Our Nova Theme allows featured posts to populate its slider. One option is to use a left hand PNG image, which allows for some great looking slides. Using images with transparency and depth can really add to the visual impact of your theme, so we’ve created a perfectly sized PSD template that you can use to design beautiful slides for your Nova Theme.
Download The PSD
Using the PSD template to create slider images is simple. Each slider variation is grouped into layer groups. Inside each layer group is a smart object where you can input your own photo (just double click it and past in your photo). The image you input will automatically be added within the appropriate area in the slider image. Once you have added your imagery, simply choose File > Save For Web.
Focused Image
This image stack is the perfect way to represent a set of images while featuring the primary image in focus. The blurring, done for you by the template, creates just the right amount of depth for a really dramatic mockup.

Image Fan
If you are wanting to display a collection of images, this template is a great way to dislay multiple images along side your featured post text.

Gallery Frames
The Gallery Template is a really nice way to showoff a series of photos or posters as if they were featured in their very own gallery.

Do you just have a couple photos that you want to show in a more casual way? The Polaroids Template is definitely a whimsical method of doing so. Just place your images into Image Smart Objects and it will rotate, overlap, and even throw a polaroid filter over the top for you.

Perspective Images
This template uses image ‘blades’ to create a really bold display. You provide the images, and the template will do the distorting and overlapping of images automatically!

This smartphone template features our iPhone 5s PSD mockup. This is great for mobile web designers, app deveopers, and anyone who wants to show off that beautifully responsive website.

iPad mini
This template uses one of our recent iPad mini templates. This perspective and pose is a really fun and playful way to represent your mobile website or app design.

MacBook Pro
The MacBook Pro template is one of the cleanest ways to mock up your website design. This pure-front angle and minimal laptop device makes sure that your design is the center of attention. You can download all of our MacBook Pro PSD mockups as well.

For those of you wanting to display a website design, here is a clean and professional option for you, featuring our iMac PSD mockup.

Sometimes it’s really nice to display two pieces of a website side by side to show the depth and consistency in a design. This is a professional and dynamic template for doing just that.

