Our Lucid Theme Slider, in all of its glory, now has 8 free slider templates that you can use to create perfectly sized slider images. Check out some examples below made from these templates and download the PSD package to get started! For template instructions, please visit this previous post. For all of you Photoshop savvy designers, this template is fully editable—have fun with it and use it to create your own!
Download The PSDLayered Grid
This template is great for showing off a group of images in a really fun way. Perfect for photographers, designers, and bloggers!

Spaced Grid
A bit less dynamic than the Layered Grid template, but another great solution for presenting a large group of images. This will give you the same effect as the layered grid, but in a less stylized manner.

Image Fan
The Image Fan template is a beautifully layered layout of four images from left to right, again, great for photographers, designers, and bloggers.

This template layers five images in a carousel layout, featureing a main image in the foreground.

This template features three framed images in a gallery style layout. The background image is made up of a blurred image of your choice.

Tablet Stack
For those of you wanting to show off your mobile website designs, this template is perfect for you. Whether you are a web designer, app developer, or a business, this template is sure to help you professionaly mock up your work.

Browser Window
This template uses a blurred image background to help your browser window really stand out. You place the background image, and the template does the blurring for you!

Laptop Displays
This is another template that is really great for making that website disign look clean and professional. This Smart Object based template does all the perspective and warping for you so you can have an amazing looking mock up in just seconds.

Thank you. For making life easier for us. one more reason to remain and stick with ET!
You keep adding value to the membership which is already very valuable. Thanks for going to an extra mile.
Another awesome resource by ET…
Thanks so much!
Amazing. I thought the Apple announcement just now was good then I see more freebies from Elegant Themes.
My day just keeps getting better.
Thanks guys. 🙂
This is cool and adds the edge factor in Lucid
Thank you for making these wonderful slider templates for us non-graphics folks. I hope there will be slider templates for all the themes one day! (My two sites use Feather and Trim, hint, hint).
Thank you again for going the extra mile to help us out. Agreed with Samedi. Another reason to stick with Elegant Themes. You guys do great work.
Another awesome PSD from ET Team !! Specially for sliders.. Hats off to the team ET. Thanks
Have I told you that you guys are awesome? I’ll say it again, anyway… You’re awesome! Thank you for being so generous. 🙂
Keep these coming, thank you!
Great stuff.
This is this to wordpress what Widgetkit to Joomla, but better.
These posts help with my creativity, thanks
I have been using Nexus because of the beautiful slider, but always liked Lucid better (sound like a Smothers Brother, don’t I?). With these freebies, I will be able to use the theme I *really* want to use and get the beautiful slider besides! Thanks ET!
Awesome Nick and ET team!
Thanks so much. You guys are part of one of the best companies I have ever dealt with …. and I have dealt with a lot of different organisations.
So responsive to people needs. Keep up the great work 🙂
Thank you so much i love your themes and this Files are GREAT!!!
I’m a big fan of your themes and freebies! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks once again very helpful
Do you have these for use in GIMP? I imported the photoshop files into GIMP but I can’t substitute the place holders for new images.
Unfortunately these templates use functionality that is only editable in Adobe Photoshop
Fabulous work Nick !!! Really love it keep it up. Thanks for share
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you 🙂
Thank you for these templates. Are great… very useful!
OK seriously, just when I’ve made my mind up on a design and look, you guys throw the spanner in the works and give yet more UBER choices. AARRGGHH back to the drawing board….
Simply awesome 🙂
Is this available only in Lucid theme. how about making it one of your standard downloadables
Thanks for updating it.
Lucid stay IMO the best ElegantTheme ever.
awesome guide and PSD…
Nick, you continue to amaze me!! Like a BOSS, you provide yet more excellent and top notch content. =D Thank you so much… As others have said, this is another reason to stick with #ElegantThemes.
Thanks Nick. Great looking sliders. Will they become available for other themes? Would be a nice Christmas gift 🙂
This is awesome! Yet another reminder why I used Elegant Themes exclusively for all of my website development projects!
Thank you very much.
Lucid is my favorite template and I’ve chosen to use in
Where I have created a course based on this template and how to use it, now is free and is in Spanish.
Sure that users will love.
Please continue to provide much value.
Waiting looking forward to the new template, which promises to be very good.
Thank you very much.
Lucid is my favorite template and I’ve chosen to use in
Where I have created a course based on this template and how to use it, now is free and is in Spanish.
Sure that users will love.
Please continue to provide much value.
Waiting looking forward to the new template, which promises to be very good.
Hi Nick,
Sorry for duplicate post comment but rather the html for the link.
Eliminates duplicate previous comment please.
And correct the link to the website for this, this error checking
if not too much trouble
Lovely work. Thanks for creating them.
These are amazing, you guys make life so much easier. Thanks!
Thanks Nick, These posts help with my creativity. Lucid is my favorite template
Fantastic! I am just using Lucid now for a custom home builder. This is perfect!
These are fantastic. Any chance of templates for the Nimble theme? Those setups are exactly what I was about to create for myself.
I love this concept and I’m stoked to use it on my site. I’ve been trying to use it though, and I’m running into Luddite issues. What program should I be using to open and edit? I can’t seem to add my own images to the template.
You will need to open and edit these in Adobe Photoshop
God knows I have been waiting for this! Very clever of you!
Wow these are beautiful. I have a wordpress blog but don’t use it much since Javascipt cannot be incorporated in it-but I’ll consider using one of these Thanks!
very good .