This Month In WordPress – The August 2014 Edition

Last Updated on September 22, 2022 by 15 Comments

This Month In WordPress – The August 2014 Edition
Blog / General News / This Month In WordPress – The August 2014 Edition

At the end of July, the Editorial team at Elegant Themes decided to start producing a monthly article series that gathered together all the best WordPress related news and articles under one roof. August proved to be an exciting month in the WordPress community, and we wanted to make sure you guys got to gulp down all the best digital juice from around the web.

Ready? Here it goes!

WordPress News In August

WordPress: Update, or Not To Update? That Is The Question.


If you’ve been keeping up with the latest WordPress updates, then I’m sure you know the rumors about the WordPress 4.0 update being just around the corner. Is that true? Yes, and no.

Rumor of the update began to spread back in July when the initial beta test was first released. Now with it nearing September, many wonder when the release is scheduled for.

According to Helen Hou-Sandi (one of the leads behind the WordPress 4.0 project), the release of the WordPres 4.0 Beta 4 test on the 15th of August would likely be final beta-test before it goes live. While I’m currently writing this, there are rumors that the release will happen before the end of August, but I’ve yet to have that actually confirmed. So far, it seems like an altogether underwhelming release, but it’s always good to keep up-to-date regarding the topic.

Sarah Gooding over at WP Tavern, and Elegant Themes own, Kevin Muldoon, have written up some nice articles surrounding the software update.

The team as Automattic seem to be hard as work with multiple updates across many of their WordPress related products as well – but I’ll get to that in a bit.

Jetpack Plugin: Yay, Or Nay?


At the end of July, Jetpack released an update that revealed a new logo along with the added feature of a Portfolio Custom Post Type. August gave many of us some time to test things out and build an overall opinion about things.

Now, for as great as the idea of Jetpack may be, there are some (myself included) who wonder if the plugin is really all it’s cracked up to be.

WPMU Dev’s, Chris Knowles, takes a deeper look into the plugin and answers a valid question: Will Jetpack Supercharge or Super Bloat Your WordPress Site? If you use Jetpack, I highly suggest you read Chris’ insights on the plugin – it’s quite the eye opener. Also, Josh Pollock wrote a nice post about the Portfolio Custom Post Type here on the blog. Be sure you check it out:

Akismet Plugin: Updated And Strutin’ Its Stuff


Good news for all you anti-spam Akismet lovers. This was yet another plugin/product by Automattic that got a bit of a makeover. Akismet 3.0.2 was released towards the middle of August to fix some performance issues within the plugin. On the much more exciting side of things, a few days following that initial update, the team released an update to the Akismet Dashboard.

The look of the new dashboard is designed around creating a better overall user-experience, but only time will tell if people truly like the redesign features or not.

BuddyPress Plugin: For Beta Or Worse


The 23rd of August brought exciting news from the BuddyPress blog when they announced the release of their BuddyPress 2.1 Beta test. The update will change how things work with @mentions in the software along with quite a few “under-the-hood” tweaks and changes. If you’re a BuddyPress user, then keep your eyes and ears open for the up-coming update.

Monarch: Release Your Digital Social Butterfly


Though it hasn’t been released yet, Nick recently wrote a post that takes a closer look at the new plugin that he and dev team have been working on. Monarch is a Social Sharing plugin for WordPress. I have used and tested quite a few of these types of plugins, but Monarch looks to be one of the most promising plugins to date. Be sure to check out Nick’s recent post on the new plugin:

Other Great Related Articles From Around The Web

Highlights From The Elegant Themes Blog

It seemed only right to highlight a few of the articles from the Elegant Themes blog. In case you missed it, here are some of the highlights from this month.

  • The Best WordPress Chat Plugins And Why You Should Use One | Brenda dives into why live chat options on your site are a great customer service ploy, and covers a few of the great plugins that are available to use. Her article brings up some valid points, so it’s definitely worth the read.
  • Before You Start A WordPress Web Design Business, Read This | Truly one of the best articles I’ve read in a long time – and I’m not just saying that. Joyce expounds on the reality of freelancing in the modern world. If you’ve been in the freelance web design trade for a bit, then this article will really speak to you. If you’re thinking of jumping in to web design, then you should definitely take a look at this post.
  • How To Design For Conversion Using The Divi Theme | Not trying to toot my own horn here, however, with Divi becoming one of the most popular themes in the WordPress market, this seemed like a good article to mention. Even though the article was based around using Divi, the post still has viable information for anyone looking to design or redesign a site for better conversion.
  • WordPress Conferences Are On The Rise, Why You Should Attend | WordPress WordCamps and meetups are becoming increasingly popular. Andy touches on some of the reason for this, and why it is worth your while to attend some of these.

Wrapping It Up

August proved to be an exciting month in the WordPress community, and September is sure to bring some pretty great stuff as well. We’ve got some pretty great posts lined up for the blog, but we wanted to make sure to include you guys in the mix.

Is there anything that you really want to see up on the blog? We really want to hear from you guys, so be sure to comment below and sign up for the newsletter if you haven’t already done so.

Bye-bye August. Hello September!

Thumbnail Photo by Author ArchMan via

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  1. Very interesting and useful article Ariel similar to your other articles. Always I got something new from your articles and the same thing is here too. Thanks for sharing this and keep up the good work. Enjoyed reading.

  2. Monarch.. ..
    in every post you have written

    when you come 🙂

  3. Hi!

    Great work! I like very much what youy did with DIVI Theme. Thanks.

    Since the last update, I cannot use the “Page Builder” in my pages that need to be modified nor the new ones I want to create. Can you help me please?

    Thanks again!

    • If you need help with anything, please open a ticket in our support forums so that our team can assist you.

  4. I love the way you us digest the content, though I don’t border myself with some of this update but I found reading yours. Thanks for easy breakdown. Cheers

  5. Ariel,
    Thanks for curating and sharing this month’s articles. I particularly liked the one on Jetpack bloat and the one with 40 tools to grow your WordPress website. You guys [Elegant Themes] have been doing a great job recently of developing high quality blog content.

  6. Nice post. Thanks for the informations about the updates. Pretty useful.

  7. I like it that way, a quick overview of important topics and if I wanna read deeper, I can.

    Thx for sharing!

  8. Love the post. Heard first time about Monarch. Surely I’ll try this new plugin. Thanks for the awesome share, Ariel.

  9. wpmudev has started doing this – they call their Newsletter The WhiP.

  10. Nice post Ariel. I enjoy reading your articles, be it here on ET or WPKube. I often come across your articles on my favorite WP blogs.

    • Thanks Puneet! I really appreciate it 🙂

  11. Thanks for featuring one of our articles over at 1stwebdesigner! 🙂

  12. Hello
    Thank you very much
    I do not speak fluent English
    But I will try to deliver the idea as much as possible

    I want to make a deep frustration after these years of WordPress
    I did not find until this moment deserves photo gallery installation
    Building contains a gallery of more than 100 000 image and an infinite number of main and sub Albums.
    Despite the presence of some Plugins, but it lacks the characteristics that qualify them to rely upon in the construction of a huge exhibition

    I hope that one expert to address this important topic for me

  13. Hi Ariel
    Love the style and the content of the post.

    Good idea to mix general WordPress posts and information with specific Elegant Themes info – love it!

    The ET blog is fast becoming the place to be for WordPress news and views.

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