Great! As usual.
Those PSD are really useful!
Thanks for keeping us “in the mood” … 🙂
Thanks again for some great Elegant resources.
Excelent, Thanks!
These templates are great. Another reason why I am thankful I found you guys. Keep up the great work!
Apple products, but no PC or other variants. Shame Shame
Nice concepts though…. and thanks for sharing as usual.
Really nice, clean, and current.
Very nice template I like it !
Thank you. Keep up the good work!
Just learning the back end of Elegant Themes and although I could make a lot of these myself…I find it really helpful to have all these extra freebies to pick up when I need em! Thank you so much!
Excellent Work Nick !!! Thanks for share
Wow! Realy usefull, thanks for share! I love this site!
Hi Elegant Themes crew!
You are doing an amazing job with your great blog posts and with all the stunning freebies!
This is an awesome designing job, and it’s a great help for us: your clients.
Please, keep doing this: it’s an added value for your beatiful themes, and a fantastic way to keep loyal your clients.
All this stuff is well and good, but I signed up awhile back and I can’t even build my website because of basic technical issues with the Flexible Theme and ePanel.
The techs are very nice but my issues are not resolved and I need some help with my THREE open issues (since 11/4). Please refer to the Flexible Theme support forum. I can ‘t seem to get hold of anybody with the power to help – your service doesn’t provide a way to contact you other than through the clunky forum and it’s taking weeks to get any traction with my building my site due to the fact that basic features (ePanel isn’t saving my category settings, slider isn’t working at all for my projects or my posts; techs can’t seem to log-in with my information – and the log-in system is tempermental for me, as well) are non-functional for me.
I loved the functionality of the Flexible theme and wanted it for my Portfolio, but after weeks of frustration, I’m ready to ditch.
I’m sorry it’s come to the point where I to have to express my frustration publicly, but apparently you have no mechanism where the techs can communicate with each other to solve problems or escalate issues they can’t handle to ET developers who might be able to help to find the problem.
At this point, I’d appreciate someone reaching out to me to solve the issues.
Thank you.
Hi Valerie,
I took a look at your thread, and we are doing everything we can to help you. The problem is that your login credentials simply do not work, and we are unable to see the problem first hand. Perhaps if you can post a screenshot of your ePanel settings in the ticket, we can make some educated guesses about a possible solution.
You’re the man Nick.
$100 says it’s a simple problem right in front of her face!
Happens to me all the time. I’ll spend hour/days frustrated over something, only to realize I didn’t hit the save button, or actually enable the feature that I’m trying to get to work. Also, give me Divi now…RIGHT NOW!!!!!
Good Luck!
Gran trabajo, como siempre… ¡Gracias!
What a great collection! It’s fantastic you offer the psds as well. This will give me something cool to play with this afternoon. Kudos.
Nice goodies, Thanks for providing it. Really enjoying my club membership.
do you guys stop designing new themes?
Nope, we are always working hard on new themes. You can learn more about our current endeavor here: http://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/theme-sneak-peeks/divi-theme-process-update
I can not log. Password recovery is not working. I tried several times and failed.
IF you need help, please use the following contact form to get in touch with our admin: http://www.elegantthemes.com/contact.html
All types of PSD templates are awsome. I’m going to create my own slider images with it. Thank you!
Great… but hey come on, we are in November now… Where is the new theme?! Seriously!
We are working hard on Divi, and it will be released as soon as it’s ready. It’s a complicated theme, but worth the wait 🙂
Hey Nick, I got email from u about re-newing subscr. with EE. Its OK, but I hope you are not trying to wait until most of the subscribers here got their subscr. off and then you will release Divi theme so we will need to resubsc. coz of one f**** theme 😀
I need Register Business Plugin that allow Pick a map with upload Image for the Explorable Them
Kind Regards
I don’t understand. With more than 213 000 customers which paid about 39 dollars per years, (830 000 $), you can’t work on Divi and, in the same time, on other templates 🙁
I agree wholeheartedly with your point, but you are off by a factor of 10. Try $8,300,000…even worse!
Please where is the support.
If you need help with anything, please open a ticket in our support forums so that our team can assist you.
Nice to see free items from premium guys,keep on doing things like this.will surely help those who cant afford every premium items
Another great set of templates, thanks. But why all the Apple stuff continually. There are millions of Windows, Android, Linux and Blackberry users out there too!
Nova is an awesome theme and the additional set of PSD templates allows us to personalize the theme. Great job!
Hi nick i love your work, but we all need a release date of the new theme. Otherwise any theme you release you will never be able to make many users happy 🙁
P.S. Please don’t reply me with a link: http://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/theme-sneak-peeks/divi-theme-process-update 😉
I haven’t been renewing my subscription because its taking Nick such a long time release this one. I was supposed to renew two months ago but opted to “stake” it out first
I suppose I need to do the same…. not to renew the subscription, until a new theme is available.
Well, I just got a notification that my subscription expired. I have been waiting for DIVID since it was announced. I postponed some of my projects for this theme and now I have to make a decision to renew… I just wonder if I should renew now or wait for DIVI to be released… I honestly support ET and their great work but I do not know how long we have to wait…any ideas?
We are planning to release the theme this week.
me too 🙁
Nexus Theme release on July 18 2013… and until now nothing new wp theme.. its so long nick 🙁 i remember in this blog you reply comment wanna create theme every month… you can check 🙂
Thanks for sharing this with us. It will definitely come in handy.
Can this be achieved using GIMP instead of Photoshop?
If so can anyone advise me on how to do it please? I have found all the layers but am struggling to insert the images.
Is it possible to use these with GIMP instead of Photoshop?
If yes can anyone help me do so please? I have opened the file ok and found the layers but am struggling to add my images.
Nova is my favorite business related theme of all time, still i’m using it in my business site, thanks for giving these slider resources to make it better 🙂
Shut down?
DIVI will rock!!! Please Nick, a sneak peep to allay our weariness…? More creative juice to your cerebrum!
Hi guys! Whe didn’t have news for a long time! Are you working on Divi?
Please give us some news about it!
We are still working hard on Divi, and it will be released as soon as humanly possible.
Ok, I started to worry a little bit because of your silence during a couple of days…
This is fantastic! Thanks for sharing, I cant wait to start using them.
Great, Thanks Elegant Theme!!!
Nick is not correct not reply customers about new theme release
Thank you! These are awesome!
Thanks! Nice Work!.
Great! Thanks for sharing.
…mhh I’ve got a very bad feeling…
What bad feeling? I got a feeling that something big is about to be birth that will add more values to ET club members and WordPressers! Divi and its drag and drop features may freeze other drag & drop even dynamik DD!
Where is new wp theme? why ET alway update blog but not update new wp theme? 😛
Thanks! PSD perfect Slider, Is Great!.
Hi, I saw a website AspiringThemes.com and it looks exactly like Elegant Themes and even has the same pricing and themes. Do you guys own this too?
beautiful slider
woow. that great! i love it
Thank you for providing more resources for nova users, i’m using nova since last 2 years and in love with it, please keep updating it with more resources.
I like this theme so much. Thanks for nice share.
Thanks for the cool slides, these are helpful to make nova a killer theme for company sites.
cool templates need to be tried