrial website from scratch.

In this article, we’ll look at 13 industrial child themes for Divi to help you get started on your net Divi project. The child themes are in no particular order.

1. Duriza

Duriza was designed with multiple industries in mind. It comes with 11 main pages to show industrial projects and services. It includes custom single service pages for 8 different types of industrial services. The services page uses custom icons for each of the services. The projects page shows projects in a grid. Other features include a CTA in the menu, an image grid, a sidebar menu for services, footer, search results, blog page, and a 404 page. The home page has a magazine-style layout for the hero section to introduce certain services.

Price: $67 | More Information

2. Avux

Avux was designed for construction companies. It comes with 9 main pages including a custom single project page, a services page, and a single service page to show your work and services. It has a custom global header with a menu that scrolls and then stays on the screen when it reaches the top. Services are shown in large cards. Project pages include a project gallery. It also has a custom 404 page, category page, built-in breadcrumbs, and lots of hover effects.

Price: $27 | More Information

3. Divi Excavating

Divi Excavating was designed for excavating contractors and comes with 6 main pages including a page to show your services and lots of styled modules. The menu includes a CTA and the hero section and the custom footer includes click to call links. Blurbs are clickable and they have lots of styled icons and hover animations. The photo gallery for recent projects shows images in a mosaic grid in an alternating multi-column layout. It has a section to show your three-step process and there are lots of CTAs throughout the child theme to get a quote.

Price: $67 | More Information

4. CorpX

CorpX is perfect for any type of industrial website that focuses on showing products. It has 7 main pages with multiple designs for the home page and About Us page. Use a home page with or without a slider. The home pages focus on products. The product pages include category, all in one, single, and 2-column grid. Several of the products pages include product category links. The two-column grid shows the products within sliders in an alternating layout.

Price: $29 | More Information

5. Divi Construction

Divi Construction comes with over 60 pages designed for industrial websites including engineering, building services, architecture, and lots more. It includes 5 home pages, 3 about pages, 2 contact pages, 7 services pages, 2 service detail pages, 2 blogs, 1 blog page, a custom 404 page, etc. It also has lots of styled modules, 26 preloaders, a styled back-to-top button, and a mobile menu. Many of the modules include hover animations. A preset color tool makes it easy to change the colors with a single button-click.

Price: $79.99 | More Information

6. Divi Industrial

Divi Industrial was designed with any type of industry in mind including manufacturing, engineering, energy, defense, transportation, agriculture, and more. It comes with 8 main pages that include a page to show your services and an individual service page. A gallery page shows examples of your work in either a filtered or non-filtered portfolio. It also has a custom 404 page, blog page, mobile menu with multiple options, preloaders, custom back-to-top button, clickable call buttons, hover effects, and a one-click color customizer.

Price: $35 | More Information

7. Compass

Compass was designed with industrial construction companies in mind. It has 4 main pages including a page for individual services to show the types of work the company does. Also included are several styled modules such as a testimonial slider and a portfolio grid, and a custom 404 page. The services pages have a project gallery to show examples of work. A project gallery also appears on the home page.

Price: $49 | More Information

8. Construction

Construction was designed for any type of industrial, construction, and architectural website. It comes with 10 pages including a services page and service detail page to show your services, and portfolio and projects detail page to show examples of your work. It also has a custom blog page, team page, and 404 page. Other features include a preloader with 15 options, particles, 7 back to top buttons, 4 mobile menu styles, and a fixed mobile menu. Many of the styled modules have custom hover animations.

Price: $49 | More Information

9. iBuild

iBuild was designed for construction, architecture, and contractor companies. It has over 20 pages including several pages to show your services, projects, and products. The services pages include lists and details. Projects provide information in multiple types of grids. Products pages include lists and details. Other custom pages include categories, blog, search, coming soon, and a 404 page. The coming soon page has a countdown timer with a sign-up form over a background image. The custom header shows the contact information and has a quote CTA. Images have custom hover animations.

Price: $49 | More Information

10. Industry

Industry was designed for manufacturing companies and factories. It has 11 pages including list and details pages to show the types of work you do, and product pages that list and detail your products. Custom pages include a blog category page, search results page, and a 404 page. I like the testimonials page design with its two alternating columns to show the images and text over multiple colored backgrounds. The pages display breadcrumbs and the header shows contact information about the menu.

Price: $69 | More Information

11. Kriar Industry

Kriar Industry was designed for industrial companies including manufacturing, factories, machinery, engineering, and more. It has 7 pages including 2 home pages, a page to show your products, and a page to show your services. The pages include a project section to show recent work. The products and services pages show images with a styled title over the image and hover effects. It has 15 sections throughout the pages and 19 different hover effects.

Price: $39 | More Information

12. Kriar Build

Kriar Build was designed for construction companies, building firms, architects, etc. It has 5 pages with a page for your services and a page for your projects. The pages have 14 different sections. Blurbs and images have 11 different hover effects.

Price: $39 | More Information

13. Contractorz

Contractorz was designed for contractors and construction companies. It has 5 pages including a page to show your services and a page for your project portfolio. It has a custom header with a background image, a CTA button, and a clickable call link and sign-in link in the top menu. The project page shows a multi-column background pattern that stands out. It also has custom CSS and royalty-free images.

Price: $49.95 | More Information

Ending Thoughts

That’s our look at 13 industrial child themes for Divi. They include lots of pages. Many have multiple designs and several have custom 404 and category pages. They have anything you might need to show services, projects, products, provide information about your company and your team, and lead visitors through your call to action. If you want to build a Divi website for any type of industry, you’re sure to find something on this list to help you get started.

We want to hear from you. Have you tried any of these industrial child themes for Divi? Let us know what you think about them in the comments.

Featured Image via elenabsl / shutterstock.com

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  1. No.3 Divi Excavating is good.. Soon, I will change my WordPress blog theme to Divi. Thanks for the article.

  2. Randy, you forgot to mention Marvel theme by B3 Multimedia πŸ™‚

    • True πŸ˜…. I used it and it has to make the list.!

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