The Divi Nation Reacts to Divi 3.0, WordCamp Orange County, & Meeting In Person For The First Time – Divi Nation Short

Last Updated on September 16, 2022 by 50 Comments

The Divi Nation Reacts to Divi 3.0, WordCamp Orange County, & Meeting In Person For The First Time – Divi Nation Short
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Welcome to Day 46 of our Divi 100 Marathon. Keep tuning in for 100 days in a row of awesome Divi resources as we count down to the amazing release of Divi 3.0 on the final day of the series!

As I mentioned in my post earlier this week, the Orange County WordCamp this past weekend was a really special time for the Divi Community. Some of the most passionate people in our global community made the long trip to spend the weekend together, talk shop, and of course learn more about the craft of building websites that we all love. Oh, and did I mention they got a private demo of Divi 3.0?

The Divi Nation Reacts to Divi 3.0, WordCamp Orange County, & Meeting In Person For The First Time – Divi Nation Short


In this episode my goal was to try and succinctly capture a little piece of what we did and experienced while together at WordCamp Orange County. For those who were actually there I hope this video serves as a keepsake and a reminder of the good time we all had. For everyone else, I hope it inspires you to engage the community further and see what happens.

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Thanks Again to Everyone Who Came Out to WordCamp Orange County 2016

Finally I’d just like to thank everyone again who came out to Orange County and made the experience so special. I deeply enjoyed your presence while we were out there and as a result of getting to know you all better I more fully appreciate your online company and encouragement now. Not to mention your generosity with images that have made this video and the earlier WordCamp recap post possible.

I’d especially like to thank Geno Quiroz for all of his organizational efforts. Without him I’m not sure the “incubator” would have happened or many of the trip’s special moments.

I’d also like to thank Leslie Bernal for finding and recommending our after party location (and the very nice drink she generously bought me as a birthday present). I’m sure there are others in the group who deserve individual thanks for their personal contributions to the trip, so if you know of something please recognize them in the comment section.

Also, be sure to subscribe to our email newsletter and YouTube channel so that you never miss a big announcement, useful tip, or Divi freebie!


Divi 100 Day 46

The Countdown To Divi 3.0

This post is part of our Divi 100 marathon. Follow along as we post free Divi resources for 100 days in a row! This 100-day countdown will end with the game-changing release of Divi 3.0, including our brand new visual editor built from the ground up using React. Divi 3.0 will change the way you build websites with the Divi Builder forever!
Let the countdown begin.

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  1. I have installed theme
    really good job

  2. Can you provide basic plugins for this ?? It would be better to understand more.

  3. Great video must say .. you all guys are looking fab in the video. Nicely captured .

  4. So nice seeing these guys like this. I feel like I know them all just a little bit better now.

    Here’s to many more meets.

  5. I really enjoyed watching this, Nathan! Such a great event, and you captured it so well. Loved seeing the ET team and some of the awesome people– my friends– that make being part of DiviNation so special. What can I add that hasn’t already been said? There is so much camaraderie in DiviNation, and I am so glad to be a part of this unique community. I can’t wait for the next meet up–so I can be with you all in person!

  6. Thank you Nathan for capturing the essence of this meet up. We had such a blast and I didn’t want to leave. This video is a gift that I can watch frequently.

    • My pleasure Tammy!

  7. I got a little teary watching this… it was a great weekend, and it really is super meaningful somehow to have real people to pair with online personas. I wish everyone we spend so much time with online could have the chance to get together like this!

    • I do too. Hopefully that becomes a reality as we launch our Meetup page and provide resources for people to emulate what went down last weekend in OC.

  8. Thanks for an awesome overview of WCOC!
    Will Divi be at WCLA in September?

    • I’m not sure. I know I have a few more WC trips on my itinerary for the year. We’ll just have to see. But even if no one from ET can make it out we’d love to know of any Divi groups attending WC’s together.

      • Thanks, Nathan!

  9. Video makes me wish that I was there. Looks like a great community.

    • Hopefully we can host or help to facilitate a Divi event near you in the future. My goal is for anyone who wants to dive deeper within the Divi Nation has, at the bare minimum, tools and resources that make organizing something like this themselves feasible. And then of course there will be times when we do official stuff or stop by in person at whatever everyone else is organizing. Lots of possibilities!

  10. Thank you Nathan, I loved this post and video!! <3

    And I for one am not bothered *at all* by a break in freebies to share about this WordCamp experience and our growing community that has been so organically brought together by sheer friendship and mutual admiration of each other's work and talent, and of course a love of Divi. Thanks again 🙂

    • Thank you Leslie for everything you do within the community to make it a great place to work (and now to hang out in person too!).

  11. You need to come across the pond and visit your client base in the UK 🙂

    • AGREED! We have our first team member from the UK now and I’m sure he’d be happy to meet some new people. Might have to hop across the pond myself too 🙂

  12. I agree with Eitel – South Africa should feature on your list somewhere down the road. Apparently we are going to have a WordCamp here (in the Johannesburg area) before the end of the year …

    I’m new to the Divi Nation and very excited about the possibilities it opens up.

    Thank you for the Countdown.

    • As I mentioned in the post, we’re really open to new ideas right now about how we can facilitate more in-person community events for Divi users. So who knows what we’ll be able to do and where?!

