Congratulations To Our Birthday Giveaway Winners!

Posted on May 6, 2013 by 63 Comments

Congratulations To Our Birthday Giveaway Winners!
Blog / General News / Congratulations To Our Birthday Giveaway Winners!
After one week and 3595 entries, our Birthday Giveaway has come to and end and the 20 lucky winners have been chosen! Congratulations to the following people, who will each receive a free lifetime membership to Elegant Themes πŸ™‚ For those on the list, you will be receiving an email with instructions on how to claim your prize. Thanks for all those who participated and to all those who wished us happiness on our 5th birthday. With any luck, there will be many more birthday giveaways to come.

The Following 20 People Have Won A Free Lifetime Membership!

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  1. Congratulations to you all. Nick i think theres a mistake as i cant see my name on there lol πŸ™‚

    • I agree, total error that my name is not listed.


      • yeah, total and complete technical error that I’m not a winner.

        • Seems like there are lot of mistakes as my name is also not there πŸ™‚

    • lool! I agree. CONGRATULATIONS.

    • Great birthday giveaway, a shame that my name is not in your article.
      Congrats to all winners, enjoy the power of Elegant Themes πŸ˜‰

  2. Congrats to all the winners!

  3. Damn I am unlucky.. this was so important for me…bad luck.

    Good luck to all winners

  4. πŸ™‚ Congrats to all the winners. I wish I could pay for a lifetime membership for like… $200 or something πŸ˜€

  5. Wow. I think I may be one of the winners. Unless there are two “James O.” entries.

    I used the Lucid theme for my site.

    • Almost a month has passed and no email to me. I guess there were two James O’s. in this contest. What are the odds?

  6. Congratulations to winners. I will wait for next giveaway events…

  7. Congratulations to all the winners πŸ™‚

  8. Darn it! I never win giveaways. :/

  9. Congrats to all the winners. Enjoy! A worthy product to win a prize with – Good on you, and good on you Nick – for doing a prize giving!

  10. Congratulations to all winners of lifetime licence. once they have lifetime access of elegant themes, they wont need any other wp subscriptions πŸ™‚

  11. Congratulations to all the winners! Fun contest πŸ™‚

  12. Hope the Steve G on the list is me! If not I won’t complain if I still have to pay!

    When will the emails be sent out Nick?

    Congrats on your 5 years, where had the time gone.

    • Did you get your confirmation email yet? I was hoping I was the James O., but have yet to get any emails.

  13. Congratulations to all winners!

  14. Hope I will be a winner next time. Congrats all winners.

  15. Congratulation To all winners πŸ™‚ ET is best

  16. Great giveaway and Congratulation to all Winners.

  17. I won

  18. Its just awesome to get something like this on our birthday.

    Hats off for arranging such thing and surprising people on their birthday.

    I will be a member of your family soon too πŸ˜€

    Congrats to all the Winners!!!

  19. Thank you, Nick and all the awesome ET team!

  20. Congrats to all the winners!

  21. Congratulations to winners, sure was hoping to see my name but, alas, it was not to be! Still the best deal on the Internet!

  22. stephen it’s me ????? how can i check?

    • Stephen, Check your spam folder just in case. I got my notice this morning so if its yours (hope it is so) it should be there already.

      All the best!

  23. Congratulations for 20 lucky winners πŸ˜€

  24. Didn’t even know the competition was running?

    • You can follow us via twitter, facebook, email or RSS to receive updates πŸ™‚

  25. I miss out the giveaway, however, congrats to you all, hope to win the next time.

  26. Congratulations to the 20 winners and happy birthday elegant themes!

  27. I missed this competition.. any chance you will have another..

  28. Very impressive giveaway ! Congratulations Elegant Themes, Nick and the lucky winners of this birthday.

  29. Congratulations for the winner. maybe I am lucky next competition. lol

  30. Good themes supper profosional grafikers.

  31. Congratulations to winners.

  32. Congrats to all winners!

  33. Oh man! I am too late, please let me know if you are having another one soon. πŸ™‚

  34. Nooooo, I miss out this fantastic giveaway! Congrats to you all!!!

  35. Congratulation to all winners

  36. Congratulations to all the winners!

    btw, i missed this competition, hix

  37. Good themes supper profosional grafikers.

  38. Congrats to all the winners! πŸ™‚

  39. This is lovely to see and wish I knew about you guys before this comp. Working on our WP site for the last few months and I’m find the community around WordPress amazing! Keep up the great work guys.

  40. Opps late in the party πŸ™ i missed this competition πŸ™

  41. What a pity, I have missed the contest. When will there be a new giveaways? Thanks ElegantThemes.

  42. congratulations to all the winners

  43. Last time I was pretty busy. I do not often visit your site. Great giveaway and Congratulation to all Winners.

  44. too late for me

  45. Congratulations to the winners, congratulations Elegant Themes

  46. Apology for being late.

    Congratulations to all the winners.

  47. Any of the winners been contacted yet?

  48. Congratulations Elegant Themes, Nick and the lucky winners of this birthday.

  49. I’m an affiliate and I haven’t received commissions on multiple sales since January. My affiliate username is derekbanas. Could someone tell me how to fix this?

    • Please use the contact form here to contact us:

      If you have not received your payment, it is because the PayPal email address your listed is either invalid or limited by PayPal.

  50. I want to buy elegant themes to my directory online.

    congratulations elegant themes

  51. cool! πŸ™‚

  52. When will there be a new giveaways? Thanks ElegantThemes.

  53. Congratulations to winners.

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