How to Write a Professional Email Signature that Converts

Last Updated on January 1, 2023 by 14 Comments

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How to Write a Professional Email Signature that Converts
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  1. I just did this for my iPhone and it looks great except it has additional files to download when I go to create an email to send. It has “tap to download” png files. Ideas? Thanks

  2. Many thanks for putting this together. Recently we have started to pay more attention to email signatures and your post provided a lot of good advice. will come back in few months and report back on conversion rates.

  3. Thank you very much Randy.

    Thanks to your post today I already have a professional email footer.

  4. Another reason to not use so many links in the signature of an email is that you run the risk of getting yourself flagged as spam. There is nothing worse than working on an email to someone just to have it be kicked because of too many links and lose a deal or tick off a client because they think you aren’t responding.

    • Good advice.

  5. Thanks very much Randy! As a user i ignore signature because often there is no value for me. It’s always the same “boring” sh.t

    But for my company this post is very helpfully.

  6. Hi. Social icons are online images, right? I don’t like to receive email with images that are put only for displaying a portrait or a logo because then it does Apple think that there is a file attached. I work PAO and email with attached files are usually more important to look at because it probably contains elements that clients want me to include in a brochure or a web page. What about Social network emoji icons ? Are there some that can be displayed properly on both MacOS and Windows ? Thank you.

    • Hi Prei,

      It is possible to include HTML images in your signature without them being picked up as attachments. You just need to add a nosend=”1″ attribute to the .

      So, for example a 32x32px Facebook icon can be displayed like this:

      As you can see, the sizes are displayed both as attributes & style declarations – that’s important. Also, NEVER use HTTPS for file sources, only HTTP, since different older versions of Outlook get those files blocked. And if the size you want is 32px, the image itself should be at least 64px, so that it looks sharp on Retina/iOS screens.

      If you get all of those right, the image will look good pretty much everywhere.

      But there are lots of other issues & small variances that you should be familiar with, when it comes to email HTML. Email signatures are an absolute beast to develop. It took me months to perfect & polish my own signature templates and even now, after a few years of using & selling them, I am still constantly improving my templates for new clients, because I work on them all the time and discover new problems/issues/hacks/workarounds etc.

      Good luck πŸ™‚

      • Thank you very much, Alex. Although your comment is truncated from place to place, I will keep in mind this attribute nosend. For example, I will search for it in the code that services mentioned above produce. I didn’t know that creating html email signatures was a job per se. I am glad for you, even if it is so hard and probably frustrating to achieve.

  7. Great tips. I’ve been using Wisestamp for awhile and you just reminded me it’s time to do an update (and trim down the info!).

  8. Thanks for the very interesting article.

  9. Nice article, Randy!

    Email signatures are definitely important. I’d say in some cases, when done right, they are even more important/effective, than email newsletters.

    I remember I had all sorts of headaches with my own email signature a while ago. My problem was that I wanted my HTML signature to look consistent on all devices/email clients & also be responsive (which was the biggest problem). I thought hey, it’s 2018, surely that’s gotta be possible to have a responsive HTML signature that would look great, regardless where I send it from or who I send it to. I know, very naive of me, since, as I quickly discovered, we might be in 2018, but email technology is still in year 2000 at best, running off of Windows ME on Internet Explorer 5.5.

    But after countless days of research, and old HTML/CSS sneakery & hackery, I have successfully crafted one for myself! And funny enough, a lot of my clients noticed it immediately and loved it so much that making those responsive email signatures for my clients is a big part of my work now..

    So I’d definitely recommend for people to have a nice signature, it gets noticed.

    • Thanks Alex! It sounds like your email signature really paid off!

  10. Great article. Spot on.
    I have used: “Sent from my phone. Typos are Apple’s fault.”
    Did it on a lark one day years ago, I still get comments on it all the time.

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