      By the way, welcome to the Divi Nation! Hope we can do something near to you soon.

  13. Thanks for posting the video.

    Even though we weren’t there we shared in the experience.
    The Divi Nation rocks but so do the creators of Divi.

    With Divi 3.0 are all the features in the 100 day goodies included?

    • It’s unlikely everything from the Divi 100 series will come as a feature in Divi 3.0. Some may be. But they will all still be available for use with Divi 3.0.

  14. Caught myself smiling through the whole thing!! :))

    • Right? What a great group with so many good things to say about each other!

  15. Thanks Nathan. The video came out great. Thanks for capturing all those live moments on video. What a great way to recap the event!

    • You guys had so many good sound bytes it was impossible for the video to be dull, lol. Thanks for being you Geno and all the work you did to make it a great trip for everyone.

  16. Fantastic video Nathan! Thank you for all that you do and are doing in the Divi community, you are a great ambassador for sure. Nick definitely has a great eye for talent. There were so many take aways from the weekend but I think you captured the essence of the best of it in the images and video clips you selected. It truly was a special weekend. It was a pleasure to finally meet you, Nick and the Elegant Themes team. The future for Divi is bright my friend!

    • Thanks David! I really enjoyed getting to meet you in person. I know we’ve done many a skype chats and facebook messages but it’s just not the same. Hopefully we can find ways to spread this type of experience to more throughout the Divi Community in the months and years to come.

  17. Wow, this tells me you are having problems coming up with 100 count down posts. While intersting perhaps, what in the world did this do to enrich your divi users?

    • As my Roomy, friend and co-founder of Divi Theme Help & Share said “It was like being touched by the hand of God”. Does it get more enriching than that? Engaging in community is always an enriching experience where we can bounce ideas off of each other and each other grow as a whole. What more can I say that? That experience was pretty much the definition of enriching.

    • I just knew someone would feel the need to post a negative comment. What have you done for me, Elegant Themes…..since yesterday.

    • The experience certainly enriched my life as a divi user. I guess you can’t please everyone.

    • Sorry you feel that way John. Obviously, I disagree. I think it’s important to celebrate our community on both large and small scales. I think those who attended the event feel a great deal of enrichment from this post/video. I also think that others in the community have enjoyed witnessing the event second-hand and enjoy knowing that more events like it are coming and that they are invited.

      If this particular post is not quite your speed that’s ok. Not every post is for everyone. You can always revisit the 13 free layout packs we’ve already given away during this blog post series. Or the 3 free plugins. Or the 10 free Divi tutorials.

      You can also stay tuned for 19 more free Divi tutorials, 15 more free Divi layout packs, 3 more free Divi extensions, and quite a bit more free content that falls under “inspiration”, “contest”, “showcase”, etc.

    • Wait until you see Day 87.

      “Today…..ummmmm…..Nick sneezed. See you tomorrow for Day 88.”

  18. Next one should be in South Africa. The only exciting think we currently have over here is to get chased by a Lion. Looks like you guys had fun. Cannot believe I have worked so long without Divi.

    • That sounds like quite the adventure! I’m up for it 🙂

  19. Great video. Looks like you guys had a lot of good times!

    • So much fun! Hope to see you at a future event!

  20. Duuuuuude! I’m pumped!! LOL What a great “reunion”, I feel like I’m just steppin into the scene, but yet I’ve been here haha. What you guys have been doing lately with these videos, and the theme communities, sets this group apart, besides having the dopest builder for WP out there.

    • Thanks Mark, I think the whole team here at ET and those from the community who attended WCOC are pretty pumped still too. There’s a lot of energy and momentum right now towards creating and facilitating more meetups like this. We’re glad you’re in the community and I hope we get to welcome you to an event in person in the near future.

  21. Looks like you all had so much fun and were like family! AWESOME. Can’t wait for the 3.0 reveal. All the best you you great Divi Folks!

    • Thanks El, hopefully we can get something going in your part of the world soon too. Or host an event you’d like to attend 🙂

  22. Amazing video Nathan! You perfectly captured how great last weekend was! It was such a joy to meet part of the Divi Nation in person!! And Divi 3.0 is going to be amaziiiiiiing!!

    • And I’ve learned it’s STRIFE-ler. Worth it just for that 😉

      • hahaha! I’m just happy no one calls me Stifler anymore 🙂

        • Ha!

  23. Beautiful video. This was the greatest “vacation” or business trip of my life. Seeing all of my Divi friends in real life was beyond words. Not only was it like being with old friends but also I was starstruck since I look up to these guys…then to have ET walk through the door was just icing on the cake. They all turned out to be awesome. Let’s make this an annual thing 😉

    • Was really great meeting you Adam, I look forward to more trips like this! But in the meantime I’m enjoying having a better read on your humor in chat!

  24. Guess I’m Comment #1. Always liked being first ship out when I was flying. Sorry I missed the event. Am living in PSP now, and moving to MRY, so I’ll keep a better lookout for upcoming events. Thank you.

    • There will be many more opportunities in the future for more people from the community to participate in events like this. Between WordCamps, Divi Meetups, and possibly a Divi Conference we’re looking to add a lot of in-person interaction to the “total package” of what it means to be a part of the Divi Nation. Can’t wait to welcome you to something like this in the future Jeff!

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