15 Examples of Mom Blogs Built with WordPress

Last Updated on February 28, 2023 by 11 Comments

15 Examples of Mom Blogs Built with WordPress
Blog / Resources / 15 Examples of Mom Blogs Built with WordPress

We all know the amazing things WordPress can do. It’s a robust CMS and ecommerce platform, sure. But I think we sometimes forget that it started as a blogging platform and is still, you know, kind of absurdly good at it.

And it better be, with between 3.9 and 4.4 million mom blogs out there, many of which are powered by WordPress. Being one of those bloggers can be big business, too. Especially with the rise of influencer marketing.

If you want to make a name for yourself in a saturated market like this one, you need every edge you can get, know every trick, and be familiar with what the top-tier is doing to make themselves stand out from the rest.

You have to equip that blog with a stellar design, and then you gotta attack motherhood from a fun and engaging angle. That’s hard work!

These ladies, though, are examples of what you can do with WordPress to make your site stand out in a crowd of me-too mom blogs.

1. Love Taza

Mom Blogs

Naomi (otherwise known as Taza) and her family give readers their take on family life in New York City. The mother of three young children, Love Taza features a beautiful design with stunning photography. Make sure you don’t miss the blog’s family-friendly guides to NYC when planning a trip.

2. Hurrah for Gin

Mom Blogs

Good blog design doesn’t mean that you have to go overboard iwth hero images and parallax and micro-interactions. Sometimes, it can just mean having a pleasing aesthetic. Hurrah for Gin succeeds with that. You just can’t go wrong with stick-figure art, a snarky attitude, and hilarious stories about life with kids.

3. 5 Kids is a Lot of Kids

Mom Blogs

Winner of the β€œBest URL B.J. Has Ever Seen” award for putdowntheurinalcake.com, this blog covers those moments in child rearing that those of us without kids can’t even imagine. Like the title says, five kids is a lot of kids, and there are some good stories and lessons you can learn here. Many of them involve the bathroom, but with five kids, how can they not?

4. Enjoying the Small Things

Mom Blogs

Sometimes, you just need a reminder to keep your chin up and your eyes wide open. Well, here you go. Written by Kelle Hampton, mother of multiple children–including a daughter with Down Syndrome–you can’t close your browser tab without filling uplifted.

5. Cuddles and Chaos

Mom Blogs

The name says it all.

6. Dooce

Mom Blogs

Recipe to make a Dooce: one part family life, one part photography (look at that dog in that picture!), and one part knowing exactly what mom blogs are. She knows exactly what she’s doing. As she puts it, β€œThis used to be called mommy blogging. But then they started calling it Influencer Marketing: hashtag ad, hashtag sponsored, hashtag you know you want me to slap your product on my kid and exploit her for millions and millions of dollars.”

7. Her Bad Mother

Mom Blogs

I don’t think Catherine Connors really believes that she’s a bad mother. Being a former academic and high-ranking Disney executive, she knows is honed in on this motherhood thing. And she is gonna teach us all about it. Lead the way, I say.

8. Mom Generations

Mom Generations is cool because it’s written by, you guessed it, multiple moms across multiple generations! They’ve got a take on everything from fashion to design to raising teenagers. That’s refreshing–bunches of mom blogs focus solely on raising a smaller child or a family of many ages. So it’s nice to hear about the realities of raising teens.

9. Plus Size Birth

Mom Blogs

Remember how I said earlier that mom blogs tend to focus on raising small children or families? Well, this one has a different take on motherhood: pregnancy and birth from the perspective of plus-size ladies. That’s decidedly different from the general photography/travel/food niches of mom blogs, and it’s definitely worth checking out and reading up on.

10. Mummy, Daddy, and Me Makes Three

Speaking of photography/travel/food mom blogs…*ahem*. Just because the internet is full of them doesn’t mean there aren’t any fantastic ones. And that’s what we’ve got here.

11. Hands Free Mama

Mom Blogs

All about making sure you’re not looking at a screen and missing what’s going on around you, Rachel uses WordPress for her blog to practice what she preaches. Simple, meaningful, and enlightening.

12. You Baby, Me Mummy

Mom Blogs

Camp, festivals, kids, and business (mamapreneurship, actually) really make this blog pop. The photography is fun, and the focus is on enjoying life and being grateful.

13. Pick Any Two

Mom Blogs

There is no doubt that mothers are real-life superheroes. But, like any superhero, a mom can’t have every super power all the time. Katie writes about focusing on just two things and being good at them. That way, you don’t try to do everything (poorly). It’s a nice dose of pragmatism.

14. A Cup of Jo

Sure, Joanna and her family live in a posh Brooklyn apartment most of us will never be able to come close to affording, but her blog makes it just a few clicks away from being a part of our lives. Her blog is clean and well-designed, and it combines two of my favorite things in the world: puns (a cup of Jo, like a cup of Joe? As in coffee? Get it? #snicker) and just being nice. Between posts on motherhood like β€œWhy You’re Already a Perfect Mother” and a weekly β€œHave a Great Weekend” article, you can’t help but want to be friends with her and her family. Or at least I can’t.

15. Design Mom

How in the world can we not include something called Design Mom? Branding her website as β€œthe intersection of design and motherhood,” this mom blog’s got it going on. Gabrielle has published over 6,000 posts on how to make your family life better and more beautiful in every way. That’s a lot. You’re bound to find something that tickles your fancy over there.

Wrapping Up

As you can see, mom blogs don’t have to be all about giveaways, influencer marketing, and Pinterest infographics. You can craft yourself a truly stand-out web presence using WordPress, carve out your motherhood niche, and build a community like these folks have. Hero graphics, bright colors, parallax, or just clean lines and iPhone photography…it doesn’t matter.

If you’ve got the desire to do it, WordPress has the tools to make it happen.

Did I miss one of your favorite mom blogs? Tell me about it in the comments!

Article thumbnail image by Pim / shutterstock.com

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  1. Great! Very interesting MOMS!! πŸ™‚ regards from Italy

  2. great blogs planning to design one like this with dive theme

    • Make sure you share it with us when you get it finished! πŸ™‚

  3. That love Taza one is beautiful! Everything is great about it, colour combo, fonts, images. the header is great. Lots of good ideas that could be used on any other site.

    • You are so right. I saw it, and I thought, “wow, this isn’t a normal mommy blog!” Good content, too!

  4. Congratulations for the Divi Blog. I really appreciate it and you are usually spot on with the post subjects. However, I feel it’s somewhat disconnected with the official DIVI theme development. There are so many great “hacks” that you develop on the blog that would be amazing official features on the theme. I feel DIVI is lagging in terms of new modules. For example, I’ve been using the paid DP’s “Portfolio Posts Pro Plugin” for a long time and I feel that by now those functionalities should already be included on the standard DIVI.

  5. Just wondering, is the next blog in the series, 15 Examples of Dad Blogs Built with WordPress ??

    • haha, yeah, we’ve got one of those coming too!

      • Hi, More blogs on Extra theme customization/tweaks would be really appreciated. We get regular blogs on Divi. We need more such blogs for Extra theme too, please.

      • I think it’s 10 examples, though. πŸ™‚

        • More women like to blog than men I guess.

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